Academic Year:
528 - Master's in Research and Advanced Studies in History
67900 - Master's Dissertation
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
67900 - Master's Dissertation
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
528 - Master's in Research and Advanced Studies in History
Second semester
Subject Type:
Master Final Project
1.1. Aims of the course
The subject and its expected results respond to the following approaches and objectives:
The Final Master's Thesis and the expected results with its preparation and oral presentation respond to the approach of introducing students to advanced studies and historical research through the choice, preparation, writing and oral presentation of an essay or research work . This essay or research work, carried out individually and tutored, must be the final result of applying the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes acquired by the student throughout the degree.
In accordance with this approach, the TFM aims to prove that the student has acquired the knowledge and skills associated with the degree. To achieve this accreditation, the work must be materialized, first, in a written report, the result of the study of specialized bibliography, the handling of sources, the precise use of historiographic concepts, the clarity and argumentative coherence, the adequate application of the technical standards of academic writing, observance of professional ethics, and mentoring guidance. And, secondly, the TFM must be presented and defended orally before a court appointed for this purpose.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (, in such a way that the acquisition of the results of Learning the subject provides training and competence to contribute to a certain extent to its achievement: 4 - Quality education; 5 - Gender Equality; 10 - Reduction of inequalities; 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions; 17 - Alliances to achieve objectives.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
The TFM is a practical exercise with which each student completes their training in the master. By passing this test, you get the 12 ECTS credits necessary to complete your master's studies. The TFM has a workload equivalent to the dedication of two subjects and its completion, although it should not be concentrated in a specific period, is favored in the second semester as all compulsory subjects are taught during the first semester (30 credits ECTS). The TFM materializes in the presentation of a written report and its public defense before a court. Through both acts, the evaluation court will be able to accredit the level of achievement of the knowledge and skills associated with the degree by assessing the quality of the structure and contents of the work, the demonstrated ability to raise hypotheses and use the appropriate methodologies, the capacity for analysis and synthesis, critical thinking, organization and planning, autonomous learning, linguistic correction or the quality of the oral presentation, among other fundamental aspects.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
In accordance with the regulations in force for TFM (Regulation of TFG and TFM of the University of Zaragoza, of April 7, 2011; Complementary norms of the TFG and TFM of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, of November 3, 2011 and Relgamento of the TFG and TFM of the Degrees that are taught in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, of March 4, 2015), the TFM must be registered in the ordinary period of enrollment of the course in which you want to carry out the defense. Accordingly, it is recommended that students keep in mind that:
Once the TFM has been prepared and adjusted in form and content to what is specified in this guide and in the current regulations, it must be deposited within the terms established for it, throughout the twelve months after its enrollment; after twelve months, the student must re-enroll the TFM.
The deposit of the TFM, in order to proceed to the subsequent defense, can only be made if all the subjects of the degree have been passed, that is, the 30 ECTS credits of the compulsory module and 18 optional ECTS credits.
The enrollment of the TFM gives the right to present the work for its defense, at most, on two occasions within the academic year in which the enrollment is formalized or in the next (always within a period of 12 months from the enrollment) . Once this period has elapsed without the defense having been passed, the student must re-enroll the TFM.
It is advisable to consult directly the regulations and the administrative procedure of the TFM at:
2.1. Competences
By passing the subject, the student will be more competent to:
GC01 - Apply the knowledge acquired within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to historical studies.
GC02 - Integrate knowledge, formulate judgments and make reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities derived from the application of such knowledge and judgments within the framework of historical studies.
GC03 and GC05 - Communicate their conclusions (and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them) to specialized audiences and to society in general in a clear and unambiguous way, helping to build civic awareness.
GC04 - Develop learning skills that allow to continue studying in the field of advanced historical studies in a self-directed or autonomous way.
GC07 - Systematically carry out individual work with scientific rigor, creativity, originality, interdisciplinarity and responsibility.
SC08 - Systematically and critically understand the current implications of the political, economic and cultural interconnections between peoples, developed in the past.
SC10 - Integrate proposals from other fields of knowledge into historical research.
SC12 - Evaluate and critically apply the methods, techniques, instruments of analysis and writing of History.
SC13 - Interpret and generate knowledge in the field of History through the development of original postulates.
SC14 - Present and debate orally and in writing the problems and topics analyzed using the terminology and techniques accepted by historians.
2.2. Learning goals
The student, to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results:
Demonstrate skills to adapt to new situations and identify approaches to solving a problem within a historical context (GC1).
Critically and rigorously analyze the social and ethical consequences of the various historiographic studies and theories. (GC2).
Communicate ideas and theories with terminology and techniques accepted in the historical profession (GC3).
Rigorously evaluate the various sources and historiographic documents, handle techniques and methods of advanced studies and research in History in a self-directed or autonomous way (GC4).
Organize complex historical information in a coherent way, developing scientific approaches from professional ethics with scientific rigor, originality, creativity, interdisciplinarity and responsibility (GC5 and GC7).
Demonstrate a rational and critical knowledge of the interconnections that articulate the societies of the past in the long term and in a comparative perspective (SC8).
Define original research topics that contribute to interdisciplinary knowledge and historiographic debate with arguments that integrate knowledge about the pluralism of historical science (SC10).
Skillfully handle the fundamental techniques and methods of advanced studies and research in History (SC12).
Be able to prepare a doctoral thesis proposal (SC13).
Prepare and prepare complex historical documents in a systematic and rigorous way for debate and oral and written defense (SC14).
2.3. Importance of learning goals
The learning outcomes that define the TFM are fundamental to prove that the student has globally acquired the set of contents and competencies of the master, being able to handle in a competent and proven way methodologies, techniques and essential concepts of application in advanced studies and in historical research; and improving their capacities and skills in the exhibition, writing and transmission systems and critical defense of the research results.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student must demonstrate that he has achieved the expected learning results through the following evaluation activities:
First and Second Call
Definition: The TFM will materialize in the presentation of a written report or project and its public defense before a court, which show the knowledge, skills, aptitudes and attitudes acquired by the student throughout the degree.
Modalities and characteristics:
The modalities that the TFM may take are the following: a) Specific academic assignments; b) Specific works carried out in the laboratory; c) Specific jobs performed as a result of internships in companies or institutions; d) Equivalent work carried out as a result of a stay at another Spanish or foreign university through a mobility agreement or program. Whatever the chosen modality, the TFM report will comprise, at least, the following sections: a) summary in two languages; b) introduction with justification of the work, state of the question, objectives and applied methodology; c) analytical development; d) conclusions; and e) list of sources, bibliography and resources used.
The works will materialize in a memory or project in written form that will be accompanied, where appropriate, by the material that is deemed appropriate in accordance with the procedures established by the Faculty. The minimum length of the TFM memory will be 1,000 words per credit of the subject and it may also incorporate the annexes that are considered necessary. The maximum length per credit has not been set in the case of the TFM by the Quality Assurance Commission of the degree, but it is recommended to follow the criteria established in the TFG of 2000 words per credit of the subject. The Quality Assurance Commission may draw up guidelines on the evaluation methodology and criteria to try to standardize the evaluation of the TFM.
These works will constitute an autonomous and personal work of the student. That is why the defense of work will always be public and individual. These works can also be developed integrated in a group. In this case, the co-authorship of the TFM will be limited to a maximum of two students, unless, taking into account special circumstances, the Quality Assurance Commission of the degree authorizes a greater number. Group work must have the approval of the corresponding Quality Assurance Commission once informed by the Degree Coordinator. In any case, in the work memory the contribution of each author will be differentiated, since the defense and evaluation will always be individual.
The works will contain sufficient elements of personal creation and will cite properly all the sources used. The student must make an express declaration, in a model provided by the Faculty Secretary, in which the originality and authorship of the work is assumed, understood in the sense that he has not used sources without properly citing them. Plagiarism, understood as the presentation of a work or work done by another person as their own or the copying of texts without citing their origin and giving them as their own elaboration, will automatically lead to a numerical score of zero, without prejudice to disciplinary or legal responsibilities in which the student or students who plagiarize could incur.
Evaluating court:
The evaluating tribunal will be appointed in accordance with what is established for this purpose by the Quality Assurance Commissions for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees of the Faculty. His appointment corresponds in any case to the Dean of the Faculty at the proposal of the corresponding Quality Assurance Commission, once the Coordinator of the degree has heard. Any professor who meets the requirements of current regulations will be eligible as a member of the TFG / TFM courts.
The court in charge of evaluating the TFG / TFM will be made up of three full members, of whom at least one will be a professor with permanent ties to the University of Zaragoza and, at least, two will be professors from the University of Zaragoza assigned to areas of knowledge. linked to the degree. In the case of MUIEAH, the related areas are those that make up the Department of Antiquity Sciences, Medieval History, Historiographic Sciences and Techniques and Arab and Islamic Studies, the Department of Modern and Contemporary History as well as the area of Art History and the Area of Applied Economics. Research staff from the University of Zaragoza or Mixed Centers may also form part of the courts, with the corresponding requirements.
The court will be made up of the President, Secretary and Member, as well as the corresponding substitutes. In no case may the Director, the Co-Director of the work or the Speaker be part of the tribunal. The distribution of functions will be specified according to the category as professor and, within this, according to the seniority in the position. The members of the evaluating tribunals must be doctors, except in degrees authorized by the University's Graduate Studies Commission. In any case, the President of the court must be a doctor.
Each course, the corresponding Quality Assurance Commission will determine the number of courts and will proceed to designate them for all calls. In the event that there is more than one court, the distribution of the TFMs among the different courts will be made, at the proposal of the Coordinator, in an equitable manner, unless it is considered appropriate that this distribution corresponds to a specialty criterion. In view of the number of papers presented, the performance of the alternate members will be determined and it will be communicated, sufficiently in advance, to the Secretariat of the Center for the purposes of preparing the minutes.
The President of the tribunal shall arbitrate the necessary substitution mechanisms to guarantee the presence of the total number of members of which the tribunal is constituted at all times. The Secretary of the court, with at least 48 hours in advance if the cause of the withdrawal allows it, will communicate the new ownership to the initially alternate member and to the Secretary of the Faculty so that they can proceed to rectify the examination records.
The situations in which the alternate members of a Tribunal will automatically become part of it are as follows: In the event that any of the regular members is Director of one of the TFMs that corresponds to judge the Tribunal. In the event that any of the titular members enjoy a study leave, a Service Commission or are on sick leave or leave of absence. In the event that any of the titular members has to participate in an official court and the same, or the displacement to it, coincides with the act of defense. If this coincidence occurs between TFG / TFM courts, action in the court of the own degree will have priority. In the event that the reasons for abstention referred to in article 28 of Law 30/1882, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure concur, in any of the members of the Court.
The Quality Assurance Commission is responsible for the resolution of any incident that occurs in relation to the proposal, appointment, substitution and operation of the TFM courts, for which it may obtain a non-binding report from the Degree Coordinator.
TFM defense
The Faculty Board will annually approve the TFG / TFM defense calendar, adapting to what is established in the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza. The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters establishes four defense periods, three of them following the February, June and September calls and a fourth period in November-December. The student has the right to present to two calls in the 12 months after the enrollment of the TFM.
The evaluating court will set the place, date and time of holding the act of defense of each work and will establish the order of intervention of the students. The act of defense will have to be carried out during the school year.
The summons of the students for the defense of the Work will be made by publication on the notice board of the Department headquarters of the degree with a minimum notice of 48 hours at the beginning of the defense period. This publication will have the character of an official notification. The court will also publish the date, time and place of review of the grades.
The defense will consist of an oral presentation by the student, of a maximum duration of 20 minutes for the TFM, before the court and in public session. For the exhibition, the technical means that are considered appropriate and that the Faculty have available may be used.
When, for duly justified reasons, it has not been possible to carry out the defense of a TFG / TFM on the assigned date, the guarantees established in the evaluation regulations in force at the University of Zaragoza will be applied.
Evaluation criteria:
The qualification of the TFM will be carried out in accordance with the regulations that govern the rest of the subjects of official degrees.
In the evaluation of the papers presented, the following criteria, among others, will be taken into account: quality of its structure and its contents, demonstrated ability to raise hypotheses and use appropriate methodologies, critical capacity, linguistic correction, quality of oral presentation carried out and, in general, level of achievement of the competences of the degree. The guidelines issued by the corresponding Quality Assurance Commission and the indications contained in the Verification Reports will also be taken into account.
In the event that the grade is less than five, the court will issue a report with the deficiencies observed and with indications to the student of the modifications that must be made in the new defense if they decide to present the same project. The report will be provided to the student and the Director of the work within 3 days after the end of the review period.
The maximum deadline for delivering the minutes will be 3 school days after the completion of the defense act of the last student who has appeared in each appeal.
The procedures for reviewing and claiming the grades obtained will be those established in the evaluation regulations in force at the University of Zaragoza.
For more information, consult the current regulations, available at:
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The advisor will establish the appropriate methodology for the preparation of the Master's Dissertation. The main learning activity consists of regulartutorials to monitor the preparation of the dissertation (information, supervision, solving doubts, correction).
4.2. Learning tasks
The program offered to the student to help him achieve the expected results comprises the following activities ...
1. Study, research and personal work
Teaching methodology: Personal elaboration of an essay or research work in a field of study of History where, individually, the student has to apply the knowledge and skills learned.
Skills acquired: All those of the module.
2. Individual tutoring (face-to-face in the teachers' office and online)
Teaching methodology: Orientation, individualized of the student's work and discussion of the approaches, questions and problems that arose in its development. Orientation and review of research tasks.
Skills acquired: All those of the module.
3. Drafting and defense of the TFM
Teaching methodology: Orientation work and revision of the final writing of the work. Orientation work and preparation of the oral presentation before the Evaluation Court.
Skills acquired: All those of the Module.
4.3. Syllabus
There is nosyllabus for this course.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
Further information concerning the timetable, and other academic and administrative activities related to the dissertation, please refer to the "Facultad de Filosofía y Letras" website:
"Información académica" / "Trabajo de Fin de Grado/Máster".
Calendar of face-to-face sessions and presentation of work
On the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, in the Academic Management and Services tab, the Secretariat provides all the administrative information related to the Master's Final Project. The direct link is the following:
In this link the Calendar approved by the Center is specified annually with the enrollment, deposit and reading periods of the TFM.
It also contains the PDFs with the current Regulations for the Master's Thesis of the University of Zaragoza and with the current Complementary Norms of the TFMs approved by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
The page also offers General Information, with basic concepts, procedures and application and award forms of thematic line and director, deposit and defense of the TFM, as well as Complementary Information such as the departmental headquarters of the Master.
TFM registration. Key dates: the ordinary periods established annually by the Secretariat of the Center (
Process of election and assignment of thematic line and direction of the TFM. Key dates: the ordinary periods established annually by the Secretariat of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (
Deposit and defense of the TFM. Key dates: The Center will annually approve the schedule for the deposit and defense of the TFM, adapting to what is established in the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza. For each academic year, at least three defense periods will be established, one of which will take place after the September call (
Within the defense periods established by the Center, the place, date and time of holding the defense act for each work will be established by the Evaluating Court; the act of defense will always take place during the school year.
When, for duly justified reasons, it has not been possible to defend a TFM on the assigned date, the guarantees established in the Evaluation Regulations of the University of Zaragoza in force at all times will be applied.