Academic Year:
304 - Degree in Medicine
26773 - Cardiovascular, Endocrinology and Nutrition Systems
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
26773 - Cardiovascular, Endocrinology and Nutrition Systems
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
304 - Degree in Medicine
First semester
Subject Type:
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:
• The subject and cardiovascular system Endocrinology and Nutrition are divided into 45 theoretical lectures of one hour, 18 hours of seminars, 18 hours of workshops and 6 hours of tutorials.
• The content of the lectures will be based on a text or manual previously recommended and adapted to the level of student knowledge
• In seminars and workshops, students will work on clinical cases and should solve problems posed by personal and teamwork.
• The student will apply the acquired knowledge in this subject and in every grade, in the "supervised practice" comprising, on a mandatory basis in the first quarter of 6th grade year (course 26730) 30 ECTS (750 hours) and in the second quarter of the same year (course 26731) 24 ECTS (600 hours) and optionally in the second quarter of the 5th grade year (course 26728) 18 ECTS (450 hours) and the subject 26729 12 ECTS (300 hours), which makes up to 2100 hours of clinical practices developed in the form of rotating by different healthcare services throughout 18 months.
The learning process that is designed for Cardiovascular matter has intended his teaching 125 hours (75 to Medicine and Surgery 50) which are divided into:
A. Classroom Teaching (45%): 55 hours (33 Medicine and Surgery 22)
• Classes in large groups: Corresponds to lectures on the theory of the subject, are expositive using the computer, projector, etc. Its content will be based on a text or manual previously recommended and adapted to the level of knowledge of the student.
• Seminars: Teaching based on clinical cases involving student and answers to the teacher's questions, by personal and teamwork.
• Workshops: They students formulate diagnoses based on their previous knowledge of semiotics and logic as therapeutic orientations formulated diagnoses.
• Tutorials: These consist of personal interviews with a teacher for academic guidance and resolution of doubts raised by the student.
• Evaluation: Includes the different tests described in other sections for verification of theoretical and practical knowledge and other skills acquired.
B. No face to face Teaching (55%): 69 hours (41 to Medicine and Surgery 28):
• It involves staff-student study based on different sources of information and individual work.
The learning process that is designed to matter endocrinology has designed its teaching 100 hours (75 to Medicine and Surgery 25), which are divided into:
A. Classroom Teaching (45%): 45 hours (34 and 11 Medicine Surgery)
• Classes in large groups: Corresponds to lectures on the theory of the subject, are expositives using the computer, projector, etc. Its content will be based on a text or manual previously recommended and adapted to the level of knowledge of the student.
• Seminars: Teaching based on clinical cases involving student and answers to the teacher's questions, by personal and teamwork.
• Workshops: They students formulate diagnoses based on their previous knowledge of semiotics and logic as therapeutic orientations formulated diagnoses.
• Tutorials: These consist of personal interviews with a teacher for academic guidance, review of one or more topics, etc.
• Evaluation: This includes the various tests described in other sections for verification of theoretical and practical knowledge and other skills acquired.
B. No face to face Teaching (55%): 55 hours (41 to Medicine and Surgery 14):
• It involves staff-student study based on different sources of information and individual work.
4.2. Learning tasks
The program, that the student is offered to help you achieve the results expected in the course of the cardiovascular system and endocrine and nutrition, includes the following learning tasks that include 9,00 ECTS (225 hours):
- Face to face Teaching: Classroom education (45%): 4.05 ECTS: 101.3 h.
- Large groups: 1,83 ECTS (46 hours).
- Lectures: Lectures using computer, projector, etc.
- Small groups: ECTS 1.8 (45.5 hours)
- Seminars: ECTS 0.8 (20.5 hours). Teaching based on clinical cases involving student and answers to the teacher's questions
- Workshops: 0.7 ECTS (18.2 hours). Diagnostic formulation based on prior knowledge of semiotics. Logical therapeutic orientations as diagnostic formulations.
- Tutorials: 0.3 ECTS (6.8 hours): Personal interview with a teacher (academic guidance, review of one or more topics, etc.)
- Assessment: 0.4 ECTS (10.2 hours): Implementation of the various tests described in other sections for verification of theoretical and practical knowledge and other skills acquired.
- No face to face Teaching 4.9 ECTS (123.7 hours). Personal Student study based on different sources of information and individual work.
4.3. Syllabus
The course will address the following topics:
The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results in the field Cardiovascular System includes the following activities that include 5.00 ECTS (125 hours):
Face to face Teaching:
- Lectures: There are 25, one hour, 15 medical and 10 surgical covering the following program:
Unit 1. Syncope: Concept. Clinical forms. Diagnosis. Forecast. Treatment.
Unit 2. Heart failure. Concept. Classification. Acute Pulmonary Edema.
Unit 3. Chronic Heart Failure: Etiology. Pathophysiology. Clinical manifestations. direct and differential diagnosis. Prognostic evaluation. Treatment. Heart failure with high cardiac output: circulatory hyperkinetic syndromes.
Unit 4. Surgical treatment of heart failure.
Unit 5. Cardiac arrhythmias. Sinus Arrhythmia. Extrasystolia and parasystolia. Supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias. Flutter and fibrillation atrial and ventricular. Heart block. Adams Stokes syndrome. Ventricular pre-excitation syndromes.
Unit 6. Sudden death. Cardiac arrest: diagnosis and treatment. General treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
Unit 7. Adult congenital heart disease. Atrial septal defect. Interventricular communication. Ductus arteriosus. Aortic coarctation. Ebstein disease.
Unit 8. Surgery of congenital heart disease
Unit 9. Rheumatic fever. Acquired valvular stenosis and mitral regurgitation. Stenosis and aortic insufficiency. Tricuspid disease
Unit 10. Acquired valvular surgery.
Unit 11. Infective Endocarditis. Injury risk. Diagnosis. Treatment.
Unit 12. Pericardial pathology. Acute pericarditis. Cardiac tamponade. Constrictive pericarditis.
Unit 13. Surgery of the pericardium. Cardiac and vascular trauma.
Unit 14. Myocarditis and cardiomyopathies. Concept. Types. Clinical manifestations. Diagnosis and treatment.
Unit 15. Hypertension. Concept. Classification. Clinical manifestations and complications. Hypertensive heart disease. Risk stratification. Treatment.
Unit 16. Atherosclerosis: Concept. Epidemiology. Risk factors. Clinical forms. Cardiovascular prevention. Ischemic Heart Disease: Concept. Aetiology. Clinical forms. Diagnosis and treatment.
Unit 17. Angina pectoris. Concept. Classification. Etiology. Diagnosis. Treatment.
Unit 18. Myocardial Infarction: Concept. Etiopathogenesis. Diagnosis. Treatment. Complications. Prognostic factors. Secondary prophylaxis of ischemic heart disease.
Unit 19. Surgery of ischemic heart disease and its complications
Unit 20. Functional Heart Disease. Nonischemic chest pain. Differential diagnosis.
Unit 21. Surgery of the aortic arch and the thoracic aorta.
Unit 22. General principles of Vascular Surgery. Syndrome of acute ischemia. Embolism and arterial thrombosis.
Unit 23. Syndrome chronic ischemia.
Unit 24. Arterial Aneurysms.
- Unit 25. Surgery of the supra-aortic trunks.
- Small groups: 25 hours
- Seminars of medicine: 4 of 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac valvulopathies.
- Diagnosis and treatment of suspected infective endocarditis.
- Patient with dilated cardiomyopathy.
- Patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Workshops medicine: 4 of 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Management of patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation.
- Management of patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation.
- Management of a patient with acute heart failure.
- Management of a patient with chronic heart failure.
- Medical Tutorials: 2 hours.
- Seminars surgery: 3 hours.
- Arterial Semiology: (1.5 hours).
- Vascular emergencies: (1.5 hours).
- Workshops surgery: 3 hours.
- Venous Semiotics I: Chronic (1.5 hours) venous insufficiency.
- Venous and lymphatic II Semiología: Venous thrombosis. Complications and sequelae (1.5 hours).
- Surgery Tutorials: 1 hour
• Evaluation of Medicinet: 3 hours.
• Evaluation of surgery: 2 hours.
• No face to face Teaching medicine: 41 hours.
• No face to face Teaching surgery: 28 hours.
The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results in the field Endocrinology and Nutrition includes the following activities that include 4.00 ECTS (100 hours):
Face to face Teaching:
- Classroom teaching: or Lectures: 17, corresponding to 10 tracks of medicine and surgery 5 covering the following program (M: class of medicine; C: kind of surgery):
- - Unit 1. (M) Pathology of calcium and phosphorus metabolism (1 hour).
- - Unit 2. (M) Pituitary Pathology (2 hours).
- - Unit 3. (M) Pathology adrenal (1 hour)
- - Unit 4 (C) Surgery of the adrenal glands (1 hour).
- - Unit 5. (M) gonadal Pathology (1 hour).
- - Unit 6. (M) Obesity and malnutrition (1 hour).
- - Unit 7. (C) Surgery for morbid obesity and metabolic (1 hour).
- - Unit 8. (M) Thyroid Pathology (2 hours).
- - Unit 9. (C) General principles of surgery of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (1 hour).
- - Unit 10. (C) Tumors of the thyroid gland (1 hour).
- - Unit 11. (C) Surgery of the parathyroid glands (1 hour).
- - Unit 12. (M) Diabetes mellitus I (1 hour).
- - Unit 13. (M) Diabetes Mellitus II (1 hour).
- - Unit 14. (M) Dyslipidemia (1 hour).
- - Unit 15. (M) Other endocrine processes (1 hour).
- Small groups:
- Medical Seminars: 6 hours
1. Treatment regimens in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
2. Characteristics of syndromes hypopituitarism.
- Medical Workshops: 6 hours
1. How to face a thyroid problem in clinical practice.
2. Problems of Clinical Nutrition.
- Medical Tutorials: 2 hours
- Seminars surgery: 2 hours
1. Cervical infections
2. Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
- Workshops surgery: 2 hours
1. Digestive endocrine tumors. Introducing more frequent cases.
- Surgery Tutorials: 1 hour
- Evaluation of medicine: 3 hours
- Evaluation of surgery: 1 hour
• No face to face Teaching medicine: 41 hours
• No face to face Teaching surgery: 14 hours
4.4. Course planning and calendar
The scheme of planning the development of this part of the course includes:
• Twenty-five lectures distributed, according to the general organization of the course
• Seminars: 6 according to the schedule of the subject.
• Workshops: 6 according to the schedule of the subject.
• The work of small groups (1-6 students) will be made and delivered as directed by the professor. Each group will only work on all offered on the part of the subject of "cardiovascular system".
• 69 hours of autonomous work and study.
The scheme of planning the development of this part of the course includes:
• Lectures: 17, according to the general organization of the course.
• Seminars: 4 according to the schedule of the subject.
• Workshops: 3 according to the schedule of the subject.
• The work of small groups (1-6 students) distributed at the Seminars will be made and delivered in the time period specified by the responsible teacher. Each group will only work on all offered in seminaries.
• 41 hours of autonomous work and study.
Presentation of papers Cardiovascular block
• Cardiovascular surgery Topics
- minimally invasive cardiac surgery
- endovascular or surgical techniques
• Topics cardiology
- acute coronary syndrome with ST-elevation
- acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation
- acquired valvular
- bacterial endocarditis
- supraventricular tachycardias
- ventricular tachycardias
- atrial Fibrillation
- hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- dilated cardiomyopathy
• Deliver the deadline the day before the exam in January or September.
• A work chosen from a medical or surgical issue between a maximum of 6 students will be held.
• They will be made on a specific aspect (working title) of one of the proposed topics. Example: On the treatment of Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome within supraventricular tachycardias.
• PDF. Margins: 2.5. ARIAL / 11. Single spacing. Word Count: 4800-5000.
• 1st page:
- Selected topic among those proposed.
- Work title.
- Author (maximum of 6 may be included)
• 2nd page:
- Authors, indicating the degree of participation or a specific aspect of the work which is responsible each.
• Last Page: Consulted bibliography. American Medical Association
• The specific objective of the work in relation to the chosen theme
• Material and methods:
- Keywords or used. Criteria. (Range, years ...)
- The number of items found in the item. * Number of revised articles. Item Type: Review, - Update, meta-analyses, case series, Testing ...
- Aspects / issues / points / concrete review / analysis in relation to the job objective data: Database
• Results obtained (In relation to the revised / database)
• Discussion and conclusions
• Bibliography