Academic Year:
605 - Degree in Physiotherapy
25651 - General Intervention Procedures in Physiotherapy II
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25651 - General Intervention Procedures in Physiotherapy II
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
605 - Degree in Physiotherapy
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The objective of this subject is that, through its contents, students understand and are able to apply the theoretical and methodological foundations in the different procedures that include electrotherapy techniques in its broadest sense (including, in addition to electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, vibrotherapy, phototherapy, press therapy, ergotherapy) and other physical agents. These goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 ( especially to the achievement of Goal 3 (Health and well-being).
It is a basic subject of the second quarter of the second year. There are no enrolment requirements but, for a complete use, it is recommended to have completed Human Anatomy and Physiology, as well as General Pathology in Physiotherapy.
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
1. -Knows and understands the theoretical bases of the general procedures of the application in physiotherapy of electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, phototherapy, press therapy, ultrasound therapy and those derived from other physical agents.
2. -Knows how to apply the theoretical-practical knowledge after the study of the different physical agents in all those pathological processes where the application of these physical means as treatment is indicated.
3. -Evaluates the needs of the patient, according to their pathologies or conditions, developing programs and protocols of treatment appropriate to each moment of their pathological situation.
4. -Analyses, describes and identifies the differences in each morbid process for a correct application of the treatments, adapting them according to age, situation and evolution, not only in normal life, but also in work or leisure life.
5. -Understand, interpret and explain with a clear speech by means of technical arguments, all the information received and recall the acquired knowledge, planning the different methods of intervention in physiotherapy, in order to determine and differentiate if the person is susceptible to receive treatment with physical agents, ensuring excellence in its recommendation or application.
3. Syllabus
- Block 1. Generalities and introduction to physical agents.
- Block 2. Low and medium frequency electrotherapy. Introduction, basis and classification. Effects, clinical indications and contraindications. Application techniques.
- Block 3. High Frequency. Introduction, basis and classification. Effects, clinical indications and contraindications.
Application techniques.
- Block 4. Ultrasound. Introduction, basis and classification. Effects, clinical indications and contraindications.
Application techniques.
- Block 5. Magnetotherapy and lasers. Introduction, basis and classification. Effects, clinical indications and contraindications. Application techniques.
- The contents of the subject are included in the following Program:
1. Unit 1. Introduction and concepts
2. Unit 2. Direct current
3. Unit 3. Low frequency electroanalgesia
4. Unit 4. Medium frequency electroanalgesia
5. Unit 5. Electro activation
6. Unit 6. Electro regeneration
7. Unit 7. High frequency
8. Unit 8. Ultrasound therapy
9. Unit 9. Phototherapy
10. Unit 10. Magnetotherapy
4. Academic activities
The subject consists of 150 hours of student work divided into:
- Theoretical classes: 10 hours
- Practices and seminars: 37.5 hours
- Problem solving and case studies: 12.5 hours
- Works: 20 hours
- Study: 62.5 hours
- Assessment tests. 7.5 hours
5. Assessment system
The evaluation system includes a weighting of:
- 40% Final evaluation: multiple-choice test of 40 questions with 4 answer options (correct answer adds 1 point, failure subtracts 0.33 points), 45 minutes long.
- 20% Practical evaluation: attendance and use of 80% of the same. In case of failure to reach this percentage, it is possible to take a practical exam on 2 of the practices chosen at random.
- 15% Evaluation of individual work: as a portfolio of practices. In case they have not done them, it will be on a topic of the subject.
- 25% Evaluation of the group work: includes the realization and presentation of a group work on one of the topics of the subject, with a scientific-clinical development of the same.