Academic Year:
605 - Degree in Physiotherapy
25604 - Basic principles of physiotherapy
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
25604 - Basic principles of physiotherapy
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
605 - Degree in Physiotherapy
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Aims of the course
The subject and its expected results respond to the following approaches and objectives:
-Know the concept of physiotherapy, its historical evolution and the current role of both physiotherapy and the physiotherapist in people's health.
-Know basicly the different therapeutic modalities used in physiotherapy and physiotherapist work environments.
-Establish the scientific bases of physiotherapy that allow the development of evidence-based physiotherapy, stimulating critical thinking and the entrepreneurial attitude of the future physiotherapist.
-Describe the main characteristics of the examinations and methods of intervention of the physiotherapist by incorporating clinical reasoning as a basic aspect of them and experimentation.
-Know the principles and models of action of Physiotherapy in the public and private health field
-Make the future Physiotherapist aware of the need for lifelong learning and their contribution to the education of society and scientific dissemination related to Physiotherapy
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda in such a way that the acquisition of the results of subject learning provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to
your achievement.
Specifically, the course plans to address the following objectives, making the student aware of the importance of their contribution to achieving them:
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
Goal 11: Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Objective 12: Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects
To do this, a specific seminar on Environmental Physiotherapy is included, which will try to unite what was learned during the theoretical part with the SDGs and their practical application by the Physiotherapist.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This subject aims to initiate the student in the set of specific physiotherapy subjects. Thus, this subject provides the fundamental bases of physiotherapy to later complement and develop with subjects such as: assessment in physiotherapy, general intervention procedures in physiotherapy, specific methods of intervention in physiotherapy and physiotherapy in clinical specialties.
In turn, and beyond preparing the student for future subjects that they will develop during their Physiotherapy studies, it is intended to promote attitudes such as teamwork, critical analysis or entrepreneurship, so that they can contribute the maximum as a Physiotherapist to society.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
To take the subject it is necessary for the student to begin to be aware that a formative stage is beginning that will last the rest of his life, and that although there are no necessary requirements to take the subject as such, the student is expected to start it with a open mind and desire to question, reflect and deepen on the different contents and ideas that are presented in the subject.
2.1. Competences
Upon passing the subject, the student must have acquired the following skills:
General competences:
CG02 - Know and understand the sciences, models, techniques and instruments on which Physiotherapy is based, articulated and developed.
CG13 - Know how to work in professional teams as a basic unit in which the professionals and other personnel of healthcare organizations are structured in a uni or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way.
CG17 - Understand the importance of updating the knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes that make up the professional competencies of the Physiotherapist.
CG19 - Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with users of the health system as well as with other professionals.
Specific skills:
CE07 - Identify the factors that intervene in teamwork and leadership situations.
CE15 - Identify the concept, evolution and foundations of physiotherapy in its scientific and professional aspects
CE16 - Understand the general theory of functioning, disability and health and its international classification, as well as the intervention models in physiotherapy and its healthcare practice.
CE32 - Understand the fundamental concepts of health and the role of the physiotherapist in the health system.
CE35 - Know the Spanish Health System and the aspects related to the management of health services, mainly those in which physiotherapy intervenes.
CE37 - Know and apply quality mechanisms in physiotherapy practice, adjusting to the criteria, indicators and recognized and validated quality standards for proper professional practice.
Transversal competences:
CT01 - Ability to apply critical reasoning
CT02 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis
CT05 - Ability to work based on quality criteria
CT07 - Ability to develop initiatives and an entrepreneurial spirit
CT10 - Ability to properly use computer media and new technologies
CT12 - Ability to develop information management skills
CT13 - Capacity for criticism and self-criticism
2.2. Learning goals
The student, to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results ...
1. Know the concept and theoretical bases of physiotherapy through the analysis of various examples.
2. Describes the development of physiotherapy following its methodological evolution.
3. Understand the functions of the physiotherapist, their attitudes and skills through the analysis of various
examples of real application in the different fields of action of physiotherapy.
4. Understand and describe the different models of physiotherapy action in the public health field
and private.
5. Knows how to evaluate the intervention method in physiotherapy through the analysis of different models of physiotherapy application.
2.3. Importance of learning goals
They will allow the student to understand the theoretical foundations of the intervention of Physiotherapy, as well as the methodological development that it has had throughout history. The student will know the functions of the physiotherapist and how they develop in the different fields of action in the public and private sphere. In addition, you will experiment with different intervention methods in physiotherapy based on scientific and critical thinking that leads you to question the different content and ideas that you face. All this will allow you to have a more precise knowledge of the professional reality of a physiotherapist and begin to develop attitudes and skills that will allow you to optimize your training process as a Physiotherapist.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student must demonstrate that they have achieved the expected learning outcomes through the following assessment activities. Completion of a final objective test on the theoretical, practical and seminar content of the subject (60% of the final grade). It will be necessary to pass this part independently to pass the course. The official evaluation dates will be January 16, 2023 (1st call) and July 5, 2023 (2nd call)
Elaboration of an individual work (15% of the final grade), consisting of the elaboration of a notebook of practices in which at the end of each practice a reflection on what has been learned in that practice is added and a scientific article that has been used is included that method of intervention or is directly related to the practice Preparation of an individual work (15% of the final grade), consisting of the preparation of a practice notebook in which at the end of each practice a reflection on what has been learned is added in that practice and include a scientific article that has used that method of intervention or is directly related to the practice. Only and exclusively the reflection associated with each practice will be evaluated, which must be presented in digital format (pdf) through moodle.
Problem solving, exercises and practical cases (15% final grade). This work will be carried out in a group, valuing teamwork and the way of presenting it especially. Each group should conduct an interview with a physiotherapist asking, among other things, about:
Competences that you develop in your work
Organization of your work
Teamwork that performs
Evolution that has occurred at work as a physiotherapist in that position, either in a concrete or historical way
The student will also ask the Physiotherapist about existing problems regarding their work, its organization or problems detected by the patients (eg unmet needs of the user, etc.) proposing, once the information has been analyzed, a possible solution to said problem, from an entrepreneurial attitude.
The topics will be chosen from among all the Physiotherapy work areas to avoid duplication as far as possible and that in this way all students can have a global vision of the competences of physiotherapists in the different work areas.
It will not be necessary to deliver any material, only the presentation will be assessed through a rubric designed for this purpose, as well as the ability to respond to the questions of the attendees and the teacher, both individually and in groups.
Those students who enroll once the course has begun, if they cannot be included in any group work already underway, will carry out this work in smaller groups with other students who have enrolled with the course started or in the worst case individually.
The teaching staff of the subject will rate 10% of the final grade according to the participation of the students in the different activities programmed within the subject (class activities, forums, etc.). The evaluation criterion will be that the student participates in the discussions generated within the activities in a reasoned manner.
Tests for non-face-to-face students or those who appear in other calls different from the first one. These tests affect only students who have not completed attendance at 80% of the practices. For this, a written test will be carried out on the concepts developed in the practices.
It will be mandatory to attend 80% of the practices to pass the subject. In case of not reaching the minimum attendance, the teacher, after evaluating the practice notebook, may determine the need to carry out a practical test to evaluate the competences of the practices that have not been attended.
For those students who enroll after the start of the internship, 80% will be counted from the day of registration, although the reflective comment on each internship will be evaluated to ensure that the student has acquired the necessary skills.
The evaluation tests will be carried out in person if the situation allows it. In case of changing the conditions, and if instructions are received from the academic authorities, the tests will be carried out in a non-face-to-face mode using the online resources of the University of Zaragoza, which will be notified in advance.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:
Presentation of the topics of the program in master classes with the support of teaching material. Theoretical classes will be held both in person and in synchronous teaching by videoconference if necessary.
Practical classes in room / laboratory. The practical classes will take place in a laboratory room with stretchers, in which physiotherapy interventions will be simulated. These will be organized in pairs or trios of partners in which the roles of physiotherapist-patient will be exchanged.
The seminars will be held both in person and in synchronous teaching by videoconference if necessary.
4.2. Learning tasks
The program offered to the student to help him achieve the expected results comprises the following activities ...
Being a basic subject, the student should understand and assimilate the main fundamentals of physiotherapy. For this reason, the subject is designed in two parts, one mainly expository, and the other for understanding and analysis. For the first part, the master class is established as the most used tool, and for the second, more participatory models are proposed, such as laboratory practices and seminars.
Participatory master classes. In them the student must understand and assimilate the information presented by the teacher and participatory models will also be established with the student on the content presented.
Laboratory practices. In these practices the student focuses his learning mainly on three parts, on the technical content, on the understanding of an intervention model on therapeutic modalities and on the analysis of the results obtained. In them, the student performs as small experiments on his partner of different models of intervention according to the therapeutic modalities.
Seminars In them, an analysis and discussion of various contents included in the subject is established.
Tutoring. Mainly about doubts in relation to the content of the subject, but also in the preparation of individual and group work.
4.3. Syllabus
The course will address the following topics:
Theoretical topics
Block 1: Physiotherapy as a science and profession (Topics 1-5)
Topic 1. Physiotherapy concept: profile and functions of the physiotherapist.
Topic 2. The profession of Physiotherapist within the healthcare field: specialization of the Physiotherapist.
Topic 3. Physiotherapy as a science.
Topic 4. Conceptual foundations of physiotherapy.
Topic 5. Institutionalization of physiotherapy.
Block 2: Physiotherapy intervention process (Topics 6-8)
Topic 6. Method of intervention in physiotherapy.
Topic 7. Clinical interview and exams that are carried out in physiotherapy.
Topic 8. Principles of physiotherapy treatment.
Block 3: History of Physiotherapy (Topic 9)
Topic 9. History of physiotherapy.
Block 4: Models of action of Physiotherapy in the public and private health field (Topic 10)
Topic 10. The Physiotherapist in the Public and Private sector. The competences of the Physiotherapist in the different healthcare settings and areas of specialization.
Practical content:
Practice 1. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (assessment of range of motion in the lower limb: changes that occur after stretching).
Practice 2. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (assessment of the range of motion in the lower limb: differentiation between structural and neural).
Practice 3. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (general massage therapy in the cervical spine and thoracic region).
Practice 4. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (functional bandage)
Practice 5. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (influence of previous movement on analytical and global mobility)
Practice 6. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (the learning effect).
Practice 7. The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (changes in local pain and referred in a muscular contracture)
Practice 8: The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning (changes with dry needling: needle effect and placebo effect)
Practice 9. Practical skills of the Physiotherapist in carrying out functional tests I
Practice 10. Practical skills of the Physiotherapist in carrying out functional tests II
Seminar 1: The competences of the Physiotherapist as a health promoter within the current concept of Physiotherapy. Teamwork and intrusion
Seminar 2: The competences of the Physiotherapist as a researcher. Clinical evidence and scientific evidence.
Seminar 3: Digital competences in Physiotherapy (it will be complemented with an online course carried out by the library service)
Seminar 4: Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial attitude.
Seminar 5: Private exercise on your own.
Seminar 6: Competencies of the Physiotherapist in the field of management. Practical application to the private sphere and entrepreneurship in Physiotherapy.
Seminar 7: Environmental PhysiotherapyThe method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning: implications for the clinical practice of Physiotherapy.
Seminar 8: The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning: implications for the clinical practice of Physiotherapy. Application to practice 1 of mobility of the ankle.
Seminar 9: The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning: implications for the clinical practice of Physiotherapy. Application to practice 2 of structural-neural differentiation.
Seminar 10: The method of intervention in Physiotherapy / Clinical Reasoning: implications for the clinical practice of Physiotherapy. Application to practice 3 and 4 of massage therapy and functional bandage.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
Calendar of face-to-face sessions, synchronous teaching and presentation of work
Teaching methodology: Master class or theoretical presentation. Hours: 30, a group
Teaching methodology: Room or laboratory practices. Hours: 20, four groups
Teaching methodology: Seminars. Hours: 10, two groups.
The presentation of the group work will be communicated to the student throughout the course, taking place after finishing the theoretical classes.
The presentation of the group work will be communicated to the student throughout the course, taking place after finishing the scheduled theoretical classes.
The reflection on the practices (individual work) will be presented at the end of them, indicating the delivery deadline in moodle and enabling a space so that the student can upload it in pdf format.
The reflection on the practices (individual work) will be presented at the end of them, indicating the delivery deadline in moodle and enabling a space so that the student can upload it in pdf format.
The planned training activities will be carried out in person in the classrooms and rooms designated by the Center. In case the conditions change, and if instructions are received from the academic authorities, the activities will be modified and adapted to be carried out in a non-face-to-face mode using the online resources of the University of Zaragoza, which will be notified in good time.