Academic Year:
25434 - Geriatric Nursing
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25434 - Geriatric Nursing
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
275 - Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Huesca
375 - Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Teruel
559 - Degree in Nursing
560 - Degree in Nursing
561 - Degree in Nursing
Subject type:
1. General information
Aging involves physical, mental and social changes. The sociocultural context, personality and personal history shape different ways of understanding health, quality of life, illness and death.
- We must know and understand these changes and the interaction between them
- Differentiate the pathological situations that may occur in aging and act when necessary and in the most appropriate way
- Provide theoretical and practical tools and instruments for the detection of problems in the health-disease continuum through scientific methods. All of this is aimed at providing assistance to the elderly, their families and caregivers. Students need to know the role of the nurse in the community, as well as professional ethical practices.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, in such a way that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: 3. Health and wellness and 10. Reduction of inequalities.
2. Learning results
1. To know and understand the changes inherent to old age, at the biological, mental-psychic, social and economic levels, as well as the interaction of these changes in health and in the different situations of lack of health, whatever the state of disease.
2. To know the most important geriatric syndromes, understanding the repercussions on the quality of life of the elderly and that of their families; likewise, they should acquire the ability to act on such situations.
3. To know the ways to identify and assess the needs arising from the problems and the factors influencing these problems, in order to carry out assistance and/or teaching activities in the elderly and in the family-caregiver in order to overcome these problems.
3. Syllabus
UNIT I Gerontological aspects. Historical evolution of elderly care. Social aging process.
UNIT II Morpho functional modifications inherent to the aging process. The healthy elderly.
UNIT III The sick elderly person. Comprehensive geriatric assessment.
UNIT IV Main manifestations of dependence in the elderly/geriatric syndromes.
UNIT VI Advanced and/or terminal disease.
4. Academic activities
Theoretical classes (45 h): Expository and explanatory sessions of contents.
Seminars (15 h): Practical application seminars related to Elderly Care issues. In small groups.
Study and independent work: Study of contents related to the theoretical classes, data analysis, search for information and complementary readings.
Group work: Carrying out a work in groups of 4-6 people, which includes and expresses the knowledge acquired with the theoretical classes.
Tutoring. Direct and personalized attention to the student/group in person or online.
Additional activities to be done individually in class and in Moodle platform.
5. Assessment system
1- Theoretical evaluation exams. 80% of the final grade
Description: two written midterm tests or exams, the dates of which will be determined at the beginning of the term depending on the official calendar of the Center
Levels of demand: the maximum grade of the test will be 10 points, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 points to pass it
Criteria: The tests will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions, with five possible answers, only one of which is valid. Negative points are not considered and the cut-off point is set at 20 correct answers to obtain a 5 out of 10.
Timing. Two tests or midterms will be held during the periods specified in the academic calendar. In the event that the student has failed or has not taken a midterm exam, the student will have the opportunity to recover it in the official calls (1st and 2nd).
Weighting on final grade of theoretical exams: The average of the two midterm exams will be taken, being necessary that both are passed in order to be able to take the average of both. The weighting of the exams on the final grade of the subject will be 80%.
2- Continuous evaluation work. MANDATORY. 20% final grade
Individual work done in class, in Moodle platform and seminars (IT): They will be assessed individually to be part of the continuous evaluation of the student, representing 10% of the grade.
Its performance with a minimum of quality will award the total percentage.
Final subject work (TG) tutored in groups of four to six people:
Description: In the second semester (second module of each group) a paper based on a topic of special relevance to geriatric nursing and to be decided in each academic year must be carried out. For its preparation, students should use the information previously provided, the knowledge acquired in class, as well as the recommended bibliography.
The completion and presentation of this work will be a prerequisite to pass the subject.
Levels of demand: The work will be valued with a maximum of 2 points, and a minimum of 1 point must be reached to pass this activity.
Criteria: This work will evaluate the structure, the originality of the proposals, the proposed nursing methodology. Weighting on final grade: 20% of the total grade.
Formula for individual evaluation: [(grade P1+ grade P2)/2 x 0.8] + [(grade TI + grade TG)x0.2]