Academic Year:
605 - Degree in Physiotherapy
25647 - Medical and Surgical Conditions
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25647 - Medical and Surgical Conditions
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
605 - Degree in Physiotherapy
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
The general objective of this subject is that the student, from the knowledge of its contents, is able to understand, explain and value the theoretical foundations of Medical and Surgical Conditions in its contents, in the interest of being able to understand why it is necessary to apply physiotherapeutic treatments in those situations that require it.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda in such a way that the learning results of the subject provide training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement, in particular:
Goal 3: Health and Wellness, Objectives 3.5, 3.6, 3.9, 3c and 3d.
Included in the disciplinary module Medical-Surgical Conditions that begins in the 1st year of the Degree in Physiotherapy with the subject General Pathology, which introduces the student to the scientific knowledge of conditions in general and those that may require a general or specific physiotherapy treatment . The contents of the subjects are sequential.
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
1. -Explain the fundamental concept of the main processes that determine some degree or form of disability.
2. -Understand the basic physiological disorder and the main clinical manifestations produced in the main processes that determine some degree or form of disability.
3. -Describes the therapeutic (curative or palliative) medical and surgical aspects, as well as the preventive guidelines in relation to the processes of the content.
4. -Defines the fundamental aspects of the different processes that constitute a motivation to physiotherapeutic treatment.
5. -Recognizes functioning and disability as an integral part of the physical therapist's profession.
6. -Identifies the different pathologies that can occur in humans and the evolutionary stage in which they are found
7. -Respects the joint activities of other professionals to establish effective therapeutic programs.
They will allow the student to be prepared to understand the theoretical and methodological foundations of physiotherapy and therefore to be more capable to start in the planning of the professional action in situations of disease and physical, mental or sensory disability of patients
3. Syllabus
Thematic blocks:
Thematic block I: General
Thematic block II: Thoracic and respiratory conditions.
Thematic block III: Traumatic and orthopaedic conditions of the musculoskeletal system.
Thematic block IV: Rheumatic conditions and painful syndromes of the musculoskeletal system
Thematic block V: Central nervous system disorders.
Thematic block VI: Peripheral nerve disorders
Thematic block VII: Cardiovascular conditions
Seminar 1- Asepsis. Surgical and nosocomial infections.
Seminar 2- Respiratory assistance techniques and functional tests.
Seminar 3- Chest wall pain syndromes.
Seminar 4- Spondyloarthropathies. Arthroplasties.
Seminar 5- Seizures. Meningitis and Encephalitis.
Seminar 6- Other Spinal Cord Disorders
Seminar 7- Facial Paralysis. Peripheral vertigo.
Seminar 8- Care of the severely traumatized: initial assistance, basic and advanced life support.
4. Academic activities
The program offered to the student to help them achieve the expected results includes the following activities
1. -Theoretical classes in large groups (60h): Explanation and orientation for the study of the contents of the subject, focused on the acquisition of competencies and learning results..
2. -Seminars (15h for two groups of students), in two groups distributed in 8 seminars for each student applying the theoretical bases of the subject and the practice of communication.
3. -Tutored work: (15h per student) To be done in groups (3 to 5 students). It aims to stimulate: initiative, creativity, teamwork, handling of documentary sources, structuring of a logical discourse, search and achievement of conclusive synthesis.-It will deal with the content of the subject.
4. -Voluntary individual tutoring .
5. -Personal study of the student.
5. Assessment system
The student must demonstrate achievement of the intended learning results through the following assessment activities:
At least two objective written tests on the theoretical subject, by means of multiple choice questions, with negative grading for wrong answers (25%)
- Midterm theory exam: Eliminates subject matter for the June final exam only.
- Theoretical final exam in June: only the second part of the subject for students who pass the midterm theoretical exam.
To pass the subject in June it is necessary to pass both parts of the theoretical exams (independently) independently).
The exam for the second call (July) includes the entire subject.
Seminar progress tests by means of a multiple-choice questionnaire (to be held on the same date as the theoretical exams)
Pass the group work to be presented at the end of the subject (date indicated prior to the beginning of the term.
The final grade will result from the following weighting:
- Theoretical exam (midterm/final): 80%.
- Seminar progress tests: 10%.
- Presentation and defence of papers, reports, problem solving, exercises and case studies, participation in the classroom: 10% .