Academic Year:
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
29298 - Ethical and Political Foundations of Consumption / Adaptation Course
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
29298 - Ethical and Political Foundations of Consumption / Adaptation Course
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Aims of the course
The subject and his planned results answer to the following approaches and aims:
The main aim of this subject is to contribute the basic competitions to diagnose the ethical appearances and politicians of the consumption, especially alimentary, in our current society.
For this, the students has to obtain some knowledges on the society of consumption:
Aim 1: Know explain the origins and training of the society of consumption.
Aim 2: Can analyse some fundamental shots of the society of current consumption.
Aim 3: Be able to signal the ethical and political consequences of the production and the massive consumption of products.
Aim 4: Know some alternatives of consumption and know analyse the ethical consequences-political that have for our societies.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This subject engloba in the frame of the course bridge to obtain the degree of Degree in Human and Dietary Nutrition. In her they pretend provide tools of study that make possible the analysis in depth of the ethical appearances and politicians that derive of the system of production and of consumption of the current world. When being a subject that cursan people that already have the Diplomatura in Nutrition and Dietary, the study centres in the consumption and production of alimentary products. It wants , like this, that the people titled have a wide perspective on the consequences, so much ethical like politics, of the mechanisms that allow the phenomenon of the consumption.
The basic competitions purchased have to make possible the exercise of the profession of the Dietista-Nutricionista in a sustainable and respectful frame so much with the health, as with the environment, with the society and with the work of the people that take part in the process of production and consumption. This subject ands optativa, gives in the first semester, and is a complement of formacion of 2 ECTS that belongs to the Course of adaptation to the Degree in Human and Dietary Nutrition.
His methodology is essentially practical and allows to reach the basic competitions of the profession of the Dietista-Nutricionista from the ethical and political perspectives, developing the critical capacity of the professional and contributing him resources for the diagnostic and solution of the critical problems that can arise in the field of his exercise.
The flexibility of his methodology and of his evaluation allow that this subject can make in the context of a course of adaptation and taking into account the condicionamientos of the students.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
The student has to choose between the way of continuous evaluation or the way of final evaluation. Any condicionamiento personal has to be exposed to the professor in the first sessions, already was of way written through the email ( ), already was of face-to-face way. The flexibility of the methodology and of the evaluation have to guarantee that the students alcance the necessary basic competitions for his adaptation to the degree.
2.1. Competences
When surpassing the subject, the student will be more competent stops:
1. Apply the ethical principles and the legal responsibilities to the professional practice of the dietista-nutricionista, developing it with respect to the people, his habits, beliefs and cultures.
2. Show knowledge of the limits of the profession and his competitions, identifying when it is necessary a treatment interdisciplinar or the derivación to another professional.
3. Keep and update the professional competition.
4. Show knowledge of the main concepts of the field of the ethical and be able to relate them with the moral task that all person has in the life, understood this like quehacer moral protected in an ethical reflection.
5. Discernir The political foundations in which they rest the practices of the consumption in the contemporary society and the consequences of his possible alternative.
6. Develop criteria to diagnose the main conflicts of ethical character that can appear in the exercise of the professional competitions.
7. Design solutions for the possible conflicts in the frame of the contemporary political theories.
2.2. Learning goals
1. Recognise the essential elements of the profession of the Dietista-Nutricionista, including the ethical principles, the political budgets, the legal responsibilities and the exercise of the profession, applying the principle of social justice to the professional practice and developing it with respect to the people, his habits, beliefs and cultures.
2. Know of rigorous form the foundations of the society of consumption, his origin and development.
3. Discover and comprise the causes and the consequences of the current tendency to the consumerism, from the ethical points of view, politicians and cultural.
4. Promote a personal reflection on the present attitudes in front of the consumption, considering the aberrations of the consumerism and his consequences.
5. Develop a sensitivity of ethical character in front of the main problems that is generating the valid economy of consumption in the diverse fields: ecology, distribution of the wealth in the world, advertising, wars, debates on the human behaviour with the animals, etc.
6. Know and differentiate the anthropological and sociological bases that sustentan the designated "was of the consumption".
2.3. Importance of learning goals
The tools that provide to the students in this subject are of importance because they will allow him have an ethical and political perspective of the processes of production and consumption. These tools will be able to be them useful to purchase an ethical consciousness on the products of consumption in general.
Although it will do upsetting in the knowledge on the consumption of alimentary products, the students will be able after applying his know on the ethical foundations and politicians of the consumption to any another type of product. Besides, it will be able to find forms of responsible consumption, so necessary in our current society.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student will have to show that it has reached the results of planned learning by means of the following activities of evaluaciorn:
- Realisation of a bibliographic reviewing of a text that the professor will propose in the initial session of the course. The work will be compulsory and will abide by a guion that the professor will present in the first classes.
- Realisation of the scripts-work that the professor will provide beside a selection of bibliographic fragments.
- Realisation of a proof written of evaluation that versará on the work of reading and on the different scripts-work made by the student. The proof written will be able to make with the support of the material elaborated by the student during the course.
The proof written will consist of two subjects to develop:
1º A subject on the selection of bibliographic fragments (50%).
2º A subject on the reading made (50%).
To. For the students that opt by a continuous evaluation the percentage of qualification will be the following:
1. Work-Reviewing: 25%
2. Scripts-Work: 25%
3. Proof written: 50%
B. For the students that opt by a final evaluation the percentage of qualification will be the following:
1. Work-Reviewing: 20%
2. Proof written: 80%
Note: it will facilitate , in the possible, the attention to the diversity in the evaluation of the subject, taking into account the condicionamientos labour and social of the students, favouring his evaluation in each case. It is necessary to expose, by writing through the email or presencialmente, the condicionamientos that have to be attended.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The process of learning that has designed for this subject bases in the following:
The process of learning of this subject bases in the analysis of texts, that provide us theoretical tools to be able to comprise better the processes of production and consumption of products. In these texts, will look for the ethical appearances and politicians of the society of consumption.
1. Participatory masterclass.
2. Seminars of groups for resolution of problems and cases.
3. Study of contents related with the theoretical classes, preparation of seminars, research of information and complementary readings
4. Realisation of the different proofs for the verification of the acquisition so much of theoretical knowledges like practical and the acquisition of competitions.
4.2. Learning tasks
1. Selection and exhibition of texts.
2. Comment of texts.
3. Bibliographic reviewing and work of investigation.
4. Preparation of conceptual syntheses.
4.3. Syllabus
1. Theoretical foundations of the consumption.
1.1. Birth and development of the society of consumption.
1.2. Need and consumption in the history of the economic thought and politician.
1.3. Analysis of the economic theories and politics of the consumption.
1.4. Institutional foundations of the cultural theories of the consumption.
1.5. Approximation to an ethical normative-reflexive of the consumption.
2. Contemporary problems of the consumption.
2.1. Ecology and ethical environmental.
2.2. Ethical of the consumption and of the advertising.
2.3. Consumption, freedom and happiness.
2.4. Anthropological bases, sociological and political of the inequalities in the distribution of the wealth in the world.
2.5. Ethical and new technologies.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
Calendar of face-to-face sessions and presentation of works:
1ª Session: Presentation of the subject.
2ª Session: Presentation of the selection of texts.
3ª Session: Presentation of the main reading.
Following sessions: Analysis and comment of the selection of texts.
Session of evaluation: Proof written.
Note: The work of compulsory reviewing will be presented under the indications of the professor with fifteen days of antelación to the official date of the proof written, in both announcements.
4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
Bauman, Zygmunt. Trabajo, consumismo y nuevos pobres / Zygmunt Bauman;traducción por Victoria de los Ángeles Boschiroli . - [1a. ed.] Barcelona : Gedisa, 2000
Cortina Orts, Adela. Por una ética del consumo : la ciudadanía del consumidor en un mundo global / Adela Cortina Madrid: Taurus, D.L. 2002
Fukuyama, Francis. La gran ruptura /Francis Fukuyama ; traducción de Laura Paredes . - 1ª ed. Barcelona [etc.]:Ediciones B, 2000
Lipovetsky, Gilles. La era del vacío: ensayos sobre el individualismo contemporáneo / Gilles Lipovetsky . - 8ªed. Barcelona : Anagrama, 2010
Nussbaum, Martha. Crear capacidades : propuesta para el desarrollo humano / Martha C. Nussbaum . - 1a. ed., 5a. reimpr. Barcelona: Paidós, 2015
Putnam, Robert D.. Solo en la bolera: colapso y resurgimiento de la comunidad norteamericana / Robert D. Putnam ; traducción de José Luis Gil Aristu . - 1ª ed. Barcelona : Galaxia Gutenberg: Círculo de Lectores, 2002
La era del vacío []
Trabajo, consumismo y nuevos pobres []