Academic Year:
588 - Degree in Geology
26448 - Undergraduate Dissertation
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26448 - Undergraduate Dissertation
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
588 - Degree in Geology
Subject type:
End of Grade Dissertation
1. General information
The Degree Final Project (DFP) consists of an individual work of a geological nature through which the student demonstrates the knowledge, skills and aptitudes acquired.
The work must be original and allow students to obtain their own data and results. It may involve the performance of field, office and/or laboratory activities. Regardless of the topic, all TFGs should contain sufficient information on the geological context of the area or problem studied.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, in such a way that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: all listed in the rest of the subjects.
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results...
Is able to explain, relate and use in a clear and fluent way the fundamental concepts, models and theories that are part of the degree in Geology
Is able to analyse information obtained from literature, field and laboratory work on geological topics and synthesize the work in a well-structured and correctly written report.
Is able to present and defend before a board of examiners and in public the development and results of the geological work carried out
3. Syllabus
The proposals of Degree Final Projects for the academic year 2022-23 will be approved by the Quality Assurance Committee of the Degree in Geology and published on the web page of the Faculty of Sciences following the dates included in PRC-001 of the Faculty of Sciences.
4. Academic activities
- The development of the subject does not include theoretical classes. Each student will have a director with whom they will meet periodically in order to have an adequate follow-up of the work, orientation to the student and resolution of doubts. The work must have the approval of its director and, if applicable, the speaker before being presented.
- The elaboration, presentation and evaluation of the Final Project will be governed by the requirements established by the guidelines for the DFP in Geology as well as the University of Zaragoza.
- The evaluation system to be used is "Work with oral presentation" whenever the regulations of the University of Zaragoza regarding the DFP admit as evaluation system for the DFP the defence in front of a board of examiners.
- The specific activities are detailed in the Degree Final Project Proposals presented and approved by the Quality Assurance Commission of the Degree in Geology.