Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2018/19

296 - Degree in Geology

26416 - Geological Mapping

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26416 - Geological Mapping
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
296 - Degree in Geology
First semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Aims of the course

The expected results of the course respond to the following general aims

1. To make accurate and precise geological maps.

2. To interpret geological maps.

3. To introduce and apply the photogeological mapping technique.

4. To introduce and apply the orthographic projection in geological mapping.

5. To understand in the field the basic techniques in geological mapping and to develop skills for data acquisition.

1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree

This course is part of a group of subjects of the Degree in Geology that constitute the basic training in Geology.

1.3. Recommendations to take this course

Geological Mapping represents a basic topic of the field Geology. This subject includes learning on basic geometry of geological bodies (sedimentary or igneous rocks) and geological structures, so it is recommended to know other subjects as Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, Petrology or Geomorphology. The geological mapping is a useful tool for analysing most aspects of Geology and it needs of the development of determined observation skills in the field and the representation of such observations on a map. Other needed skills are the elaboration of geological cross-sections or block-diagrams as additional tools for map interpretation. It is recommended: (i) to attend every theoretical and practical session and to take an active participation in them; (ii) to have passed a previous, basic course on Structural Geology and Stratigraphy; (iii) knowledge of basic Spanish and English.

It is strongly recommended to study this subject before any other whose contents require the use of geological maps.

2.1. Competences

1) Acquisition of field data for geological mapping.

2) To use the more adequate laboratory techniques for geological mapping.

3) To interpret geological maps.

4) To do thematic maps and cross-sections.

5) To solve geological questions by using the ortographic projection.

2.2. Learning goals

The student, in order to pass the course, will have to show her/his competence in the following skills:

1. From a geological map: a) identify the main type of stratigraphyc contacts and tectonic structures, b) make geological cross-section and sketches reflecting the geometry of geological structures and their relationships and d) deduce the geological history for the region.

2. From field observations, identify each body rock and contact type (stratigraphic, tectonic, magmatic,...) and the tectonic structures and represent them on a topographyc map.

3. To use the photogeological analysis as a mapping technique.

4. To know and apply the fundamentals of geometrycal analysis for solving problems of geological mapping.

5. To use the compass for measuring the orientation of geological contacts and structures.

6. To make and interpret geological maps.

7. To develop capabilities for scientific work: to select and process critically bibliographic information in Spanish and English; to communicate efficiently scientific contents, both oral and written (in Spanish and, at a basic level, in English); to work alone and within a group.

3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

General design of evaluation activities

Practical field activities in Geology and, above all, in the subject of Geological Mapping are of special relevance since it is where the student acquires and develops a great part of his / her abilities of observation, recognition and presentation of the results of this work on a Map. In fact, field activities are part of 2 evaluation activities (Report of the field area and Report from an inland cartography), which represent, respectively, 50% and 5% of the note in the scale of Evaluation (see evaluation criteria).

There are two modalities of evaluation of the subject Geological Mapping. The first one related to its on-site development (Continuous Assessment) and another (under the Regulation of Learning Assessment Standards, agreed on December 22, 2010 by the Governing Council of the University of Zaragoza, Art. 9.1) for cases In which it is not attended in person, by means of the realization of a Global Assessment Test, which includes all the theoretical-practical activities contained in this subject.

Assessment activities

Modality A: Continuous assessment

In the normal development of the subject (for First and Second Summons), i.e. carried out in person by the student during the course, the evaluation activities will consist of a continuous evaluation of the subject of different learning activities. These include:

1) Reports of practices. Seven practices will be selected from those carried out during the semester, from which the student will make an individual report, whose results will be evaluated from 0 to 10 points. Within this evaluation activity a report of mine mapping (from the field study, 1 day, and the study, 1/2 session), is included. Learning outcomes of all activities (1 to 6) are evaluated. The final grade of this section will be the arithmetic average of the grades of the selected practices.

2) Field work. From the field work (6 days) and photogeological of a field area, the students must carry out, in a fundamentally autonomous way, the cartography of the same and make a memory that includes: 1) a geological mapping, 2) geological sections (3) a complete description of the mapped lithologic units, and (4) a geological interpretation of the region including its 4D evolution. The field work will be carried out in small groups but the memory will be individual. This final report should include a one-page English summary. It evaluates from 0 to 10. Learning outcomes of all learning activities are evaluated (1 to 6). The final grade of this section will be the arithmetic average of the following partial grades: a) Field data acquisition: 1.5 points, and b) Report of the field zone: 8.5 points (Geological mapping–5 points, Geological cross-sections–2.5 points, Geological history–0.5 points, and Brief summary in English–0.5 points)

3) Written partial tests. It will consist of three parts that will be done throughout the period of delivery of the subject. Part 1: brief theoretical-practical issues on aspects of bounded planes, addressed in the course's practical program of the subject. Part 2: photogeological interpretation of a region and transfer of the information to the topographic map. Part 3: reading and interpretation of a geological map of the MAGNA series and realization of a geological section. The maximum joint duration of the tests will be 6 hours. Each part is evaluated from 0 to 10. The final grade in this section will be the sum of the grades obtained in the different parts. This test evaluates learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

4) Written final exercise. For students who do not pass the partial written tests, there will be a final written test that will be done during the final examination period established by the Faculty of Sciences that is published on its website. This examination will consist of the same three parts described in the partial tests and the student must be presented, at least, to the parts not previously surpassed.

For activities 1 and 2, the day of delivery of the documents requested for the evaluation will be indicated in advance throughout the course.

Those parts (evaluation activities 1, 2, and 3) that are not passed with a score equal to or higher than 5 in the first call may be recovered in the second call.

In the case of Activity 3 (written tests) and for the Final Evaluation Test, there is the possibility of uploading a grade in any of the two calls (February and September). The qualification that will be taken into account will be that of the last exam carried out.


Modality B. Global test of evaluation

Modality of evaluation for the students who did no attend the subject, or students who, still being it done, wish to take refuge in their right to a global evaluation (for First and Second Summons). In both calls, the following tests:

1)    A written test similar to that of activity 3 of the Continuous Assessment Mode.

2)    A practical test that will include exercises in learning activities 2, 4 and 6.

3)    An additional test, which will consist of two parts: a) a field exam (1 day) in which the student will carry out a mapping of an indicated area and b) a cabinet exam (one morning or afternoon) in which The student will complete the cartography, make a geological cut and make the proper descriptions and interpretations of the field area studied. This second test includes the evaluation of field practices.


Final Assessment Scale

Modality A: Continuous assessment

1) Practice reports  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25 % (factor 0.2)

2) Report of a field zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   50 % (factor 0.5)

3) Partial/final written exercices . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 % (factor 0.25)

In practice it means multiplying the grade obtained in each assessment activity by the indicated factor and adding the results to obtain the total score of the continuous assessment.

In order to pass the course by means of  the Continuous Assessment mode, each one of activities 1, 2, and 3 must be independently passed with a grade of 5 (or higher). In addition, in the case of written tests (activities 3 and 4), the score should be ≥ 5 in each of the partial tests. As indicated, in the case of Activity 1, the final grade of this section (which should be ≥ 5) will be the arithmetic average of the grades of the selected practices.


Modality B: Global assessment

1) Written test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 % (factor 0.2)

2) Practical test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20 % (factor 0.2)

3) Adittional test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 % (factor 0.6)

 In order to pass the subject through the Global Assessment modality, they must independently pass a score of ≥ 5 each of the 3 tests.

4.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards the achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, practice sessions, problem-solving sessions and fieldwork.

The program of the course is not the target of the course, but a framework throughout which students will be able to develop autonomous work. In this way, time devoted to lectures will be reduced to a minimum, in benefit of collective discussion on practical exercises and case studies. Laboratory sessions will be mainly devoted to analysis of the most common techniques for geological mapping construction and interpretation. Fieldwork will focus on the recognition of geological contacts and geological structures, collection of detailed observations and orientation measurements on them. The obtained data will be represented on the student's notebook by means of tectonic schemes and cross-sections and used for the geological mapping of the region.

4.2. Learning tasks

This course is organized as follows:

  • Lectures (1 ECTS: 10 hours). One weekly hour approximately. Learning of conceptual foundations of geological mapping.      
  • Problem-solving sessions (1 ECTS: 10 hours). Exercises will be solved using orthographic projection in geological mapping.
  • Laboratory sessions (50 hours). 5 weekly hours approximately. There will be three kind of laboratory sessions.
    • Photogeological interpretation with photograph stereopairs (1.3  ECTS: 13 hours)
    • Realization of geological maps and cross-sections (1.5 ECTS: 15 hours)
    • Interpretation of geological maps (1.2 ECTS: 12 hours)
  • Fieldwork (3 ECTS: 7 trips). Acquisition of geological data and mapping in field in different regions.
  • Tutorials. They are considered another academic activity where the student will be free to ask any doubt related with the course, receive orientation about information sources and ask for guidelines about personal work and report elaboration.
  • Activities in English (1 ECTS) During the development of the course the student is expected to know and apply specialized terminology of Cartography and Basic Geology not only in Spanish but also in English. With this objective, in addition to introducing the terminology in the various face-to-face activities, some of the activities mentioned above will be developed in English. Activities in English will include: 1) bibliography management in English, 2) introduction to the methodology used in photogeology and 3) reading of works in English, provided by teachers, for later application in the writing of the memory of the area Of field. Regarding the latter aspect, a commentary on one or more articles in English should be included in the background section of the report. In addition, the contents of an article in English should be used in the Discussion section of the field memory.

4.3. Syllabus

This course will address the following topics:

Theory contents (covered in lectures and practice sessions)

  • Topic 1. Orthographic projection. Fundamentals and their use to solve problems of cartography (intersection of planes, calculation of displacements of faults and separations, real displacement and components...).
  • Topic 2. Systems of representation of tectonic structures (review). Maps and geological sections; Blocks diagram. Thematic maps. Orientation of planes and lines; Direction and dip; Apparent dipping; Immersion and pitch.
  • Topic 3. Elements of cartography (review). The rule of "VV". Mapping of horizontal stratified, folded and / or fractured series and complex cartography.
  • Topic 4. The geological history. Bases for interpreting the geological history of a region from the cartography.

Practice sessions         

  1. Geological map I (one session): Stratigraphic discontinuities and folds.
  2. Geological map II (one session): Stratigraphic discontinuities and faults.
  3. Photogeology of a folded region (two sessions)
  4. Photogeology of the field zone (four sessions). Photogeological study of the field zone (place to be determined).
  5. Map and cross-sections of the field zone (five sessions).
  6. Geological map III (one session): Folds, faults and stratigraphic discontinuities.
  7. 3D cartographic interpretation (1,5 sessions). Session based on the completion of a block diagram design.
  8. Orthographic projection 1 (one session). Review of diverse aspects of geological mapping (interpretation of geological maps and cross-sections).
  9. Orthographic projection 2 (one session). Determination of apparent thicknesses of units. Three-point problems.
  10. Orthographic projection 3 (one session). Three-point problems (continuation) and problems on fault components.
  11. Orthographic projection 4 (one session). Practice test type.
  12. Mine mapping (1/2 session).


  • Trips 1 to 6. Cartography and field data collection.
  • Trip 7. Cartography and mine data collection.

* Locations are determined each academic year.

4.4. Course planning and calendar

Because of the similar nature of lectures and practice sessions, they have been included in the same schedule, in two 3-hour weekly sessions according to the following two groups. IMPORTANT: Each student must be included in a single group.

  • Group 1: Tuesday (15–18 h) and Thursday (16–19 h).
  • Group 2: Wednesday (15–18 h) and Thursday (9–12 h).

Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, office hours, assessment dates and other details regarding this course will be provided on the first day of class or please refer to the Faculty of Sciences and Earth Sciences Department websites (, and Moodle.

Academic Year/course: 2018/19

296 - Degree in Geology

26416 - Geological Mapping

Información del Plan Docente

Academic Year:
26416 - Geological Mapping
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
296 - Degree in Geology
First semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Aims of the course

The expected results of the course respond to the following general aims

1. To make accurate and precise geological maps.

2. To interpret geological maps.

3. To introduce and apply the photogeological mapping technique.

4. To introduce and apply the orthographic projection in geological mapping.

5. To understand in the field the basic techniques in geological mapping and to develop skills for data acquisition.

1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree

This course is part of a group of subjects of the Degree in Geology that constitute the basic training in Geology.

1.3. Recommendations to take this course

Geological Mapping represents a basic topic of the field Geology. This subject includes learning on basic geometry of geological bodies (sedimentary or igneous rocks) and geological structures, so it is recommended to know other subjects as Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, Petrology or Geomorphology. The geological mapping is a useful tool for analysing most aspects of Geology and it needs of the development of determined observation skills in the field and the representation of such observations on a map. Other needed skills are the elaboration of geological cross-sections or block-diagrams as additional tools for map interpretation. It is recommended: (i) to attend every theoretical and practical session and to take an active participation in them; (ii) to have passed a previous, basic course on Structural Geology and Stratigraphy; (iii) knowledge of basic Spanish and English.

It is strongly recommended to study this subject before any other whose contents require the use of geological maps.

2.1. Competences

1) Acquisition of field data for geological mapping.

2) To use the more adequate laboratory techniques for geological mapping.

3) To interpret geological maps.

4) To do thematic maps and cross-sections.

5) To solve geological questions by using the ortographic projection.

2.2. Learning goals

The student, in order to pass the course, will have to show her/his competence in the following skills:

1. From a geological map: a) identify the main type of stratigraphyc contacts and tectonic structures, b) make geological cross-section and sketches reflecting the geometry of geological structures and their relationships and d) deduce the geological history for the region.

2. From field observations, identify each body rock and contact type (stratigraphic, tectonic, magmatic,...) and the tectonic structures and represent them on a topographyc map.

3. To use the photogeological analysis as a mapping technique.

4. To know and apply the fundamentals of geometrycal analysis for solving problems of geological mapping.

5. To use the compass for measuring the orientation of geological contacts and structures.

6. To make and interpret geological maps.

7. To develop capabilities for scientific work: to select and process critically bibliographic information in Spanish and English; to communicate efficiently scientific contents, both oral and written (in Spanish and, at a basic level, in English); to work alone and within a group.

3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

General design of evaluation activities

Practical field activities in Geology and, above all, in the subject of Geological Mapping are of special relevance since it is where the student acquires and develops a great part of his / her abilities of observation, recognition and presentation of the results of this work on a Map. In fact, field activities are part of 2 evaluation activities (Report of the field area and Report from an inland cartography), which represent, respectively, 50% and 5% of the note in the scale of Evaluation (see evaluation criteria).

There are two modalities of evaluation of the subject Geological Mapping. The first one related to its on-site development (Continuous Assessment) and another (under the Regulation of Learning Assessment Standards, agreed on December 22, 2010 by the Governing Council of the University of Zaragoza, Art. 9.1) for cases In which it is not attended in person, by means of the realization of a Global Assessment Test, which includes all the theoretical-practical activities contained in this subject.

Assessment activities

Modality A: Continuous assessment

In the normal development of the subject (for First and Second Summons), i.e. carried out in person by the student during the course, the evaluation activities will consist of a continuous evaluation of the subject of different learning activities. These include:

1) Reports of practices. Seven practices will be selected from those carried out during the semester, from which the student will make an individual report, whose results will be evaluated from 0 to 10 points. Within this evaluation activity a report of mine mapping (from the field study, 1 day, and the study, 1/2 session), is included. Learning outcomes of all activities (1 to 6) are evaluated. The final grade of this section will be the arithmetic average of the grades of the selected practices.

2) Field work. From the field work (6 days) and photogeological of a field area, the students must carry out, in a fundamentally autonomous way, the cartography of the same and make a memory that includes: 1) a geological mapping, 2) geological sections (3) a complete description of the mapped lithologic units, and (4) a geological interpretation of the region including its 4D evolution. The field work will be carried out in small groups but the memory will be individual. This final report should include a one-page English summary. It evaluates from 0 to 10. Learning outcomes of all learning activities are evaluated (1 to 6). The final grade of this section will be the arithmetic average of the following partial grades: a) Field data acquisition: 1.5 points, and b) Report of the field zone: 8.5 points (Geological mapping–5 points, Geological cross-sections–2.5 points, Geological history–0.5 points, and Brief summary in English–0.5 points)

3) Written partial tests. It will consist of three parts that will be done throughout the period of delivery of the subject. Part 1: brief theoretical-practical issues on aspects of bounded planes, addressed in the course's practical program of the subject. Part 2: photogeological interpretation of a region and transfer of the information to the topographic map. Part 3: reading and interpretation of a geological map of the MAGNA series and realization of a geological section. The maximum joint duration of the tests will be 6 hours. Each part is evaluated from 0 to 10. The final grade in this section will be the sum of the grades obtained in the different parts. This test evaluates learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

4) Written final exercise. For students who do not pass the partial written tests, there will be a final written test that will be done during the final examination period established by the Faculty of Sciences that is published on its website. This examination will consist of the same three parts described in the partial tests and the student must be presented, at least, to the parts not previously surpassed.

For activities 1 and 2, the day of delivery of the documents requested for the evaluation will be indicated in advance throughout the course.

Those parts (evaluation activities 1, 2, and 3) that are not passed with a score equal to or higher than 5 in the first call may be recovered in the second call.

In the case of Activity 3 (written tests) and for the Final Evaluation Test, there is the possibility of uploading a grade in any of the two calls (February and September). The qualification that will be taken into account will be that of the last exam carried out.


Modality B. Global test of evaluation

Modality of evaluation for the students who did no attend the subject, or students who, still being it done, wish to take refuge in their right to a global evaluation (for First and Second Summons). In both calls, the following tests:

1)    A written test similar to that of activity 3 of the Continuous Assessment Mode.

2)    A practical test that will include exercises in learning activities 2, 4 and 6.

3)    An additional test, which will consist of two parts: a) a field exam (1 day) in which the student will carry out a mapping of an indicated area and b) a cabinet exam (one morning or afternoon) in which The student will complete the cartography, make a geological cut and make the proper descriptions and interpretations of the field area studied. This second test includes the evaluation of field practices.


Final Assessment Scale

Modality A: Continuous assessment

1) Practice reports  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25 % (factor 0.2)

2) Report of a field zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   50 % (factor 0.5)

3) Partial/final written exercices . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 % (factor 0.25)

In practice it means multiplying the grade obtained in each assessment activity by the indicated factor and adding the results to obtain the total score of the continuous assessment.

In order to pass the course by means of  the Continuous Assessment mode, each one of activities 1, 2, and 3 must be independently passed with a grade of 5 (or higher). In addition, in the case of written tests (activities 3 and 4), the score should be ≥ 5 in each of the partial tests. As indicated, in the case of Activity 1, the final grade of this section (which should be ≥ 5) will be the arithmetic average of the grades of the selected practices.


Modality B: Global assessment

1) Written test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 % (factor 0.2)

2) Practical test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20 % (factor 0.2)

3) Adittional test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 % (factor 0.6)

 In order to pass the subject through the Global Assessment modality, they must independently pass a score of ≥ 5 each of the 3 tests.

4.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards the achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, practice sessions, problem-solving sessions and fieldwork.

The program of the course is not the target of the course, but a framework throughout which students will be able to develop autonomous work. In this way, time devoted to lectures will be reduced to a minimum, in benefit of collective discussion on practical exercises and case studies. Laboratory sessions will be mainly devoted to analysis of the most common techniques for geological mapping construction and interpretation. Fieldwork will focus on the recognition of geological contacts and geological structures, collection of detailed observations and orientation measurements on them. The obtained data will be represented on the student's notebook by means of tectonic schemes and cross-sections and used for the geological mapping of the region.

4.2. Learning tasks

This course is organized as follows:

  • Lectures (1 ECTS: 10 hours). One weekly hour approximately. Learning of conceptual foundations of geological mapping.      
  • Problem-solving sessions (1 ECTS: 10 hours). Exercises will be solved using orthographic projection in geological mapping.
  • Laboratory sessions (50 hours). 5 weekly hours approximately. There will be three kind of laboratory sessions.
    • Photogeological interpretation with photograph stereopairs (1.3  ECTS: 13 hours)
    • Realization of geological maps and cross-sections (1.5 ECTS: 15 hours)
    • Interpretation of geological maps (1.2 ECTS: 12 hours)
  • Fieldwork (3 ECTS: 7 trips). Acquisition of geological data and mapping in field in different regions.
  • Tutorials. They are considered another academic activity where the student will be free to ask any doubt related with the course, receive orientation about information sources and ask for guidelines about personal work and report elaboration.
  • Activities in English (1 ECTS) During the development of the course the student is expected to know and apply specialized terminology of Cartography and Basic Geology not only in Spanish but also in English. With this objective, in addition to introducing the terminology in the various face-to-face activities, some of the activities mentioned above will be developed in English. Activities in English will include: 1) bibliography management in English, 2) introduction to the methodology used in photogeology and 3) reading of works in English, provided by teachers, for later application in the writing of the memory of the area Of field. Regarding the latter aspect, a commentary on one or more articles in English should be included in the background section of the report. In addition, the contents of an article in English should be used in the Discussion section of the field memory.

4.3. Syllabus

This course will address the following topics:

Theory contents (covered in lectures and practice sessions)

  • Topic 1. Orthographic projection. Fundamentals and their use to solve problems of cartography (intersection of planes, calculation of displacements of faults and separations, real displacement and components...).
  • Topic 2. Systems of representation of tectonic structures (review). Maps and geological sections; Blocks diagram. Thematic maps. Orientation of planes and lines; Direction and dip; Apparent dipping; Immersion and pitch.
  • Topic 3. Elements of cartography (review). The rule of "VV". Mapping of horizontal stratified, folded and / or fractured series and complex cartography.
  • Topic 4. The geological history. Bases for interpreting the geological history of a region from the cartography.

Practice sessions         

  1. Geological map I (one session): Stratigraphic discontinuities and folds.
  2. Geological map II (one session): Stratigraphic discontinuities and faults.
  3. Photogeology of a folded region (two sessions)
  4. Photogeology of the field zone (four sessions). Photogeological study of the field zone (place to be determined).
  5. Map and cross-sections of the field zone (five sessions).
  6. Geological map III (one session): Folds, faults and stratigraphic discontinuities.
  7. 3D cartographic interpretation (1,5 sessions). Session based on the completion of a block diagram design.
  8. Orthographic projection 1 (one session). Review of diverse aspects of geological mapping (interpretation of geological maps and cross-sections).
  9. Orthographic projection 2 (one session). Determination of apparent thicknesses of units. Three-point problems.
  10. Orthographic projection 3 (one session). Three-point problems (continuation) and problems on fault components.
  11. Orthographic projection 4 (one session). Practice test type.
  12. Mine mapping (1/2 session).


  • Trips 1 to 6. Cartography and field data collection.
  • Trip 7. Cartography and mine data collection.

* Locations are determined each academic year.

4.4. Course planning and calendar

Because of the similar nature of lectures and practice sessions, they have been included in the same schedule, in two 3-hour weekly sessions according to the following two groups. IMPORTANT: Each student must be included in a single group.

  • Group 1: Tuesday (15–18 h) and Thursday (16–19 h).
  • Group 2: Wednesday (15–18 h) and Thursday (9–12 h).

Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, office hours, assessment dates and other details regarding this course will be provided on the first day of class or please refer to the Faculty of Sciences and Earth Sciences Department websites (, and Moodle.