Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2018/19

568 - Degree in Food Science and Technology

30808 - Food economy basics

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
30808 - Food economy basics
Faculty / School:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
568 - Degree in Food Science and Technology
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

4.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards the achievement of the learning objectives. The learning activities are mainly organised in 43 lectures and interactive sessions, 10 hours of practical activities and 4 hours of seminars. Students give an oral presentation of scientific/technical articles in the seminars.

Case studies solving are organised in classes of 2 hours. First practice sessions is devoted to the search of information. Besides, students write an abstract of a scientific/technical paper (mentioned above) on subjects related to Food economics. The subjects are proposed by lecturers. In order to carry out the activity, students have to make a search in English bibliographic databases. Therefore, the references used will be in English.

4.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks:

  • Section I. Theoretical basis of Economic Science and Market.
    • Lecture sessions: Concepts and methods of the Economic Science: Key concepts in the definition of Economy. Supply, Demand and Market: changes in demand, market’s demand curve. Supply and production. The market; Core elements and types of market. Price formation and mechanism. Elasticity and its applications: Price and total income. Price elasticity of demand. Demand and consumer behaviour: Consumer and utility. The value paradox and consumer surplus. 
  • Learning activities: 
    • Lecture sessions: 10 hours
    • Private study: 18 hours
  • Section II. Food economics.  
    • Lecture sessions: The company in a perfect competition market: Competition: factors and behaviour. The competitive company and the production decision. The Economy and the State: externalities. The state’s role in Economy. States’s functions. The public sector. Market failures, the externalities. The agribusiness model and its performance. The agrifood chain: Operators and functions.
  • Learning activities: Lecture sessions: 6 hours and Private study: 110 hours
  • Section III. Economics of Food business. 
    • Lecture sessions: Business and entrepreneur. Production function and business. Costs and break-even point. Economic and financial structure of food business. Assessment of investments. Marketing as business function. Consumer behaviour. Commercial information and marketing research. Market segmentation. Distribution channels. Socio-economics factors affecting food consumer behaviour.
    • Practical activities: Cost calculation in food business and break-even point. Financial and economic analysis of food business. Economic assessment of investments. Marketing research. Surveys, sample size and sampling. Analysis of the survey results.
  • Learning activities: 
    • Lecture sessions: 25 hours
    • Practical activities: Case studies solving: 8 hours
    • Self-assessment questions: 10 hours
    • Private Study: 34 hours.
  • Abstract of a scientific/technical paper selected by searching in bibliographic databases.
    • Practical classes on search in bibliographic databases: 2 hours.
    • Oral presentation of a scientific/technical paper: 4 hours.
    • Tutorial classroom activities: 1 hour.
    • Private study: 16 hours.
  • Visit to Food Company or Workshop with manager of Food Company. 3 hours

4.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics: 

  • Section I. Theoretical basis of Economic Science and Market.  Concepts and methods of the Economic Science: Key concepts in the definition of Economy. Supply, Demand and Market: changes in demand, market’s demand curve. Supply and production. The market; Core elements and types of market. Price formation and mechanism. Elasticity and its applications: Price and total income. Price elasticity of demand. Demand and consumer behaviour: Consumer and utility. The value paradox and consumer surplus.
  • Section II. Food economics. The company in a perfect competition market: Competition: factors and behaviour. The competitive company and the production decision. The Economy and the State: externalities. The state’s role in Economy. States’s functions. The public sector. Market failures, the externalities. The agribusiness model and its performance. The agrifood chain: Operators and functions. 
  • Section III. Economics of Food business. Business and entrepreneur. Production function and business. Costs and break-even point. Economic and financial structure of food business. Assessment of investments. Marketing as business function. Consumer behaviour. Commercial information and marketing research. Market segmentation. Distribution channels. Socio-economics factors affecting food consumer behaviour. 
  • Practical program. Cost calculation in food business and break-even point. Financial and economic analysis of food business. Economic assessment of investments. Marketing research. Surveys, sample size and sampling. Analysis of the survey results.

4.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and other information of the course please refer to the “Programación de primer curso de CTA” web site (link: http://veterinaria.unizar.es/gradocta/). The information will be updated at the beginning of the course.

Classroom activities


Non-presential activities



Lecture sessions





Case studies solving





Abstract of a scientific/technical paper


Private study





Self-assessment questions



Oral presentation based on abstract of a scientific/technical paper


Private study



Visit to food company /workshop







Private study














4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

See spanish version

Academic Year: 2018/19

568 - Degree in Food Science and Technology

30808 - Food economy basics

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
30808 - Food economy basics
Faculty / School:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
568 - Degree in Food Science and Technology
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

4.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards the achievement of the learning objectives. The learning activities are mainly organised in 43 lectures and interactive sessions, 10 hours of practical activities and 4 hours of seminars. Students give an oral presentation of scientific/technical articles in the seminars.

Case studies solving are organised in classes of 2 hours. First practice sessions is devoted to the search of information. Besides, students write an abstract of a scientific/technical paper (mentioned above) on subjects related to Food economics. The subjects are proposed by lecturers. In order to carry out the activity, students have to make a search in English bibliographic databases. Therefore, the references used will be in English.

4.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks:

  • Section I. Theoretical basis of Economic Science and Market.
    • Lecture sessions: Concepts and methods of the Economic Science: Key concepts in the definition of Economy. Supply, Demand and Market: changes in demand, market’s demand curve. Supply and production. The market; Core elements and types of market. Price formation and mechanism. Elasticity and its applications: Price and total income. Price elasticity of demand. Demand and consumer behaviour: Consumer and utility. The value paradox and consumer surplus. 
  • Learning activities: 
    • Lecture sessions: 10 hours
    • Private study: 18 hours
  • Section II. Food economics.  
    • Lecture sessions: The company in a perfect competition market: Competition: factors and behaviour. The competitive company and the production decision. The Economy and the State: externalities. The state’s role in Economy. States’s functions. The public sector. Market failures, the externalities. The agribusiness model and its performance. The agrifood chain: Operators and functions.
  • Learning activities: Lecture sessions: 6 hours and Private study: 110 hours
  • Section III. Economics of Food business. 
    • Lecture sessions: Business and entrepreneur. Production function and business. Costs and break-even point. Economic and financial structure of food business. Assessment of investments. Marketing as business function. Consumer behaviour. Commercial information and marketing research. Market segmentation. Distribution channels. Socio-economics factors affecting food consumer behaviour.
    • Practical activities: Cost calculation in food business and break-even point. Financial and economic analysis of food business. Economic assessment of investments. Marketing research. Surveys, sample size and sampling. Analysis of the survey results.
  • Learning activities: 
    • Lecture sessions: 25 hours
    • Practical activities: Case studies solving: 8 hours
    • Self-assessment questions: 10 hours
    • Private Study: 34 hours.
  • Abstract of a scientific/technical paper selected by searching in bibliographic databases.
    • Practical classes on search in bibliographic databases: 2 hours.
    • Oral presentation of a scientific/technical paper: 4 hours.
    • Tutorial classroom activities: 1 hour.
    • Private study: 16 hours.
  • Visit to Food Company or Workshop with manager of Food Company. 3 hours

4.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics: 

  • Section I. Theoretical basis of Economic Science and Market.  Concepts and methods of the Economic Science: Key concepts in the definition of Economy. Supply, Demand and Market: changes in demand, market’s demand curve. Supply and production. The market; Core elements and types of market. Price formation and mechanism. Elasticity and its applications: Price and total income. Price elasticity of demand. Demand and consumer behaviour: Consumer and utility. The value paradox and consumer surplus.
  • Section II. Food economics. The company in a perfect competition market: Competition: factors and behaviour. The competitive company and the production decision. The Economy and the State: externalities. The state’s role in Economy. States’s functions. The public sector. Market failures, the externalities. The agribusiness model and its performance. The agrifood chain: Operators and functions. 
  • Section III. Economics of Food business. Business and entrepreneur. Production function and business. Costs and break-even point. Economic and financial structure of food business. Assessment of investments. Marketing as business function. Consumer behaviour. Commercial information and marketing research. Market segmentation. Distribution channels. Socio-economics factors affecting food consumer behaviour. 
  • Practical program. Cost calculation in food business and break-even point. Financial and economic analysis of food business. Economic assessment of investments. Marketing research. Surveys, sample size and sampling. Analysis of the survey results.

4.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and other information of the course please refer to the “Programación de primer curso de CTA” web site (link: http://veterinaria.unizar.es/gradocta/). The information will be updated at the beginning of the course.

Classroom activities


Non-presential activities



Lecture sessions





Case studies solving





Abstract of a scientific/technical paper


Private study





Self-assessment questions



Oral presentation based on abstract of a scientific/technical paper


Private study



Visit to food company /workshop







Private study














4.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

See spanish version