Academic Year:
425 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
30131 - Project Office
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
30131 - Project Office
Faculty / School:
175 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de La Almunia
425 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Aims of the course
The course and its expected results respond to the following approaches and objectives.
The main objective of the course Project Office is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and training tools for the development of their professional activity as engineers.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This course is part of the IOI Degree (Management) offered by EUPLA. It is a 4th year course, taken in the 7th semester and classified, within the Projects module, as compulsory, with a teaching load of 6 ECTS credits, equivalent to 150 hours of student work, out of which, 60 will be spent on face-to-face activities (theory, problems, laboratory, computer tools ...) and 90 non-class activities (problem-solving, study, seminars, final group work ...).
The course will be divided into two major parts, both developed in section 4.3 of this document:
• Part 1.- Theory on Methodology, Planning and Project Regulations. Project Documents.
• Part 2.- Theory-Practice in Knowledge and Application of Computer Tools in Projects
Both parts, in the design of the course, have application nature and lead to the making of a project-like work, trying to enable students to carry out any technical documentation necessary for the planning, development , implementation, manufacture and maintenance of a project in engineering.
As a major objective of the course students of the Degree in Industrial Management Engineering must acquire the basic knowledge of the profession by learning the concepts, terminology, theory and methodology necessary to understand, suggest and carry out an industrial project. The development of general skills and competences such as teamwork, self-learning and the ability to apply knowledge to practice is also encouraged.
According to this, we can say that it is cross-curricular course itself, where the knowledge that has been learned in previous subjects will be applied in the Final Degree Project and the production of Projects in Engineering.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
It is recommended to have passed the course on Graphic Expression (Year 1), and completed the compulsory courses of the 2nd and 3rd years
2.1. Competences
Those stated in the verification report for the Industrial Management Engineering degree.
Upon passing the subject, the student will be more competent to ...
1. Come up with, design and develop engineering projects
2. Plan, budget, organize, direct and control tasks, people and resources
3. Solve problems and make decisions with initiative, creativity and critical thinking
4. Analyze and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions acting with ethics, professional responsibility and social commitment, always seeking quality and continuous improvement
5. Work in a multidisciplinary group and in a multilingual environment
6. Information, technical specifications and regulation management
7. Knowledge and skills to organize and manage projects. Learn the organizational structure and
functions of a project office
2.2. Learning goals
Students, to pass this subject, must produce the following results. They…
1. Understand the interconnections between all the agents involved in the project
2. Interpret the major concepts and standards involved in industrial projects
3. Understand the issues and characteristics that take part in the technical studies of industrial activity
4. Carry out the project design, planning, development and monitoring
5. Interpret and prepare the specific technical documentation of a project
2.3. Importance of learning goals
This course has a remarkably engineering and language of communication nature, that is, it offers training with contents of immediate application and development, necessary for the production of reports or technical documents in the labor and professional market. It is therefore a cross-curricular subject, of major relevance, particularly in those subjects with content of graphic design (Business profile) and / or management and, mainly, in the Degree Essays and Projects.
Regardless of the field of technology in which the project is framed, this methodology facilitates the achievement of the best results in relation to the three objectives or basic pillars of any project: QUALITY, DEADLINE AND COST.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
Students must show that they have achieved the expected learning outcomes through the following assessment activities
Continuous Assessment System
• Participation. - Attendance, at least 80%, to face-to-face activities (practice tasks, classes, etc.); Attitude and direct observation of skills and request-exhibition of the project.
• Individual theoretical assessment test (5%). The student must pass a short question or a test type theoretical test in which the knowledge acquired during the explanations will be assessed.
• Individual work 1 (5%):
o Plant distribution works.
• Individual work 2 (5%):
o Mechanism design.
• Group work 1 (75%):
o Computer-based Project hand-in (25%)
o Presentation of the documentation handed in (50%).
• Group work 2 (10%):
o Computer-based technical report handed in (5%)
o Presentation of technical report handed in (5%).
All the tasks must be passed individually (value ≥ 5), the final grade being the result of the sum of all of them when the above-mentioned condition is fulfilled.
Students who, in the continuous assessment, have not passed any of the above sections, must go in for the official calls (Global Final Assessment Test) ONLY of that part not passed or, where appropriate, make the appropriate corrections.
Global Final Assessment Test
Students must choose this option when they cannot adapt to the working pace required in the continuous assessment system.
• Individual theoretical assessment test (5%). The student must pass a short question or a test type theoretical test in which the knowledge acquired during the explanations will be assessed.
• Individual work 1 (5%):
o Plant distribution works.
• Individual work 2 (5%):
o Mechanism design.
• Individual work 3 (75%):
o Computer-based Project hand-in (25%)
o Presentation of the documentation handed in (50%).
• Individual work 4 (10%):
o Computer-based technical report handed in (5%)
o Presentation of technical report handed in (5%).
All the tasks must be passed individually (value ≥ 5), the final grade being the result of the sum of all of them when the above-mentioned condition is fulfilled
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:
• Lectures: theoretical activities conducted by the teacher, so that the theoretical support of the subject is given, highlighting the major issues, structuring them on chapters and/or sections and connecting them to each other.
• Classroom practice work/seminars/workshops: Theoretical discussion activities or practice work preferably performed in the classroom and requiring high student participation
• Individual/Group tutorials: These are made on a one-to-one basis, at the department. They aim to help to solve problems that are the students might have.
4.2. Learning tasks
The program that the students are offered to help them achieve the expected results involves the following actions...
• Lectures (30h): The concepts and procedures of the subject will be developed and practical examples as support will be developed. Also, problems and case studies will be done to complement the theoretical concepts studied
• Classroom practice work/seminars/workshops (30h): Students will be divided into several groups being monitored by the teacher and they will develop the concepts and procedures in the computing tools, particularly, CAD-CAE
Tutorials: Supervised practice tasks, which include attendance and individualized or group attention, with a calendar published on the EUPLA website.
• Personal Study: Assimilation of the concepts and procedures for a proper learning process
4.3. Syllabus
Essential Contents of the subject for the achievement of learning outcomes
Part 1.- Theory on Methodology, Planning and Project Regulations
- 1.1 Technical role in the company
- 1.2 T.O. Functions: Demand forecast and upon request
- 1.3 T.O Organization
- 1.4 T.O. Relation with Departments.
- 1.5 T.O. Role in the client-company relationship
- 2.1 The project: Concepts and Classification
- 2.2 Project Factors
- 2.3 Project Stages
- 2.4 Methodology
- 3.1 UNE Standards
- 3.2 Project Documents: Memory, Plans, P.C., Budget Annexes, and Planning
- 4.1 General Plans
- 4.2 Systems and Subsystems
- 4.3 Group Drawings (UF). Lists
- 4.4 Subgroup Drawings. Lists
- 4.5 Workshop Drawings. Lists
- 4.6 Welded Parts. Lists
- 4.7 Information and Basic Engineering
- 5.1 General Issues
- 5.2 Tasks and Dependencies. Reports
- 5.3 Resources and Workloads. Reports
- 5.4 Monitoring and Control. Reports
Part 2: Practice Knowledge and Application of Computer Tools for
- Project and Technical Report Design
- Application in the development of CAD / CAE (Floors)
- Application in the development of CAD / CAE (Diagrams)
- Documentation
4.4. Course planning and calendar
The lectures and practical sessions in the laboratory are given according to the schedule set up by the School and it is published, prior to the start date of the course, on the EUPLA website, as well as the tutorial schedule.
The most relevant dates - Course Planning - (Initial test, task proposal, handing-in and presentation etc.) will be communicated to the students in the classroom at the beginning of the course.
The weekly schedule of the course will be published officially at
The dates of the global assessment test (official calls) will be those published officially at