Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2019/20

442 - Degree in Odontology

29332 - Prosthesis III

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
29332 - Prosthesis III
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
First semester
Subject Type:

1. General information

2. Learning goals

3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)

4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources

4.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been design for this subject, Its based on the following criteria:

1- Lectures: Theory lectures with student participation. In some topic areas additional material will be given for a deeper learning.

2- Seminars: will be done for special interest areas.

3- Practical lectures. A compendium of practical activities will be done in the preclinic laboratory. This activities will bring the student closer to the clinic daily basis.

4- Group homework: Several topics will be given by the professor; the student will do an assay work based on bibliography and evidence based dentistry. All the student´s homework will have a public presentation.

4.2. Learning tasks

The following activities will be done during Prosthodontics III:


1- Theorical Lectures: during the subject development,  lectures will be hold with student participation. Dialogue, questions and problems will be posed for a deeper learning. Power point presentation will show the several topics.


2- Seminars: theory- practice based


3- Practical lessons: A compendium of practical activities will be done in the preclinic laboratory. This activities will bring the student closer to the clinic daily basis. Assistance and portfolio presentation are mandatory.


4- Group homework: Several topics will be given by the professor; the student will do an assay work based on bibliography and evidence based dentistry. All the student´s homework will have a public presentation.

4.3. Syllabus


Theoric Program:

- Topic 1: Fixed prostheses: concept, history, indications and contraindications. Glossary terms.- Topic 2: Full metal crowns

- Topic 3: Porcelain fused to metal crowns

- Topic 4: Root retainers

- Topic 5: Full ceramic restorations

- Topic 6: Porcelain types.

- Topic 7: Porcelain venners

- Topic 8: Bridge design

- Topic 9: Fixed prostheses pontic

- Topic 10: Fixed prostheses conectors

- Topic 11: Gingival retraction. Impression taking

- Topic 12: Transitional prostheses. Provisional rehabilitation.

- Topic 13: Esthetic Analysis: Facial, dentolabial, fonetic and dentogingival analysis.



1- Tooth preparation: Preparations for:  metal crowns, procelain fused to metal crown, and all ceramic crowns.

2- Venner preparations

3- Gingival retraction and impression taking

4.4. Course planning and calendar




subject calendar and all the main dates are published in https://fccsyd.unizar.es/odontologia/grado-odontologia. Any changes that could affect the students, will be published either in this web page, or announce by the profressor during the lectures.


4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


  • Fundamentos esenciales en prótesis fija / Herbert T. Shillingburg...[et al.] . 3a ed., 2Ì? reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Quintessence, 2006.
  • Shillingburg, Herbert T.. Principios básicos en las preparaciones dentarias para restauraciones de metal colado y de cerámica / Herbert T. Shillingburgh, Richard Jacobi, Susan E. Brackett ; traducción, Jorge Samsó Manzanedo ; revisión científica, María Peraire Ardèvol. . Barcelona[etc.] : Quintessence, D.L. 2000.
  • Magne,Pascal. Restauraciones de porcelana adherida en los dientes anteriores: método biomimético / Pascal Magne, Urs Belse. Barcelona : Quintessence, 2004
  • Misch, C.E.. Prótesis Dental Sobre Implantes. Madrid : Elservier, 2006


  • Kina, Sidney. Invisible : restauraciones estéticas cerámicas / Sidney Kina, August Bruguera.. Buenos Aires : Editorial Medica Panamericana, 2011

Academic Year: 2019/20

442 - Degree in Odontology

29332 - Prosthesis III

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
29332 - Prosthesis III
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
First semester
Subject Type:

1. General information

2. Learning goals

3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)

4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources

4.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been design for this subject, Its based on the following criteria:

1- Lectures: Theory lectures with student participation. In some topic areas additional material will be given for a deeper learning.

2- Seminars: will be done for special interest areas.

3- Practical lectures. A compendium of practical activities will be done in the preclinic laboratory. This activities will bring the student closer to the clinic daily basis.

4- Group homework: Several topics will be given by the professor; the student will do an assay work based on bibliography and evidence based dentistry. All the student´s homework will have a public presentation.

4.2. Learning tasks

The following activities will be done during Prosthodontics III:


1- Theorical Lectures: during the subject development,  lectures will be hold with student participation. Dialogue, questions and problems will be posed for a deeper learning. Power point presentation will show the several topics.


2- Seminars: theory- practice based


3- Practical lessons: A compendium of practical activities will be done in the preclinic laboratory. This activities will bring the student closer to the clinic daily basis. Assistance and portfolio presentation are mandatory.


4- Group homework: Several topics will be given by the professor; the student will do an assay work based on bibliography and evidence based dentistry. All the student´s homework will have a public presentation.

4.3. Syllabus


Theoric Program:

- Topic 1: Fixed prostheses: concept, history, indications and contraindications. Glossary terms.- Topic 2: Full metal crowns

- Topic 3: Porcelain fused to metal crowns

- Topic 4: Root retainers

- Topic 5: Full ceramic restorations

- Topic 6: Porcelain types.

- Topic 7: Porcelain venners

- Topic 8: Bridge design

- Topic 9: Fixed prostheses pontic

- Topic 10: Fixed prostheses conectors

- Topic 11: Gingival retraction. Impression taking

- Topic 12: Transitional prostheses. Provisional rehabilitation.

- Topic 13: Esthetic Analysis: Facial, dentolabial, fonetic and dentogingival analysis.



1- Tooth preparation: Preparations for:  metal crowns, procelain fused to metal crown, and all ceramic crowns.

2- Venner preparations

3- Gingival retraction and impression taking

4.4. Course planning and calendar




subject calendar and all the main dates are published in https://fccsyd.unizar.es/odontologia/grado-odontologia. Any changes that could affect the students, will be published either in this web page, or announce by the profressor during the lectures.


4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


  • Fundamentos esenciales en prótesis fija / Herbert T. Shillingburg...[et al.] . 3a ed., 2Ì? reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Quintessence, 2006.
  • Shillingburg, Herbert T.. Principios básicos en las preparaciones dentarias para restauraciones de metal colado y de cerámica / Herbert T. Shillingburgh, Richard Jacobi, Susan E. Brackett ; traducción, Jorge Samsó Manzanedo ; revisión científica, María Peraire Ardèvol. . Barcelona[etc.] : Quintessence, D.L. 2000.
  • Magne,Pascal. Restauraciones de porcelana adherida en los dientes anteriores: método biomimético / Pascal Magne, Urs Belse. Barcelona : Quintessence, 2004
  • Misch, C.E.. Prótesis Dental Sobre Implantes. Madrid : Elservier, 2006


  • Kina, Sidney. Invisible : restauraciones estéticas cerámicas / Sidney Kina, August Bruguera.. Buenos Aires : Editorial Medica Panamericana, 2011