Academic Year:
63265 - Instructional and Curricular Design in EFL
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
63265 - Instructional and Curricular Design in EFL
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
599 - Master's Degree in Foreign Language Teaching: English
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Aims of the course
In this course, students learn about and critically assess the current curriculum in the area of English as a Foreign Language in Secondary Education as a fundamental reference framework for course planning at this stage. For this, the course deals with the epistemological model of learning by competences on which said curriculum is based, as well as the linguistic, psychological, sociocultural and methodological foundations of the teaching and learning of a foreign language.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
The subject provides students with the relevant theoretical foundation to specify the current curriculum in a didactic program for the Secondary classroom that prioritizes active and collaborative methodologies, as well as autonomous and reflective learning. This subject links especially with the Design of Learning Activities for EFL subject, where it is based on what has been learned about the current curriculum and the theoretical and methodological foundation to specify the curriculum through the design of specific didactic activities and sequences.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (, in such a way that the acquisition of the results of learning of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to its achievement: 4 Quality Education (more specifically, with goals 4.1. Ensure the quality of primary and secondary education and 4C Improve the qualification of teachers); Goal 5 Gender equality; and Goal 10 Reduction of inequalities.
The approach, methodology and evaluation of this guide is prepared to be the same in any teaching scenario. They will be adjusted to the socio-sanitary conditions of each moment, as well as to the indications given by the competent authorities.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
Since the subject requires the reading and critical commentary of scientific literature in English for its correct development, as well as to carry out all the learning evaluation tests, it is recommended that students should have a level of oral competence and general writing of a minimum of C1 according to the descriptors of the Common Framework of Reference, as well as a high level of academic discourse. In the case of those students whose first language is not Spanish, it should be noted that the reading and critical analysis of the current curriculum and other regulations requires a high level of competence in the Spanish language.
2.1. Competences
CE34 - Identify, recognize and apply basic issues in the design of teaching-learning processes
CE35 - Analyze the principles and procedures of curricular design based on its different models and theories and, in particular, design by competences. It includes: analyzing and assessing the meaning of the term competence, its typology, the main consequences of a didactic approach by competences and the principles for evaluating them, as well as some proposals that facilitate their acquisition and continuous improvement by students; analyze and assess the importance of the recognition and accreditation of professional skills as an enhancing measure to promote lifelong learning
CE36 - Adapt the curricular design to the educational context. Includes: identify, recognize and apply the current educational curriculum; identify and assess contexts and situations in which the various curricular contents are used or applied; in professional training, understand and value the evolution of the world of work, the interaction between society, work and quality of life, as well as the need to acquire the appropriate training to adapt to the changes and transformations that professions may require
CE37 - Evaluate the quality of different cases of curricular designs in the subjects of the specialty based on diverse models and theories and their adaptation to the educational context
CE38 - Develop curricular designs for the subjects and subjects of their specialty from the perspective of training in skills and with adaptation to the educational context
CE40 - Analyze the criteria for the design of good learning activities and evaluation systems, based on the most accepted theories and models and the principles of the different learning methodologies. It includes: understanding and valuing the theoretical-practical developments of the teaching and learning of the subjects; identify and understand methodologies that encourage activity and collaboration, as well as the elements and techniques that put into practice the theoretical assumptions that support them; identify and understand different teaching strategies and teaching skills necessary to introduce such methodologies in the classroom; develop and apply teaching methodologies adapted to the diversity of students; analyze and assess strategies to promote autonomous learning in students; recognize and apply strategies to stimulate student effort and develop thinking and decision skills that facilitate autonomy, confidence and personal initiative; know the most relevant elements to consider in the framework of learning evaluation; know and select different evaluation methods; planning the evaluation of learning.
CE41 - Assess the impact of the use of information and communication technologies as support for active and collaborative methodologies. Evaluate the most appropriate criteria for use based on the subjects, the learning objectives and the different contexts
2.2. Learning goals
1. Describe the provisions of the Spanish and Aragonese curriculum for the subject of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) as key frames of reference for course planning
2. Critically comment on these provisions, identifying the curricular and psychoeducational principles on which they are based, the options they make and the margin of decision they leave at lower levels of curricular specification and adaptation.
3. Describe and analyze the different teaching-learning methodologies of English as a Foreign Language, placing them in the corresponding epistemological framework.
4. Recognize teaching-learning methodologies, assessing their relevance in terms of the specific context in which they are applied and, where appropriate, adapting them to achieve more effective teaching.
5. Design a basic but principled course plan for the subject of English as a Foreign Language in Secondary Education.
2.3. Importance of learning goals
The curricular design of a subject constitutes a key and complex task in the programming of the teaching-learning processes and therefore it must be done in a principled, critical way. On the other hand, the acquisition of theoretical foundations for instructional and curricular design is key for the Specialty Praticum of the preservice secondary school teacher.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
Test types
The student must demonstrate that they have achieved the expected learning outcomes through the following assessment activities:
For students who regularly attend class, the evaluation will consist of:
1.- Participation in the practical classes and elaboration of a practical portfolio (40%). The portfolio will include the individual and/or group activities, face-to-face and non-face-to-face, of application of the contents developed in the subject. Due to its facilitating nature, performing these activities is a necessary requirement to develop the main practical activity, which consists of an analysis of materials currently used in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), which will include implications for the Secondary classroom and suggestions for improvement. The detailed specifications for its elaboration, which must be in groups of 2 or 3 students, are provided at the beginning of the course in Moodle, together with the calendar for carrying out the activities.
2.- Supervised work (60%). This work is compulsorily carried out in a group and consists of the preparation of course plan for the subject of English as a Foreign Language of an ESO, Baccalaureate or EOI course. The structure of the course plan must contemplate, at least, the following aspects: context, basic competences, objectives, contents, evaluation criteria, methodological principles, evaluation, attention to diversity, and structure of the didactic units.
Requirement levels (Grading criteria and requirements to pass the subject)
To consider that a student chooses to be evaluated in this way, 85% of the facilitating activities that are part of the practical portfolio must be satisfactorily completed. As an exception to this requirement, only the cases included in Article 5 of the Evaluation Regulations of the University of Zaragoza will be considered.
Evaluation activity number 1 accounts for 40% of the final grade. Evaluation activity number 2 accounts for 60% of the final grade. You must obtain a score of at least 5 out of 10 in each activity.
If students choose to be evaluated in the regular class attendance modality but does not pass any of the evaluation activities, including facilitating tasks, they may choose to take only the corresponding part of the global test (facilitating tasks, analysis of materials, course plan). In this case, the activities will be weighted with the percentage assigned in the global test (see below).
More specific grading criteria are provided for each activity in Moodle.
Total or partial fraud or plagiarism in any of the assessment tests will lead to the subject failing with the minimum grade, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions that the Guarantee Commission adopts for these cases.
Global test and second call
In compliance with articles 8.1 and 9.3 of the Learning Assessment Regulations of the University of Zaragoza, there is a global assessment test, to which all students will be entitled and which will be held on the date set in the official exam calendar.
The global test will consist of two evaluation activities that individual:
1.- Written test of application of the contents of the subject (50% of the qualification), which consists of carrying out between 3 and 5 brief tasks and an analysis of materials
2.- Design, elaboration and oral defence in English of course plan for the subject of English as a Foreign Language of a Compulsory Secondary Education course (50% of the grade). The schedule must be delivered on the official date indicated for the written test. The defence will be held after the written test.
The evaluation criteria are the same as listed above.
To pass the subject, a minimum score of 5 must be obtained in each of the two activities.
Total or partial fraud or plagiarism in any of the assessment tests will lead to the subject failing with the minimum grade, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions that the Guarantee Commission adopts for these cases.
Fifth and sixth call
For the fifth and sixth calls, the same guidelines that are indicated for the global test and second call will be followed.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:
Theory and practice will be integrated, in such a way that a practical activity can lead to a short theoretical presentation and a short theoretical presentation can be the basis of a practical activity. Students are expected to take required and suggested reading according to the schedule provided at the beginning of the course. In general, each face-to-face session will require a previous reading by the students of selected texts.
Attendance to classes will require the active participation of students. It will also be necessary to carry out reflection activities and other practices out of class. Failure to attend class requires a predictably much higher amount of autonomous work on the part of students.
4.2. Learning tasks
Brief presentation of the theoretical foundations, interspersed with the activities described below.
Reading and analysis of documents that show key principles and different approaches to learning and teaching foreign languages, especially the action oriented approach, and different models of foreign language curriculum design. The readings will be carried out mainly out of class, according to the calendar provided at the beginning of the course.
Reading and critical analysis of the current curriculum and other relevant regulations.
Application of the principles, approaches and models analyzed in tasks of reflection and analysis of materials.
Elaboration of a course plan for the subject of English as a Foreign Language for an ESO course.
Mandatory and optional individual or group tutorials.
The organization of seminars with guest speakers that facilitate the acquisition of the competences of the subject will be considered.
4.3. Syllabus
1. Acquisition of the foreign language: linguistic, psychological, and sociocultural aspects, as well as individual differences (basically, affective factors, learning strategies, and motivation) that condition the learning of a foreign language. Input, output and interaction. Explicit instruction and foreign language acquisition. Validated Principles for Foreign Language Instruction.
2. Foreign language methodology: Traditional methods prior to the communicative paradigm: the situational oral method and the PPP (presentation-practice-production) didactic sequence. What to teach: types of syllabus. Comprehension-based approaches and production-based approaches. The communicative approach and its different methodologies. The action-oriented approach: teaching-learning by tasks or learning situations and models of didactic sequence. The Common European Framework of Reference: communicative, intercultural and multilingual competence. Current methodological trends: the post-methods pedagogy.
3. Models and current trends in curricular design of Foreign Languages. Epistemological framework of curricular design in secondary education: the teaching-learning model based on key competencies and specific competencies. Implications for course planning. Course planning: legislation for Aragon, contextualization, development and evaluation.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
The most important activities and dates will be communicated to the students at the beginning of the school period of the subject or, where appropriate, they can be found on the official calendar. The delivery date for other critical analysis, reflection and concept review activities will be communicated to students through Moodle.