Academic Year:
63264 - Communicating in English
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
63264 - Communicating in English
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
590 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Geography and History
591 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Philosophy
592 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Business and Economics
593 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Mathematics
594 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Technology and Computer Science
595 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Biology and Geology
596 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Physics and Chemistry
597 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Spanish Language and Literature. Latin and Greek
598 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Foreign Language: French
599 - Master's Degree in Foreign Language Teaching: English
600 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Music and Dance
601 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Industrial and Construction Processes
602 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Administration, Marketing, Tourism, Services to the Community and FOL
603 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Sanitary, Chemical, Environmental and Health Processes Agri-food
Second semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Aims of the course
Future teachers of English as a foreign language in the secondary classroom must be aware of the importance of the medium, mode and context in communication through different genres and discursive practices, be able to analyze these and then exploit them in the classroom to help their target learners to develop communicative competence, as well as other 21st century skills and different literacies (multiliteracies) of students in this global and digital world.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (, in such a way that the acquisition of the results of learning of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to its achievement: 4 Quality Education (more specifically, with goals 4.1. Ensure the quality of primary and secondary education and 4C Improve the qualification of teachers); and Goal 10 Reduction of inequalities.
The approach, methodology and evaluation of this guide is prepared to be the same in any teaching scenario. They will be adjusted to the socio-sanitary conditions of each moment, as well as to the indications given by the competent authorities.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This subject will allow students to delve into the analysis of oral, written, digital and multimodal discourse in the English language, taking into account contextual factors and reflecting on the teaching of different genres, types of texts, modes and means of communication according to their specific characteristics, following a communicative approach to language teaching.
Language varies depending on the context, the situation and the means we use for our communication. In addition, the verbal mode is increasingly not the only means of meaning, but rather it is combined with other modes (visual, auditory, gestural, spatial, etc.), creating multimodal practices and texts (multimodal ensembles). All these considerations must be present in the future teacher’s mind when selecting and evaluating what types of texts and discursive practices should be used in the English classroom as well as to promote the development of receptive, productive and mediation skills and, in short, the learner's communicative competence in the English language as well as their literacies (multiliteracies).
The aim is for students to understand the different resources and mechanisms that create meaning in different types of texts in English in order to identify how the communicative purposes of the authors are expressed and why these practices are developed. This will allow students to work in the EFL classroom with authentic materials that serve real communicative purposes that students use and will be able to exploit.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
Given that the subject will be taught in English and it will be the language used in class for activities, tasks and discussions, as well as for taking all the learning assessment tests, a minimum oral and written proficiency level of C1 of the European Framework as well as a high level of academic discourse for a correct development of the subject.
2.1. Competences
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CG04 - Plan, design, organize and develop the program and the learning and evaluation activities in the specialties and subjects of their competence
CG05 - Evaluate, innovate and investigate their own teaching processes with the aim of continuous improvement of their teaching performance and the educational task of the center
CT06 - Development of autonomous learning capacity
CT07 - Ability to communicate ideas and reasoning to various types of audiences
CT10 - Ability to work cooperatively with colleagues and other people
CE28 - Prepare proposals based on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and intellectual and emotional aptitudes
CE29 - Develop strategies for learning and teaching to think and for the development of creative thinking in the classroom
CE33 - Analyze and assess the impact of the use of information and communication technologies in development and learning processes
CE34 - Identify, recognize and apply basic issues in the design of teaching-learning processes
CE39 - Analyze and evaluate what content (information, models, theories or procedures specific to the discipline) are more appropriate and relevant in accordance with the objectives, skills, activities and methodological principles established in the curricular design of the subject and the state of the matter of the scientific discipline.
CE40 - Analyze the criteria for the design of good learning activities and evaluation systems, based on the most accepted theories and models and the principles of the different learning methodologies.
CE47 - Identify, recognize and apply innovative teaching proposals in the field of the subject and curricular area
CE49 - Identify problems related to the teaching and learning of the subject and curricular area and propose alternatives and solutions
2.2. Learning goals
Upon completion of the instruction the student will be able to:
1. compare and describe the differences between the traditional view of communication in the English language and communication in English as a lingua franca in today's global and multimodal world.
2. identify, analyze and use new media and ways of communicating in English.
3. Analyze and describe the characteristics of communication through different genres and multimodal texts (multimodal ensembles), understanding the influence of the medium and the context on them.
4. Evaluate its implications for the teaching of the foreign language within a communicative approach.
5. know and apply different frameworks, models and approaches for the linguistic, discursive, pragmatic, visual analysis of oral, written and multimodal texts in English.
6. analyze, evaluate, select and exploit oral, written and multimodal texts in English, taking into account their suitability for the secondary classroom.
7. adapt and design materials and resources for the teaching of oral, written and multimodal discourse in an international context of communication in English and the development of multimodal communicative competence, and the 21st century skills of students
8. Know and critically evaluate different strategies and resources to respond to the learner's production, assessing their implications for the teaching-learning process.
9. identify and formulate the criteria for the evaluation of the different reception, production and mediation activities based on the exploitation of multimodal and digital texts
10. develop their own multimodal communicative competence as well as 21st century skills and their multiple literacies
2.3. Importance of learning goals
For future English language teachers in Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate or EOI, it is essential to have a deep understanding of how the English language is used in a context of international global communication. You must know how to identify the characteristic features of speech: oral (eg phonemes, prosodic aspects, communication strategies, interactional aspects), written (eg communicative functions, linguistic exponents, cohesion mechanisms) and digital (eg. multimodality, navigation) in relation to the situation and the context of communication. Finally, the future teacher needs to acquire the necessary strategies and skills to select texts, genres and discursive practices, analyze them and exploit them in the design of sequences of activities that lead the student to improve their communicative competence in English in different contexts and situations. through different means or modes as well as to develop their literacies and 21st century skills.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
For students who regularly attend classes, the evaluation will consist of the following activities:
Activity 1. Participation in practical classes and practical portfolio. Individual or group activities carried out in the classroom or outside of it, of understanding and application of the contents developed in the subject (concept of ELF [English as a Lingua Franca], implications for the classroom, communication mediated by technology [Computer /Technology Mediated Communication], models, frameworks and approaches for the analysis of oral, written, digital and multimodal texts).
Weighting: 20% of the final grade
Activity 2. Directed work 1. Design and elaboration of a corpus of a textual genre or oral, written, digital or multimodal discursive practice that could be exploited in the English classroom of secondary education. Analysis of its main characteristics (lexical-grammatical, discursive, pragmatic, multimodal). Proposal for exploitation in the English classroom through the design of a sequence of activities that develops communicative competence, literacies and 21st century skills of students. This work will be done in groups of 2 or 3 students.
Weighting: 45% of the final grade
Activity 3. Directed work 2. Design of rubrics or checklists based on the characteristics of the genre or discursive practice that guide the teaching-learning process and that serve for self-assessment, co-assessment and teacher evaluation.
Weighting: 15% of the final grade
Total activities 2 and 3 (directed work). 60% of the final grade
Activity 4. Presentation of the design, compilation and analysis of the corpus and implementation of activities and tasks designed according to the analysis of the texts extracted from the compiled corpus.
Weighting: 20% of the final grade
Evaluation criteria
Activity 1:
To consider that a student regularly attends class and actively participates in practical tasks, he or she must complete and pass 85% of the proposed activities. As an exception to the requirement to carry out and exceed 85% of the face-to-face activities, only the cases included in Article 5 of the Evaluation Regulations of the University of Zaragoza will be considered.
The student will have to demonstrate that he knows and understands the concepts, approaches and models discussed in class.
The student must demonstrate that they have carried out the proposed readings and/or that they have carried out the pertinent reflections regarding the different topics of the program.
The student must analyze and establish appropriate connections between the concepts and contents covered in class.
Activity 2:
The compiled corpus or sample of texts must meet a series of criteria previously established and justified by the student in terms of its currency and relevance for communication in the 21st century and must contain a sufficient number of exponents to be able to determine trends and conventions in the field. use of the verbal or linguistic mode and other modes of meaning.
The selected digital discursive practice, representative of a genre or type of multimodal text, must be opportune for its exploitation in the secondary English classroom.
In the corpus, the main lexical-grammatical, discursive, pragmatic and multimodal features will be identified and analyzed, taking into account the medium and the context in which communication in English takes place. A comparison of these features will be carried out in the different selected texts to determine those that are essential and respond to the situation and context and ways through which communication occurs.
The corpus and its analysis will be accompanied by an exploitation proposal based on the communicative principles of language teaching and the task-based approach in such a way that the activities and tasks that are proposed lead the student to develop their communicative competence and to develop other competencies and their literacies (multiliteracies).
Activity 3:
In light of the results extracted from the analysis of their corpus, the student must design several evaluation tools such as rubrics or checklists that guide their future learners in their learning process and that can be used for self-assessment and monitoring of the process. Learning.
These tools must be specific to a genre or type of text, oral, written, digital or multimodal, they must be in line with the final task that is proposed (in its exploitation proposal for the classroom) and must contain aspects related to the development of the task, the message, the structure, the use of the language and the rest of the modes that are used in the communicative act.
Activity 4:
The student will have to expose their design, compilation and analysis of the corpus and implement a selection of the tasks that they have designed and demonstrate that they are capable of communicating in a clear and orderly manner, making correct use of the English language and integrating different modes in their own language. communication.
You must make use of digital tools to promote understanding or monitoring of the presentation or implementation using appropriate visual elements.
You will have to explain and justify the choice of your task or activity based on the theoretical foundations worked on in the subject
The student must obtain at least a grade of at least 5/10 in each of the tests
Total or partial fraud or plagiarism in any of the assessment tests will lead to failure in the call with the minimum grade.
Global test and second call
In compliance with articles 8.1 and 9.3 of the Learning Assessment Regulations of the University of Zaragoza, there is a global assessment test, to which all students will be entitled and which will be held on the date set in the official calendar of exams.
The global test will consist of two evaluation activities that are mandatory individual:
Activity 1. Written test that will consist of short and development questions to assess the acquisition of the contents and the development of the skills of the subject.
Weighting: 50% of the final grade.
Activity 2.- Design and elaboration of a corpus of a textual genre or oral, written, digital or multimodal discursive practice that could be exploited in the English classroom of secondary education. Analysis of its main characteristics (lexical-grammatical, discursive, pragmatic, multimodal). Proposal for exploitation in the English classroom through the design of a sequence of activities that develops communicative competence, literacies and 21st century skills of students. Oral defense of said analysis and sequence of activities based on it. The student must present orally, making the same use of visual aids and other modes of communication, both the results of the analysis and the activities, establishing their objectives, clearly describing the steps to follow for their implementation in the classroom. and correction and including the materials produced
Weighting: 50% of the final grade.
The student must obtain at least a grade of at least 5/10 in the written test (Activity 1) and in the directed work (Activity 2).
Fifth and sixth call
It will coincide with the global test described in the previous section.
Total or partial fraud or plagiarism in any of the evaluation tests will lead to the subject failing with the minimum grade, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions that the guarantee commission adopts for these cases. For a more detailed knowledge about plagiarism and its consequences, please consult:
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The learning process designed for this course is based on student-centredness, focusing on their needs and interests. Hence, the activities proposed in the course focus on the students’ personalized work. Students should work autonomously (doing the reading, completing reflection tasks, selecting and analysing texts and genres, designing activities) and also collaboratively in groups (participating in debates, presentations, peer teaching sessions in the classroom, etc.).
4.2. Learning tasks
The program offered to students to help them achieve the expected learning outcomes includes the following activities
In class:
Teachers’ presentation of content (input presentation)
Individual and group activities that make their learning visible (input processing and understanding): analysis of activities, types of texts and genres, discursive practices, etc.
Oral presentations (of their completed tasks) or peer teaching (demonstrating the designed tasks) (output)
Self-assessment and peer-assessment activities on the tasks completed or presented in class
Outside class:
Reading information and selected references
Completing comprehension tasks and applying key concepts and contents of the syllabus
Searching, selecting and analysing English texts that are representative of a given genre or digital, multidmodal discursive practice
Designing a sequence of activities to teach the selected texts, genres or discursive practices and their corresponding rubrics of checklists to guide the learning process, assess students’ and teachers’ performance.
4.3. Syllabus
The planning of the different learning activities will be based, for example, on the following contents:
Unit 1. Introduction: Motivations, preconceptions and attitudes in teaching and learning English in the 21st Century
Unit 2. Understanding English in the 21st Century: English as a Lingua Franca / in a global world; Communication in ELF; Digital/Computer mediated communication/multimodal communication; Digital genres and practices
Unit 3. Analysing English Communication in Our Globalised World: Multimodality and multimodal ensembles; Linguistic and discursive analysis; Pragmatic analysis; Visual analysis
Unit 4. Teaching English Communication in 21st Century Schools: Selecting and analysing multimodal texts for the EFL secondary classroom; Adapting and exploiting multimodal texts for the EFL secondary classroom; Planning and designing activities and tasks to develop students’ communicative competence in the L2; Planning and designing activities and tasks to develop students’ multiliteracies; Planning and designing activities and tasks to develop students’ 21st century skills; Giving feedback and assessing students’ multimodal outputs
4.4. Course planning and calendar
The specific schedule with deadlines for each task will be provided at the beginning of the semester.