Academic Year:
445 - Degree in Tourism
29110 - Tourism: Psycho-Sociology
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
29110 - Tourism: Psycho-Sociology
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education
1.1. Aims of the course
The subject and its expected results meet the following approaches and objectives:
Introduction to the sociological dimensions of the tourism phenomenon, especially taking into account the social dimensions of tourism behavior and the social consequences of this phenomenon both on tourists and host societies.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This is a subject within the "Basic Training" of the degree and the first course for the student understand the powerful of an activity unparalleled in the history of humanity, with multiple impact and responsible for deep and complex social changes: The Tourism.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
To take this course a previous specific training is not required, it is sufficient to qualifications required to access the Degree in Tourism. It is desirable that the person feels interest in current issues affecting society and learn to relate them to tourism.
2.1. Competences
To pass the subject, students will be more competent to...
Specific Competences (CE)
CE 1. Understand the principles of tourism: its spatial, social, cultural, political, economic and environmental.
CE 3. Understand the dynamic and evolving character of tourism and the new society of leisure
CE 31. Working in different socio-cultural environments.
Transversal competences (CT)
CT1. Demonstrate, have and understand basic knowledge of matters related to the tourism from different scientific disciplines, its epistemological evolution and the relationship with other scientific disciplines that that are focused on it, based on the knowledge acquired in the secondary education, and to a level that ensures knowledge of the forefront in the study of this discipline.
CT 5. Develop learning skills necessary to undertake professional and academic work in tourism with a high degree of autonomy.
CT 8. Creativity and adaptability to the changing environment.
CT 11. Ability to teamwork, developing social and communication skills that allow students to leadership and motivation.
2.2. Learning goals
The student, for passing this subject, should demonstrate the following results:
- Analyzing the origins of tourism in Western countries, their relationship to leisure and international dimension
- Studying the conceptual development of social studies of tourism and leisure.
- Knowing multiculturalism in today's societies.
- Understanding the impacts of tourism and its social problems.
- Determinate the risks of tourism and leisure companies.
- Learning the basic concepts and methods of sociology.
- Learning to historically situate the phenomenon of modern tourist entertainment.
- Learning to detect (and sensitized with) differences in tourism behavior as sociological variables.
- Learning to detect (and sensitized with) the social impacts of tourism.
2.3. Importance of learning goals
The student will know one of the human activities with more social significance such as tourism and its ability to transform destinations, cultures and people, analyzing the positive and negative effects of this social phenomenon.
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student must demonstrate that he/she has achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities
Evaluation systems
The student can choose from the following evaluation systems:
1) Assessment system by exam and portfolio
For this type of evaluation regular class attendance is recommended and it requires participation in assignments, tasks and activities scheduled during the course.
The final mark for the course will be the weighted sum of the following evaluation activities:
1.a. Student Portfolio: The student will prepare a portfolio with the proposed work by the professor and will deliver each assignment on the dates previously indicated on the Moodle platform. For the evaluation of the portfolio will be necessary that at least 80% of the assignments are delivered within the period stipulated on Moodle. These works include, among others:
- Reading and analysis of scientific literature
- Analysis of actual cases related to social aspects of tourism
- Development of practical cases
- Summary of expert talks
- Development of essays on topics related to the subject
- Activities in small and large groups
- Participation in classroom discussions
These activities may be presented and discussed in class throughout the semester on the dates previously indicated on the Moodle platform. The content, quality of documentation, presentation, originality, and clarity of presentation will be assessed. To pass this part it will be necessary to get at least 5 in the portfolio.
The evaluation of the portfolio with the above conditions will weight for 40% of the final mark. The final marks of the portfolio will be provided with at least one week in advance regarding the final exam, because if the students fail this part of the evaluation, they should opt for the final exam system (see point 2)
1 B. Evaluation of theoretical contents: On the date stipulated by the University of Zaragoza the students must attend the theoretical exam of the subject. The content will focus on 8 topics seen during the semester. In this test, the student must demonstrate the proper assimilation, understanding and application of the theoretical contents exposed in class. The test will consist of 5 essay questions.
To pass the exam, and be considered to make the mean with the portfolio, it will be necessary to get at least 5 in the mark.
The weighting of evaluation of theoretical content is 60% of the total score.
If the student fails this test, he/she must attend the June exam in which only final exam system can be chosen (see point 2).
2) Assessment system by final exam
Students who opt for this system or not pass the portfolio assessment should take a final exam at the end of the semester (according to University Zaragoza exams schedule) which will represent 100% of the final grade. This test will include both the contents of theoretical program (8 units) and the issues addressed in practical work. The structure of exam will be: 5 questions about theoretical content (50% of score) and 2 practical topics (50% of score). To pass this test a minimum mark of 5 must be obtained a rating in each one of the parts (theoretical and practical).
In the June only this system is available.
Working time (in hours):
Attendance to theoretical classes: 45
Attendance at practical classes: 15
Attendance to tutorships: 23
Assistance to various activities (seminars, visits to companies): 15
Preparation of lectures: 30
Preparation of practical classes: 15
Examinations 7
Total student work: 150 (6 ECTS)
4.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following methodology:
- Participative lectures
- Individual and collective activities
- Small group tutoring
- Individual tutoring
- Case studies
- Document Analysis
- Experts talks
- Individual work
- Individual exam
4.2. Learning tasks
The program that is offered to help the student to achieve the expected results includes the following activities;
- Exhibitions, lectures, debates - (CE1)(CE3)(CE31)
- Small group tutoring- ALL
- Tutoring -ALL
- Case studies -(CE 1) (CE3) (CT1) (CT11)
- Analysis of documents -(CE31)
- Study -ALL
- Individual exam - ALL
4.3. Syllabus
UNIT 1. Purpose and method of Sociology.
1.1. Definition of Sociology
1.2. History of Sociology
1.3. Sociology as a science
1.4. Methodology. Social research
UNIT 2. Work, leisure and tourism from a historical perspective.
2.1. Introduction to tourism from a social perspective.
2.2. Social history of work-life balance
2.3. Social history of tourism
2.4. Social history of tourism in Spain
UNIT 3. Historical Conformation of mass tourism: socioeconomic and cultural components.
3.1. Introduction: The 4 stages of tourism
3.2. Characterization of mass tourism
3.3. Causes of mass tourism
3.4. Effects of mass tourism
3.5. Case Study: Spain
UNIT 4. Economic, social and cultural transformations mature capitalism: Differentiated touristic products
4.1. Economic, social and cultural transformations in mature capitalism
4.2. Differentiated tourism products
4.3. Tourism as a form of social distinction
4.4. Tourism in the consumer society
UNIT 5. The tourist motivations.
5.1. Introduction: but ... Why we are tourists?
5.2. Human needs
5.3. Determining factors for the tourists
5.4. Tourist Motivations
UNIT 6. Tourism and Global Society: Meetings between societies. Sociocultural impacts of tourism. The complex relationships between hosts and guests.
6.1. Tourism in the Global Society
6.2. Socio-cultural impacts of tourism on the tourists
6.3. Socio-cultural impacts of tourism on the host population
6.4. Solutions to the socio-cultural impacts of tourism
UNIT 7. The peculiarities of tourism as a socio-economic activity of services.
7.1. Introduction: Work and tourism in modern society
7.2. Characteristics of tourism employment
7.3. Professionalization in tourism
7.4. Education and tourism
UNIT 8. Social Networks and Tourism
8.1. Definition and types of Social Media
8.2. Using Social Media on Tourism
8.3. Case study
4.4. Course planning and calendar
Schedule sessions and presentation of works
The specific timetable will be established by the professor at the beginning of the course both in classes and in the Moodle platform.
In general the program will follow the following schedule:
- September-January: Lecturing of theoretical content in class
- October-January: Assignments and their evaluation
- January: Final asessment
See epigraph 5
Key dates of the course
The dates marked by the University of Zaragoza will be considered by the School of Tourism as well as those indicated by the professor throughout the course related to activities (tests, assignments, exhibitions ...) of the subject itself.
4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]
BB |
Mazón, Tomás. Sociología del turismo / Tomás Mazón . Madrid : Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, DL 2001 |
BB |
Sociología del turismo / Ángeles Rubio Gil (coord.) Barcelona : Ariel, 2003 |
BC |
Álvarez Sousa, Antonio. El ocio turístico en las sociedades industriales avanzadas / Antonio Alvarez Sousa ; prólogo de José Luis Veira Veira . - 1a. ed. Barcelona : Bosch, 1994 |
BC |
Anfitriones e invitados : antropología del turismo / Valene L. Smith (comp.) Madrid : Endymion, D.L. 1992 |
BC |
Augé, Marc. El viaje imposible : El turismo y sus imágenes / Marc Augé . - 1ª ed. Barcelona : Gedisa, D.L. 1998 |
BC |
Blasco Peris, Albert. Tipologías turísticas : un análisis de las distintas modalidades turísticas y de su impacto en el medio y en la sociedad de acogida / Albert Blasco Peris Girona : Xarxa d'Escoles de Turisme : Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Girona : Institut del Patrimoni Cultural, 2006 |
BC |
Callejo Gallego, Javier. Análisis empírico de la demanda turística / Javier Callejo Gallego, Jesús Gutiérrez Brito, Antonio Viedma Rojas Madrid : Centro de Estudios Ramon Areces, D.L. 2003 |
BC |
Gómez Patiño, María. Escapistas de la realidad : los intangibles del turismo / María Gómez y Patiño . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Laertes, 2012 |
BC |
Introducción a las técnicas de investigación social / Javier Callejo Gallego, coordinador, Consuelo del Val Cid, Jesús Gutiérrez Brito, Antonio Viedma Rojas. Madrid : Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, D.L. 2009. |
BC |
Jáuregui, Ramón. El tiempo que vivimos y el reparto del trabajo : La gran transformación del trabajo, la jornada laboral y el tiempo libre / Ramón Jáuregui, Francisco Egea, Javier de la Puerta . 1ª ed. Barcelona [etc.] : Paidós, 1998 |
BC |
Knebel, Hans-Joachim. Sociología del turismo : cambios estructurales en el turismo moderno / por Hans-Joachim Knebel Barcelona : Hispano Europea, cop. 1974 |
BC |
Ocio y sociedad de clases / Joffre Dumazedier ... [et al.] . - [1ª ed.] Barcelona : Fontanella, 1971 |
BC |
San Martín García, Jesús Emilio. Psicosociología del ocio y del turismo / Jesús Emilio San Martín García Archidona (málaga) : Aljibe, D.L: 1997 |
BC |
Sociología del ocio y del turismo : tipos, planificación y desarrollo / Margarita Latiesa Rodríguez, Manuel García Ferrando, Antón Álvarez Sousa (coords.) Granada : Editorial Universidad de Granada, D.L. 2009 |
BC |
Turismo, ¿pasaporte al desarrollo? : perspectivas sobre los efectos sociales y culturales del turismo en los países en vías de desarrollo / [editor], Emanuel de Kadt ; [traducción de José C. Lisón Arcal] . Madrid : Endymion, D.L. 1992 |
BC |
Veblen, Thorstein. Teoría de la clase ociosa / Thorstein Veblen ; prólogo y traducción de Carlos Mellizo. . - 1a. ed., 2a. reimp. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2011 |