26633 - Undergraduate Dissertation
End of Grade Dissertation
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
This subject requires the student to assume the responsibility of performing an autonomous academic work. This requires intellectual effort, work discipline, ability to make decisions and act accordingly and to accept opinions different from their own and integrate them into their work.
The student plays a key role on his/her Dissertation and, since the result of their work will depend largely on order, clarity and punctuality in the performance of their tasks, it is advisable that they strive to meet all the formal requirements (deadlines, documents, etc.). .), as well as follow the instructions received from its director in relation to the design, development and preparation of the Undergraduate Dissertation.
It is important to know and consult the regulations on the Dissertation of the University of Zaragoza, available at:
and the specific one of the Faculty in which it studies the degree, available in its respective web page.
In addition, the student is recommended to consult the resource GUIDE TOOLS AND GUIDELINES FOR A GOOD TFG.
Online course - through the Virtual Campus of the UZ - which aims to be a guide that provides information and indications on the characteristics and development of the Undergraduate Dissertation to students of the University of Zaragoza. The ultimate goal is to get a reflection about the TFG by the students in order to help them plan and develop their corresponding Dissertation with minimum quality standards. It remains open throughout the academic year and has a permanent consultancy service staffed by librarians from the University of Zaragoza.
Course contents:
Step 1. Know the regulations that govern your Undergraduate Dissertation
Step 2. Choose the theme
Step 3. Choose your bibliographic reference manager
Step 4. Plan and find the information
Step 5. Evaluate the information found
Step 6. Ethically use information
Step 7. Write the work
Step 8. Once the work is finished ... (upload it to the repository, copyright, etc.)
How to enroll in the course:
- If you are enrolled in the subject Undergraduate Dissertation, enrollment is automatic.
- If you are not enrolled in the subject Undergraduate Dissertation, contact the library of your center: http://biblioteca.unizar.es/conocenos/directorio-buz.
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
ACTIVITY A. Preparation of a memory
The theme of the Undergraduate Dissertation will be established by mutual agreement between the student and the director.
As a guide, the modalities to which the TFG can respond are indicated:
Of theoretical revision on a specific subject. It can be a study that involves a theoretical analysis of a topic as a basis for its exposition or in-depth argumentation. It is a report on the state of the question, the integration of concepts related to the chosen study object, comparative analysis, historical review, etc.
Of professional intervention. It can be a project of contextualized educational intervention, of design of didactic sequences that incorporate aspects of educational innovation, of elaboration of didactic materials, of critical description of class experiences, etc.
Of empirical inquiry. It can be a qualitative or quantitative analysis of data, obtained by data collection techniques, to answer a previously formulated question or to test a working hypothesis.
In any case, it must be clear that the TFG is not the final memory of the school practices or a practical work or essay related to any of the subjects. In any of the modalities, the works will include sufficient elements of personal creation.
The memory will have an extension between 10,000 and 18,000 words. Exceptionally, the Quality Assurance Committee of each Faculty may authorize a smaller extension if the work is associated with an original educational material of sufficient size.
The report will follow the version of the APA format indicated by each Faculty and will have a general orientation structure that contains:
Cover page. You must show the title of the work and the name of the author, the director and the Faculty. The title should be informative enough to allow the reader to get a first idea about the content.
Index. Pointing epigraphs and subepígrafes.
Summary. It will be a maximum of 200 words and will be followed by a maximum of six keywords that allow the reader to quickly locate its content.
Introduction and justification. Relevance and reasons for choosing the topic, justification in relation to the professional practice of the corresponding degree.
Work development. It will contain the necessary epigraphs for the orderly exhibition of the work according to the modality chosen.
Conclusions and personal assessment. Novel or original aspects, strengths and weaknesses, difficulties encountered, future prospects (continuity, application, improvement).
Bibliographic references.
The assessment of this evaluation activity corresponds to the director of the work and represents 60% of the final grade.
ACTIVITY B. Involvement and participation of the student in the development of the TFG
Each student will be assigned a TFG director who will draw up a work plan and monitor it, assessing the involvement and participation of the student in the fulfillment and development of the same. The evaluation of this evaluation activity accounts for 10% of the final grade.
ACTIVITY C. Public defense of memory
"Activity C is subject to decisions on the evaluation model that each of the Centers takes according to the current regulations of the University of Zaragoza."
The TFG will defend itself in public session before a court. This defense will be carried out once the student has passed the rest of the subjects that lead to the obtaining of the official title and within one of the periods established by each center in their respective Regulations, which will be at least two and which will not be able to coincide with the examination periods. In the same academic year the student can only use two of these periods.
To be able to submit to the act of public defense of the TFG is necessary to have obtained a rating of 5 out of 10 in each of activities A and B.
The student will have up to 15 minutes to present their work, being able to use the graphic, audiovisual and computer media they consider appropriate. Then the court may ask the questions it deems appropriate relating to the work exposed and for a maximum time of 15 minutes.
The evaluation of this evaluation activity corresponds to the court and represents 30% of the final score broken down into:
• Assessment of the exposure phase (20% of the final grade)
• Evaluation of the debate phase (10% of the final grade)
Assessment criteria
To evaluate the activities, the following criteria will be taken into account:
ACTIVITY A. Preparation of a memory
1. Adequacy, learning and originality. The suitability of the work to the contents and skills acquired in the degree is valued, as well as the acquisition of new and relevant knowledge and skills as a result of its deepening in the chosen theme, considering also the presence of a greater or lesser degree of personal contribution and originality.
It represents 40% of the memory rating.
2. Foundation and academic rigor. The internal coherence of the work in its totality is valued together with the application made of the chosen methodology and the adequate use of primary or secondary sources and the recognition of other authors and influences where it is pertinent.
It represents 40% of the memory rating.
3. Formal and structural aspects. The grammatical and orthographic correction is valued along with a clear, coherent and comprehensible style from the parameters of the academic discourse, taking into account the respect to the formal requirements established in the teaching guide and, where appropriate, those indicated by the center where performs, both in terms of presentation and style of bibliographic citation.
It supposes 20% of the qualification of the memory.
ACTIVITY B. Participation in the tutorials convened by the director of the TFG
a) Ability to work autonomously.
b) Ability to critically evaluate their own work and the suggestions of the director of the TFG.
c) Ability to plan their work, attending the planned tutorials and meeting the deadlines and planned planning objectives.
ACTIVITY C. Public defense of memory
About the exposure phase
a) Clear, structured and intelligible presentation of the TFG
b) A well-founded exposition of the main contributions of their work, indicating their interest and importance
c) Use of the most appropriate resources to make presentation more pleasant and meaningful.
About the debate phase
a) Identification of the most significant issues raised by the evaluators and their response to them.
b) Answers in which it expresses with conviction and property.
c) Critical justification of their approach to most of the objections raised.