29235 - Applied English for Dietetics and Nutrition
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
2.1. Competences
When passing the course, the student will be more competent to...
Improve his knowledge and use of a second language, in this case, English.
Apply theoretical knowledge to performance.
Recognize the need to plan and mangage time, and to do it efficiently.
Work in the abilities of management of information (skill to search, analyze and choose information from different sources), and be able to transmit and present the knowledge acquired after investigation.
Work in an international context.
Work in a team.
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student will demonstrate that they have reached the expected learning outcomes by means of the following assessment activities.
1. A final written exam, on the appointed date for each call, which will include the following parts:
a) Reading comprehension, intensive and extensive: 20%
b) Listening compression: 20%
c) Morphosyntaxis and vocabulary: 20%
d) Writing: 20%
2. Oral presentation, in class, of a group work, including round of questions, and / or final oral interview, depending on the professor's considerations. (at the appointed dates during the term, which will be published on the Moodle webpage): 20%
To pass the course, it is not necessary to obtain a pass grade for each of the oral exam and all the written exam sections. The overall final grade, the average grade of the 6 sections, will have to be a minimum of 5.
In the exam, students will have to demonstrate the knowledge acquired throughout the course:
Morphosyntaxis and vocabulary. Students will solve exercises that will be similar to those done during the term, in which the grammatical correction in structures, which may be used in a “dietician-patient” context, will be valued, as well as the precise use of technical words relation to Nutrition, or definition of concepts.
Writing comprehension. It will include at least a text about an aspect of the syllabus. Student will answer global comprehension questions, or specific data or information that will be deductible from the text.
Listening comprehension. Student will prepare a presentation about a topic of the specialisation, by pairs or individually, which will be assessed individually. The presentation will take place in the classroom, following the norms which will be previously explained. In these presentations, students will use a PowerPoint document, which will be handed in to the professor, together with any written material used for the preparation of the presentation. The dates for the presentations will be decided during the term and will be published on Moodle.
Writing. Students will elaborate a composition about a topic related to the course. In this section, not adapting to the task or the topic is a criteria for evaluation, being able to obtain a 0 in the qualification of this skill.
Assessment criteria
In the evaluation activities the following aspects will be valued:
Oral expression /interaction: fluency, phonetic correction, message clarity, lexical, grammatical, pragmatical and communicative adequacy (use of strategies not to resort to the mother tongue)
Written expression: message relevance and adequacy of ideas to the proposed topic: communicative capacity, organization, clarity and coherence, morphosyntactic, lexical and orthographic adequacy; stylistic adequacy.
Oral comprehension: understanding of the global idea, recognition of the most important details of the recordings.
Written comprehension: understanding of the main ideas of a text, location of specific information, formulation of inferences, usage of contextual components, and knowledge about word formation to infer the meaning of unknown words or expressions.
If a student did not attend seminars and did not deliver an oral presentation, they will have to speak, before the exam, to the teacher to fix a date and place for the oral part of the exam.
Students who have not passed the exam, or did not take the exam, in the first call will be able to take the exam, both written and oral, on the date appointed by the centre, for the second call.
Assessment system
The student must obtain a 50% of the total to obtain a pass qualification.
According to the current legislation, the qualifications will be the following:
From 50% to 69% pass C, from 70% to 89% outstanding B, from 90% excellent A. The grade "with honours" will be given with an excellent A grade, according to the professor's criteria.