Academic Year:
63142 - New realities on formal and informal learning
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
63142 - New realities on formal and informal learning
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
330 - Complementos de formación Máster/Doctorado
573 - Master's in Lifelong Lerning: Introduction to Research
573 - Master's in Lifelong Lerning: Introduction to Research: 1
330 - Complementos de formación Máster/Doctorado: XX
First semester
Subject Type:
330 - ENG/Complementos de Formación
573 - Optional
1.1. Aims of the course
Thepurpose of this subject is to reflecton training as a lifelongprocessin differentlife scenarios and stages;
and to also recognise and understand the appearance of new educational requirements and, consequently, new spaces and education stakeholders as part of complex, global and democratic societies. Todo so, it is necessary tolook in-depth at some of these non-formal and informal education areas: family, community,themass media, associations,
local stake holders, ICT, etc., by recognising possible future research lines in order to finish by anover view of fundamental social transformations in western societies in recent decades and their implications in the education domain, especially in non-formal and informal education.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
Thissubject is generally outlined in the Master Degreeas its content is dealt with to refer to the competences expectedof the twenty-first-century teacher, beyond formaleducation.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
Being interested in Education in today’s society with its different manifestations and domains beyond formal education.
2.1. Competences
CB6 – Possessing and understanding knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original when devising and/or applying ideas, and often in a research context.
CB7 – Students must know how to apply the knowledge they acquire and be able to solve problems in new or barely known environments in broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their study area.
CB8 – Students must be capable of including such knowledge and face the complexity of forming judgements with information that, despite being incomplete or limited, includes reflections about social and ethical responsibilities linked to their knowledge and judgements being applied.
CG 01. E1 Accessing sources of information that specialises in the specific Master Degree themes and drawing
relevant bibliographic sources for a given study theme.
CG 02 Formulating new research questions and the field of learning, and also personal development or
multiculturalism, to be able to extend areas of knowledge and interest of science and society.
CG 06 Plan processes to analyse today’s educational reality characterised by the complexity that derives from
students’ various origins, from new learning objectives or from the inclusion of technologies.
CG 11 Analyse the changes included in the education system as a result of new learning requirements, with new
objectives, new ways of learning, with new technologies and with the need to encourage equality between men
and women, as well as democratic values, the peace culture and to respect individual differences.
CG 12 Understand the need to lay the foundations to include new technologies from the psychopedagogic perspective
as a response to the information and knowledge society.
CG 13 Identify the effects that the decisions made by education stakeholders have on the different elements
Instrumental competences:
- Organisational and planning capacity
- Analysis and synthesis capacity
- Information management capacity
Systemic competences:
- Creativity
- Adapting to new situations
- Autonomic learning
- Motivated by quality
Personal competences:
- Ethical commitment
- Critical reasoning
- Knowing and analysing some of the basic traits of today’s societies and their educational implications, especially
as regards the role played by traditional socialisation and education stakeholders
- Reflecting on the new family role as an informal education stakeholder in line with some fundamental changes in the
socio-economic and cultural organisation of our societies
- Knowing the area in which the non-formal education institutions of the community act and the nearby area
- Analysing some intervention, innovation and good practices projects in non-formal education in the nearby area.
- Identifying the role that the mass media play as training factors.
2.2. Learning goals
• Reflect on training as a lifelong process in different life scenarios and stages
• Have an overview of fundamental social transformations in western societies in recent decades and their
implications in the education domain, especially in non-formal and informal education.
• Recognise and understand the appearance of new educational requirements and, consequently, new
spaces and education stakeholders as part of complex, global and democratic societies.
• By way of example, look in-depth at some of these non-formal and informal education areas: family, community,
the mass media, associations, local stakeholders, ICT, etc., by recognising possible future research lines.
2.3. Importance of learning goals
As previously mentioned, with this subject the acquired learning is necessary and suitable to understand today’s educational
requirements to be in tune with the training challenges of our time beyond the formal education area.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The evaluation of this subject includes an overall test that consists in writing an essay based on the reflection
made on face-to-face classes and recommended readings, which represents 100% of the mark.
The subject’s evaluation criteria are specified below:
a) Formal presentation (legibility, citation or suitable reference to texts, etc.)
b) Theoretical basis
c) Coherently organising and making the theme dealt with
d) Originality, reflection and critical capacity
e) Quality and correctness of written works
f) Quality and topicality of the used bibliography
g) Oral and written communication competence
Classification criteria and requirements to pass the subject
Students should pass the essay with a mark over 5.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
Activity |
% Face to face presence
Discussion and supervision of works
4.2. Learning tasks
• Master classes
• Students presenting contents
• Discussion groups / exchanging and comparing information
• Supplementary studies / reading
• Discussing/following up works
• Preparing works
4.3. Syllabus
This subject has four parts:
- Part I. Education in postmodern societies: some important keys.
- Part II. The family and its educational function in the new social reality.
- Part III. The community in the near environment.
- Pârt IV. The mass media.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
The academic schedule of this Master Degree can be consulted on the Faculty of Education’s website at:
4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
Recommended up-to-date bibliography for this subject: check the library’s website at: