Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2019/20

442 - Degree in Odontology

29328 - Prosthesis II

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29328 - Prosthesis II
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
Second semester
Subject Type:

1. General information

2. Learning goals

3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)

4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources

4.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been design for this subject is based on:


Three tipes of activities:


Work with materials and process with a symbolic nature.

  • Professor's presentation through magistral lectures.
  • Workshops. The students and the proffesor will show and introduce the use of the parallelizers.
  • Student study of the recommended texts.
  • Written work in groups by the students about overdentures.

Analysis and diagnosis in contextualised situations.

  • Workshops with presentation and group analysis of parallelizer.
  • Study and video display of different prosthetic techniques accompanied by comments and analysis in groups.

Achievements in context close to reality.

  • Preclinic and laboratory practices with plastic casts that reproduce the anatomical condition of edentulism in a similar context to a real patient.

4.2. Learning tasks

  • Magistral lectures.
  • Clinical Cases Sesions.
  • Complementary Workshps.
  • Resolution of doubts in common.
  • Activity participation of the students in teaching.

4.3. Syllabus



The program offered to students for helping them to achieve the expected outcomes includes these activities...




Issue 1: Dental Prosthesis Concept. Objetives. Curse organization. Theoretical and Practical program. Schedule. Rules. Evaluation Criteria. General bibliography.


Immediate Prosthesis. Maintenance in removable prosthesis.


Issue 2: Dental prosthesis types.

  • Magistral Lesson
  • Laboratory Practice: Fisnishing and remountiong complete prosthesis.

Issue 3: Immediate prosthesis. Concept, indications, clinical and laboratory elaboration phases.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Fisnishing and remountiong complete prosthesis.

Issue 4: Prosthesis rebasing. Direct and indirect technique. Base prosthesis reconstruction. Composures.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Rebasing and composure of removable prosthesis.


Parcial Removable Prosthesis


Issue 5: Partial edenulous patient. Clinical exploration, diagnosis, classification, prognosis and treatment plan.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Occlusal adjustment of removable prosthesis.

Issue 6: Impressions in partial removable prothesis, cast analysis, partial removable prothesis components.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Impressions in partial edentulous patients, casting and plinthing.

Issue 7: Structure design. Parallelism and retainers and connectors design. Biomechanical considerations.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Workshop: Parallelizer.

Issue 8: Occlusion in Partial removable prosthesis. Records and articulator transference in partial edenulous patient.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Parallelizer. Component and use.

Issue 9: Wax-up techniques. Casted. Structure test.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Parallelizer. Component and use.

Issue 10: Prosthesis intallation in mouth. Aesthetics and fuctional checks. Hygiene indications. Periodical controls.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Preparation and design of a partial removable prosthesis according to kenedy class.

Issue 11: Acrylic partial removable prosthesis. Concept, indications and design. Clinical and laboratory phases. Periodical controls.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Preparation and design of a partial removable prosthesis according to kenedy class.



Issue 12: Overdentures. Concept, historic background, indications, diagnosis, prosthesic treatment. Retention types.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Level Test.

4.4. Course planning and calendar

Presential sessions and work presentations schedule.


Subject important dates such as register o global exam date, as well as academic calendar and updated shedule are reflected in the faculty web page:


4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Basic bibliography:

  • Carr, Alan B. Mccracken Protesis Parcial Removible / Alan B. Carr, Glen P.McGivney, David T. Brown. Barcelona :Elservier España, 2006
  • Loza Fernández, David.. Diseño de prótesis parcial removible / David Loza Fernández, H. Rodney Valverde Montalva ; colaboradores, Artrr, Alan B. Mccracken Protesis Parcial Removible / Alan B. Carr, Glen P.McGivney, David T. Brown. Barcelona :Elservier España, 2006
  • Graber, George. Atlas de prótesis parcial. Ed Masson-Salvat, 1993

Complementary bibliography:

  • Alonso, Aníbal Alberto. Oclusión y diagnóstico en rehabilitación oral / Aníbal Alberto Alonso, Jorge Santiago Albertini, Alberto Horacio Bechelli . 1a ed., 4a reimp. Buenos Aires : Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2005
  • GEERING, ALFRED H.; KUNDERT, Martin. Atlas de prótesis total y sobredentaduras. Ed. Masson-Salvat 1993
  • Mallat Desplats, Ernest.. Prótesis parcial removible y sobredentaduras / Ernest Mallat Desplats, Ernest Mallat Callís. . Madrid [etc] : Elsevier, D.L. 2003.
  • Rendón Yúdice, Roberto.. Prótesis parcial removible : conceptos actuales, atlas de diseño / Roberto Rendón Yúdice. . Madrid [etc.] : Médica Panamericana, 2006.
  • Fonollosa Pla, Josep Maria.. Prótesis removible de resina / Josep MÌ? Fonollosa Pla ; directoras Caterina Casado Latorre, MÌ? Angeles Chavarría Lorente. . Barcelona : Masson, 2004.
  • Mallat Desplats, Ernest. Prótesis parcial removible : clínica y laboratorio / Ernest Mallat Desplats, Thomas P. Keogh . 1a. reimp Madrid [etc.] : Harcourt Brace, 1998
  • García Micheelsen, José Luis.. Diseño de prótesis parcial removible : secuencia paso a paso / José Luis García Micheelsen, Luis Enrique Olavarría Astudillo. . Caracas : Amolca, 2005.
  • MISCH, Carl E.. Prótesis dental sobre implantes. Madrid: Elsevier, 2005
  • Loiacono, Pasquale. Photography in Dentistry : Theory and Techniques in Modern Documentation / Pasquale Loiacono, Luca Pascoletti . Barcelona : Quintessence Publishing, 2012
  • Wolfgang Bengel . Mastering Digital Dental Photography Quintessence Pub 2006
  • Pessina, Eduardo; Bosco, Mario; Vinci, Alessandro M.. Articulaciones y arcos faciales en prótesis odontológicas y gnatología. Ed. Masson, 1995
  • Owall, Bengt. Odontologia Protesica: Principios Y Estrategias Terapeuticas Elsevier Espana, 1997 

Academic Year/course: 2019/20

442 - Degree in Odontology

29328 - Prosthesis II

Información del Plan Docente

Academic Year:
29328 - Prosthesis II
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
Second semester
Subject Type:

1. General information

2. Learning goals

3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)

4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources

4.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been design for this subject is based on:


Three tipes of activities:


Work with materials and process with a symbolic nature.

  • Professor's presentation through magistral lectures.
  • Workshops. The students and the proffesor will show and introduce the use of the parallelizers.
  • Student study of the recommended texts.
  • Written work in groups by the students about overdentures.

Analysis and diagnosis in contextualised situations.

  • Workshops with presentation and group analysis of parallelizer.
  • Study and video display of different prosthetic techniques accompanied by comments and analysis in groups.

Achievements in context close to reality.

  • Preclinic and laboratory practices with plastic casts that reproduce the anatomical condition of edentulism in a similar context to a real patient.

4.2. Learning tasks

  • Magistral lectures.
  • Clinical Cases Sesions.
  • Complementary Workshps.
  • Resolution of doubts in common.
  • Activity participation of the students in teaching.

4.3. Syllabus



The program offered to students for helping them to achieve the expected outcomes includes these activities...




Issue 1: Dental Prosthesis Concept. Objetives. Curse organization. Theoretical and Practical program. Schedule. Rules. Evaluation Criteria. General bibliography.


Immediate Prosthesis. Maintenance in removable prosthesis.


Issue 2: Dental prosthesis types.

  • Magistral Lesson
  • Laboratory Practice: Fisnishing and remountiong complete prosthesis.

Issue 3: Immediate prosthesis. Concept, indications, clinical and laboratory elaboration phases.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Fisnishing and remountiong complete prosthesis.

Issue 4: Prosthesis rebasing. Direct and indirect technique. Base prosthesis reconstruction. Composures.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Rebasing and composure of removable prosthesis.


Parcial Removable Prosthesis


Issue 5: Partial edenulous patient. Clinical exploration, diagnosis, classification, prognosis and treatment plan.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Occlusal adjustment of removable prosthesis.

Issue 6: Impressions in partial removable prothesis, cast analysis, partial removable prothesis components.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Impressions in partial edentulous patients, casting and plinthing.

Issue 7: Structure design. Parallelism and retainers and connectors design. Biomechanical considerations.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Workshop: Parallelizer.

Issue 8: Occlusion in Partial removable prosthesis. Records and articulator transference in partial edenulous patient.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Parallelizer. Component and use.

Issue 9: Wax-up techniques. Casted. Structure test.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Parallelizer. Component and use.

Issue 10: Prosthesis intallation in mouth. Aesthetics and fuctional checks. Hygiene indications. Periodical controls.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Preparation and design of a partial removable prosthesis according to kenedy class.

Issue 11: Acrylic partial removable prosthesis. Concept, indications and design. Clinical and laboratory phases. Periodical controls.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Laboratory Practice: Preparation and design of a partial removable prosthesis according to kenedy class.



Issue 12: Overdentures. Concept, historic background, indications, diagnosis, prosthesic treatment. Retention types.

  • Magistral Lesson.
  • Level Test.

4.4. Course planning and calendar

Presential sessions and work presentations schedule.


Subject important dates such as register o global exam date, as well as academic calendar and updated shedule are reflected in the faculty web page:


4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Basic bibliography:

  • Carr, Alan B. Mccracken Protesis Parcial Removible / Alan B. Carr, Glen P.McGivney, David T. Brown. Barcelona :Elservier España, 2006
  • Loza Fernández, David.. Diseño de prótesis parcial removible / David Loza Fernández, H. Rodney Valverde Montalva ; colaboradores, Artrr, Alan B. Mccracken Protesis Parcial Removible / Alan B. Carr, Glen P.McGivney, David T. Brown. Barcelona :Elservier España, 2006
  • Graber, George. Atlas de prótesis parcial. Ed Masson-Salvat, 1993

Complementary bibliography:

  • Alonso, Aníbal Alberto. Oclusión y diagnóstico en rehabilitación oral / Aníbal Alberto Alonso, Jorge Santiago Albertini, Alberto Horacio Bechelli . 1a ed., 4a reimp. Buenos Aires : Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2005
  • GEERING, ALFRED H.; KUNDERT, Martin. Atlas de prótesis total y sobredentaduras. Ed. Masson-Salvat 1993
  • Mallat Desplats, Ernest.. Prótesis parcial removible y sobredentaduras / Ernest Mallat Desplats, Ernest Mallat Callís. . Madrid [etc] : Elsevier, D.L. 2003.
  • Rendón Yúdice, Roberto.. Prótesis parcial removible : conceptos actuales, atlas de diseño / Roberto Rendón Yúdice. . Madrid [etc.] : Médica Panamericana, 2006.
  • Fonollosa Pla, Josep Maria.. Prótesis removible de resina / Josep MÌ? Fonollosa Pla ; directoras Caterina Casado Latorre, MÌ? Angeles Chavarría Lorente. . Barcelona : Masson, 2004.
  • Mallat Desplats, Ernest. Prótesis parcial removible : clínica y laboratorio / Ernest Mallat Desplats, Thomas P. Keogh . 1a. reimp Madrid [etc.] : Harcourt Brace, 1998
  • García Micheelsen, José Luis.. Diseño de prótesis parcial removible : secuencia paso a paso / José Luis García Micheelsen, Luis Enrique Olavarría Astudillo. . Caracas : Amolca, 2005.
  • MISCH, Carl E.. Prótesis dental sobre implantes. Madrid: Elsevier, 2005
  • Loiacono, Pasquale. Photography in Dentistry : Theory and Techniques in Modern Documentation / Pasquale Loiacono, Luca Pascoletti . Barcelona : Quintessence Publishing, 2012
  • Wolfgang Bengel . Mastering Digital Dental Photography Quintessence Pub 2006
  • Pessina, Eduardo; Bosco, Mario; Vinci, Alessandro M.. Articulaciones y arcos faciales en prótesis odontológicas y gnatología. Ed. Masson, 1995
  • Owall, Bengt. Odontologia Protesica: Principios Y Estrategias Terapeuticas Elsevier Espana, 1997