Academic Year:
451 - Degree in Veterinary Science
28427 - Deontology, Legal Veterinary Science and Bioethics
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
28427 - Deontology, Legal Veterinary Science and Bioethics
Faculty / School:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
451 - Degree in Veterinary Science
Second semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Aims of the course
The general goal of this course is to provide a solid background in the ethical principles of the profession and laws and rules that guide the activities of the veterinarian working in any field.
The aims and contents of this subject, from ethics, deontology and the analysis of the legislation, are aligned and include the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (, so that acquisition of the learning goals of the subject enables the application of the SDG in the veterinary practice.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This is a key course of the Degree in Veterinary Science since it introduces the student into all the ethical and legal aspects of the profession. Nowadays, many veterinarian activities may pose a legal repercussion. Independently of their field of expertise, veterinarians need to be aware of their role in the society, how the profession is organized and represented, and how to find and apply specific legislation.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
It is recommended to have basic knowledge of physiology, general and therapeutic pathology, and notions of infectious and parasitic diseases, epizooties, and hygiene inspection.
2.1. Competences
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Start and develop his professional activity within the specific ethical and legal framework.
- Observe an ethical behavior in his practice, respectful of the profession and the society, as well as enhance his critical thinking skills.
- Produce correct and efficient professional reports, both written and orally.
- Search and manage ethical and legal information related with the veterinary practice.
- Work in groups efficiently, with an equitable distribution of tasks.
2.2. Learning goals
If students complete the course successfully, they should be able to
- Know the ethical principles of the veterinary profession.
- Know the legislative authorities, and the legal regulations of veterinary interest.
- Understand the basic aspects of legal and forensic medicine, expert assessment and veterinary commercial activities.
- Understand the practical sessions and ability to analyse a legal veterinary problem.
- Integrate the concepts seen during the course to solve practical cases.
- Produce and present correctly a written assay on different aspects of the subject.
2.3. Importance of learning goals
Thanks to the knowledge of profession-specific action guidelines, and of administrative and legal processes, the learning goals achieved in this course will directly help the students in their professional practice, either on clinic practice, industry, assurance companies, or public administration.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
Learning goals 1 to 4 will be assessed by a written exam, structured as follows:
- Theory evaluation part: True/False questions and short answer questions. It will have a weight of 80% in the final mark.
- Practical part: True/False questions and short answer questions. It will have a weight of 10% in the final mark.
Learning goals 5 and 6 will be assessed by an assignment (portfolio), to be developed throughout the course, which will contain reports of the practical sessions, and deontological and expert case studies seen during the course. It will have a weight of 10% in the final mark.
To pass the course, students must have at least 50% of the maximum score.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives.
- - Participatory lectures: The professor will present theoretical contents. Students are expected to participate actively in the class.
- - Practical sessions.
They will comprise the identification of animal species at the Toxicology Laboratory, resolution of practical deontological and expert cases, completion of official forms and documents. Students will also perform a legal necropsy with special emphasis on preparation of samples. Printed handouts containing the activity guide as well as the biosecurity measures to be followed, will be provided to students where necessary.
A repository of the lecture notes used in class, the course syllabus, practical sessions handouts, as well as other course-specific learning materials will be available via Moodle (Universidad de Zaragoza).
4.2. Learning tasks
The course includes 6 ECTS organized according to:
Lectures (3.5 ECTS): 35 hours.
Practice sessions (2.5 ECTS): 25 hours.
4.3. Syllabus
- Public administrations and organization of the profession
- Introduction. General Concepts.
- State and European Union Organization.
- Legislative structure and official documentation.
- Veterinary profession organization: Colleges, Associations, Unions.
- Veterinary practice: Administrative requisites.
- Veterinary practice: Special requisites.
- Occupational diseases.
- Deontology
- Concepts in Deontology, Ethics, Bioethics.
- Deontological codes, veterinary ethics, vices.
- Euthanasia.
- Professional responsibility: I. Penal responsibility.
- Professional responsibility: II. Civil and administrative responsibility.
- Legal and forensic Veterinary
- Structure of Judiciary.
- Judicial proceeding and its components.
- Practice as an Expert: types and legislation.
- Expert's report, evidence sampling and chain of custody.
- Forensic tanatology.
- Forensic traumatology.
- Forensic roles of the veterinarian.
- Legal necropsy.
- Legal Commercial Veterinary
- Animal trade, types of contracts and vices.
- Livestock and agrarian insurances.
- Animal identification.
- Animal traceability.
- Animal doping.
- Veterinary legislation
- Legislation of Animal Health.
- Legislation of veterinary medicaments.
- Legislation of genetically modified organisms.
- Legislation of ecological products.
- Legislation of animal wellbeing.
- Legislation of animal shows.
- Legislation of pets' possession.
Practical sessions
Session 1: Search of Spanish and European Legislation. Duration: 4 hours. Place: Library of the Toxicology Unit
Session 2: Deontological cases. Duration: 3 hours. Place: classroom.
Session 3: Expert's report. Duration: 3 hours. Place: classroom.
Session 4: Completion of legal documents and legal cases. Duration: 3 hours. Place: classroom.
Session 5: Identification of animal species from biological remains. Duration: 4 hours. Place: Laboratory of Toxicology. Session 6: Veterinary Forensics I. Duration: 4 hours. Place: Laboratory of Toxicology.
Session 7: Veterinary Forensics II. Duration: 4 hours. Place: Laboratory of Toxicology.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the Faculty of Veterinary website (