Academic Year:
274 - Degree in Social Work
26108 - Social and Cultural Anthropology
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26108 - Social and Cultural Anthropology
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
274 - Degree in Social Work
Second semester
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
This subject has a clear reflective dimension, and the general aim is for students to acquire new perspectives to analyze society and culture from the field of Sociocultural Anthropology. The specific objectives would be:
To understand the nature of Anthropology and its contribution to the Social Sciences.
To critically analyze one's own ethnocentric vision and move towards the cultural relativism of the anthropological vision.
To understand the diversity and cultural difference that allows acquiring a vision of the "other" from the respect to the difference.
To critically understand the main aspects of social imbalances and inequalities and the mechanisms of discrimination from an intersectional perspective (especially those derived from ethnic and cultural relations , gender, age, social class, functional diversity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc.)
These approaches and goals are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 ( Mainly with the goals:
SDG 4 Quality education, objective 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development
SDG 5. Gender equality, goal 1: End all forms of discrimination against all women and girlsworldwide
SDG 10: Reduction of inequalities, target 10.2: By 2030, enhance and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all people, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin,religion, economic or other status.
SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, target 16.1 Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates worldwide
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
Gathers and interprets relevant data on social reality and social processes from a qualitative and processual perspective that addresses human cultural diversity.
Identifies the types of problems, responses and spaces in which Social Work develops in a multicultural society.
Explains the sociocultural dimension of subjective processes and the formation of personal and social identities.
Reflects and develops a critical point of view on the conditions that propitiate social and power imbalances and inequalities, the mechanisms of discrimination and takes into consideration the factors conditioning factors of these social and cultural differences.
3. Syllabus
UNIT 0: PRESENTATION OF THE SUBJECT, PROGRAM AND ASSESSMENT. The subject within the framework of the undergraduate studies in Social Work, the module and the subject. Nature and specificity of Anthropology in the context of the CCSS, specifically Social Work.
1.1. Introduction to the main concepts: Anthropology, ethnology and ethnography.
1.2. Theoretical and methodological perspectives of the discipline. Applied anthropology, subdisciplines and perspectives.
1.3. Introduction to fieldwork and basic ethnographic tools. Photovoice as an applied research tool.
1.4- Main theoretical currents of Anthropology throughout history.
2.1. Concept of Culture. Universal and particular characteristics of Culture- sign and symbol- ethnocentrism and relativism cultural- Universalism and particularism.
2.2. Cultural diversity in the world - Cultural diversity and human rights - Intercultural contact - Acculturation and models of intercultural contact. Stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. Genocide and ethnocide.
3.1. The cultural construction of gender. Anthropology of gender. Sex-gender system. Patriarchal culture. Social constructionof stereotypes and gender roles.
3.2. Race, racism, ethnicity and xenophobia. Different identity and cultural diversity management policies. Racialization and ethnicity: concepts in motion.
4.1. Anthropology of Kinship. Nature of the relationship. Formal analysis of the terminology of parentesco. Analysis of changes in family structures. The care perspective.
4.2. Belief systems and representations. Myth, story and legend. Rituals and rites of passage. Religions in the contemporary world.
4.3- Audiovisual anthropology. Image and culture.
4. Academic activities
The learning process designed for this subject is based on the following:
Exposition of the theoretical contents of the different didactic units (T1 type activities).
Carrying out the practical activities proposed and stimulated in class by the teachers. Case analysis, solving exercises and problems, group work, sharing, discussion. These activities can be based on readings of all kinds, presentation of videos, films, etc. (Activities type T2). It is worth mentioning the use of the photographic technique in some of the practices, within a teaching innovation project coordinated by one of theteachers who teaches this subject.
Talks by people related to the topics of the subejct.
Public presentations during the course of some of the work done in the classroom (if the calendar and the development of the subject allow it).
5. Assessment system
Continuous assessment
To opt for this type of assessment it is mandatory to attend the Type 2 sessions, and very convenient to attend the Type 1 sessions.
Evaluation sessions T1. A test will be held on the official dates marked, with questions in various formats (test, short development questions, etc). Wrong answers will subtract from the final grade. It will account for 50% of the final grade.
Evaluation sessions T2. It is mandatory to attend at least 80% of the sessions (absences must be duly justified ). If such attendance is not met, the individual will be required to sit for the single assessment mode, on both the T1 and T2 portions. Two papers must be submitted:
- First, a dossier of practices selected by the teacher, which will account for 20% of the grade.
- A group work that will consist of an approach to ethnographic research that will represent 30% of the final grade.
The final grade will consist of the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained in each of the teaching activities, being necessary and essential a minimum grade of 5 points out of 10 in each one.
Single assessment
People who opt for this type of assessment are those who are unable to attend the theoretical and practical classes. The assessment will consist of:
Assessment sessions T1. an exam that will account for 50% of the grade,
Assessment sessions T2, will consist of the completion of two papers:
- a commentary on a reading indicated by the teachers, which will represent 20%, and
- a paper in which an approach to qualitative research is carried out, with 30% of the grade.
In the two assessment, students must pass with a 5 out of 10 each of the parts separately.
The final grade for both modalities (single and continuous) will consist of the average of the grades obtained in each of the different teaching activities, being necessary and essential a minimum grade of 5 in each part (T1, T2), according to the weighting criteria described above.