Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

519 - Master's in Architecture

69207 - The City as a Cultural Landscape. Building Upon the Foundations

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
69207 - The City as a Cultural Landscape. Building Upon the Foundations
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
519 - Master's in Architecture
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as

  • Lectures. Theory sessions present and describe the different cultural realities in which the case studies analyzed by the students are framed.

  • Practice sessions. Weekly seminars whose aim is to offer a twofold approach where the lectures are complemented with practical work that helps the students clarify, internalize, and deepen into the concepts. Those practical exercises play a remarkable role in the course, both in terms of their contents and in the evaluation process, becoming a key tool to promote an active learning in the students.

  • Individual tutorials. Students can schedule appointments with the professor.

  • Visits. Visits related to the contents of the course.

Teaching-learning methodology: M1, M1b, M3, M7, M10, M11  

Skills to develop:  C.E. 107.OP C.E. 108.OP

5.2. Learning tasks

The course (2 weekly hours) includes the following learning tasks:

Sessions dedicated to book and film commentaries:

  • The professors will do a brief explanation of the context of movies and films
  • The students will present the two movies selected for the session with their personal interpretation
  • The students will present the two books selected for the session with their personal interpretation
  • Discussion

Sessions dedicated to cartographies:

  • Public review of cartographies. Collective sessions consist on the presentation of each student's graphic production, as well as an analytical summary of the readings associated with each case study, and a power point presentation by the groups selected for each session. All the exercises will be presented and submitted following the format and presentation guidelines provided by the professors.
  • Lectures by guest professors will go in depth in the topics of the course and will be held by specialists in architecture and cinema.

Tutorials. Students can schedule appointments with the professor.

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:


  • Julio Llamazares, El cielo de Madrid, 2005
  • Luis Martín Santos, Tiempo de silencio, 1962
  • Juan Antonio Bardem, Muerte de un ciclista, 1955
  • Pedro Almodóvar, Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto, 1985

Nueva York

  • Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy, 1987
  • O. Henry, New Yorkers: Short Stories, 2007
  • Jules Dassin, The naked city, 1948
  • Martin Scorsese, After Hours, 1985


  • Julio Cortázar, Rayuela, 1963
  • Patrick Modiano, Tres desconocidas, 2016
  • Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris, 2011
  • François Truffaut, Les quatre cents coups (Les 400 coups), 1959


  • Virginia Wolf, Scenes of London, 1931
  • A. N. Wilson, Londres, historia de una ciudad, 2005
  • Michelangelo Antonioni, Blow up, 1967
  • Patrick Keiller, London, 1994


  • Ohran Pamuk, El museo de la inocencia, 2008
  • Elif Shafak, The Bastard of Istambul, 2008
  • Fatih Akin, Al otro lado, 2007
  • Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Three Monkies, 2008

Guest professor lecture 1: Susan Larson, catedrática de literatura española, University of Texas

Guest professor lecture 2: Paula Ortiz, directora de cine

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Provisional course planning

  • Week 1: Course and syllabus presentation. Work assignment
  • Week 2: Projection of Visions of Europe, 2004, 140'
  • Week 3: Madrid: movies and books
  • Week 4: Madrid: cartographies
  • Week 5: New York: movies and books
  • Week 6: New York: cartographies
  • Week 7: Paris: movies and books
  • Week 8: Paris: cartographies
  • Week 9: Guest professor lecture: Susan Larson, full professor of Spanish Literature, University of Texas
  • Week 10: London: movies and books
  • Week 11: London: cartographies
  • Week 12: Istanbul: movies and books
  • Week 13: Istanbul: cartographies
  • Week 14: Guest professor lecture: Paula Ortiz, film director

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Francisco García Gómez y Gonzalo M. Pavés (eds.), Ciudades de cine, Madrid, Cátedra, 2014
  • Anthony Sutcliffe, “La ciudad y el cine”, 2007


  • Julio Llamazares, El cielo de Madrid, 2005
  • Luis Martín Santos, Tiempo de silencio, 1962

New York

  • Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy, 1987
  • O. Henry, New Yorkers: Short Stories, 2007


  • Julio Cortázar, Rayuela, 1963
  • Patrick Modiano, Tres desconocidas, 2016


  • Virginia Wolf, Scenes of London, 1931
  • A. N. Wilson, Londres, historia de una ciudad, 2005


  • Ohran Pamuk, El museo de la inocencia, 2008
  • Elif Shafak, The Bastard of Istambul, 2008