Academic Year:
25526 - Fundamental Problems in Modern Philosophy
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25526 - Fundamental Problems in Modern Philosophy
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
269 - Degree in Philosophy
587 - Degree in Philosophy
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The subject is organized around three closely related sets of problems: the relationship between identity and difference, the notion of otherness and the concept of recognition. These problems will be presented by addressing different currents of thought, mainly from the field of French philosophy and the pragmatic tradition (in its German-American articulation). Throughout this journey, we will problematize the very notion of philosophy.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competency to contribute to some extent to their achievement by means of Goals 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 16.
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
Explain fundamental contemporary philosophical concepts.
Understand the vocabulary and conceptual apparatus of the different proposals.
Establish relationships between concepts and problems of different authors as well as between different philosophical contexts and between these and one's own experience
Produce well-articulated philosophical writings with conceptual depth.
Present ideas clearly, know how to listen and value conversation as a source of knowledge.
3. Syllabus
I. Introduction. Book twenty-three
To put an end to God's judgment once and for all
The party of the spinosistas
II. Between being and power
Historical ontology of ourselves
Symptomatic and schizoanalytic reading.
III. Philosophies of immanence
Difference and spectrality
Aesthetics of existence
IV. Death and resurrection of the subject
The subject as support
Biographies: a novel character
V. Contingency, irony, solidarity
The Republic of things
Journey to the Planet of the Apes
VI. To get out of the traffic jam
Relatives unknown: Argo, the dog of Ulysses
A melancholic communism: the unexpected community
4. Academic activities
The program offers the students help to achieve the expected results and comprises the following activities: Theoretical classes.
Practical classes.
Work and personal study.
Assessment tests or activities
5. Assessment system
Continuous assessment Active participation and group presentation in seminars (50%). Monographic work (50%) - Global assessment Written evaluation test (on the date set in the academic calendar)
Overall written evaluation test (on the date set in the academic calendar)
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The assessment criteria for essays as well as oral presentations focus on the comprehension of ideas and their expression.
Understanding of ideas:
-Rigor and precision with which the concepts are used.
-Degree of elaboration of ideas and deepening of arguments. -Ability to establish relationships.
-Reflective maturity and originality of the work.
-Use of reference materials.
Expression of ideas:
-Grammatical correctness.
-Spelling correction.
-Clear and orderly exposition.
-Organization and coherence of the text.
-Compliance with the established formal criteria.