Academic Year:
276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy
26025 - Geriatrics
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26025 - Geriatrics
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy
Subject type:
1. General information
The general objective of the Geriatrics subject is to acquire the theoretical and methodological knowledge that will allow to perform a comprehensive assessment of the elderly, knowing the pathophysiological, cognitive, functional and social changes, present in the aging process, in order to develop preventive and management measures according to the individual functional capacity of each patient and interdisciplinarity in the different levels of care.
Today's societies have a high percentage of aging, and it is necessary to train in the knowledge and management of aging, for quality care focused on the elderly. These approaches are aligned with the SDGs and learning will enable the achievement of: Objectives 3.4 and 3.8 of Goal 3 and 4.7 of Goal 4.
2. Learning results
The knowledge acquired will allow the student to understand the basic fundamentals of Geriatrics and its implication in Occupational Therapy, as well as the use of tools that will allow their professional development in the field of care for elderly patients at different levels of care.
- Is able to explain the concept, history and objectives of Geriatrics from the approach of Geriatric Occupational Therapy.
- Knows the biological, physiological, cognitive and social process of aging.
- Solves practical cases in healthy, sick, frail and geriatric elderly.
- Acquires skills for interdisciplinary teamwork.
3. Syllabus
Theory :
- Concepts and historical background of Geriatrics. Its involvement in Occupational Therapy
- Social aspects of aging and retirement.
- Theories of aging.
- Systemic physiology of aging.
- Senescence and sleep.
- Ageism and mistreatment.
- Physical activity in the elderly.
- Health prevention.
- Loss of independence in the elderly.
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.
- Major Geriatric Syndromes I-II .
- Cardiovascular Pathology and Rehabilitation.
- Respiratory Pathology and Rehabilitation.
- Orthogeriatrics.
- Nephrourological pathology and rehabilitation.
- Neurorehabilitation in stroke.
- Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease .
- Food, nutrition and senescence.
- Aging process: Biological calculator.
- Geriatric rating scales.
- Ethical aspects of end-of-life care.
- Loneliness in the elderly, prevention, detection and scales.
- Engineering and innovation in Geriatrics.
- Dysphagia in the elderly.
- Use of Personal Protective Equipment by OT in risk situations.
4. Academic activities
Globally, the ECTS of the subject are distributed as follows:
Master classes (30 h)
Seminars on problem solving and case studies (30 h)
Teaching assignments and other activities (24 h)
Personal study and evaluation (66 h)
Specifically, this translates into:
- 18 theoretical classes where the topics described above will be addressed, with a duration of 50 minutes.
- 6 face-to-face seminars divided into three groups, to facilitate student-teacher communication.
- 1 Individual work on an older adult, making a report of occupational therapy and assessment of aging with a biological calculator.
- 1 Group work (3-5 students): bibliographic review of the importance of exercise in the elderly. Critical appraisal and application from OT
- 1 Group work (3- 5 students) : Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment of a real patient with application of all the assessment tools explained during the term and the recommendations indicated from OT.
- Tutorials
5. Assessment system
Continuous evaluation assessed through attendance and active participation in classes and seminars. Assignments (30% of the final grade):
- An individual work on a patient will be assessed to see the understanding of the different factors that influence the way of aging, applying an assessment with a biological calculator. It evaluates the technical terminology, the style of writing and values stating the preventive measures that can help in healthy aging. They will be sent through Moodle. It represents 15% of the total grade of the works.
- The second work will be group work, it will value the ability of teamwork and aims to reinforce the synthesis capacity in bibliographic search on the importance of exercise in the elderly, with critical reading and its possible application by occupational therapy in the professional and/or research field.
The source is referenced according to Vancouver criteria . Class presentation in the 2nd semester, representing 35% of the total grade of the work.
- The third work will be group work, assessing the ability to work as a team, performing a comprehensive geriatric assessment of a patient, applying geriatric scales and assessments explained throughout the term and writing a full report, where preventive, adaptive and facilitating measures are collected and recommended according to the type of patient and degree of independence of the same. The following is evaluated: degree of comprehension of all the subject matter explained and the ability to apply the knowledge learned in a future professional activity. Class presentation in the 2nd semester.
It represents 50% of the total grade of the work.
Written exams (70% of the final grade):
- First midterm theory exam at the end of the1st module . Eliminates the topics included in the evaluation Second midterm exam on theory at the end of the3rd module. Eliminates the topics included in the evaluation Final exam of all theory at the end of the second quarter.
- It will consist of 30 questions with multiple answers and only one valid answer. 3 reserve questions in case there are any questions that can be refuted.
- Each correct answer will score 1 point and the incorrect answer -0.5 .
- Cut-off point to eliminate topics 50% of correct answers on the test
Final grade:
- 30% of the grades of the works (1 individual 15% and two group works 35%+50%)
- 70% of the two exams (1st midterm 35% + 2nd midterm 35%)
- In the case of only taking the final exam without class attendance and / or completion of work, a global test will be taken.
- 0-4.9 : Fail (SS)
- 5-6,9 :Pass (A)
- 7-8.9 .Notable (N)
- 9.0-10 :Outstanding (SB)
- Honours: students who exceed 9.7 average in both exams and papers, with outstanding participation and/or attendance in class and demonstrate special interest in the field of geriatrics.