Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

328 - Master's in Land and Environmental Planning

66714 - Applied to the Resolution of Environmental Problems Cartography

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
66714 - Applied to the Resolution of Environmental Problems Cartography
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
328 - Master's in Land and Environmental Planning
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as participative sessions, practical exercises, individual or group activities, guided activities, field work and autonomous work.

Students are expected to participate actively in the class throughout the semester. 

Classroom materials will be available via Moodle. These include a repository of the lecture notes used in class, the course syllabus, as well as other course-specific learning materials, including a discussion forum. 

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Lectures: 9 hours
  • Interactive, individual or group activities: 8 hours
  • Field work: 16 hours

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

Topic 1. Cartography: principles and elements.

Topic 2.Principles, instruments and methodologies for acquiring spatial information.

                  2.1. Direct methods: GNSS, submetric GPS.

                  2.2. Indirect methods: georeferencing images.

                  2.3. Indirect methods: Web Servers.

Topic 3. Raster modeling and analysis of environmental information.

                  3.1. Digital Elevation Model.

                  3.2. Main modelling and analysis tools.

                  3.3. Map algebra.

Topic 4. Cartographic editing toolset.

Topic 5. Web Map Server: Spatial data infraestructures (SDI and metadata).

Topic 6. Preparation and format of the project report.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The course is divided into 6 sections. The first section includes the followig topics: 1 and 2; it runs during the first week. The second section includes topic 3 and runs during the following 4 weeks. The final sections 4,5,6 cover the topics of cartograpich and the project; they run during the final 3 weeks of the couse.

Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, assessment dates and other details regarding this course, will be provided on the first day of class or please refer to the “Facultad de Filosofía y Letras” website (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

AYALA, F. J. (Dir.),(1998): La Geología Ambiental en el contexto de las disciplinas y problemas ambientales, en AYALA, F. J. & JORDÁ, J. F. (Eds. y Coord.): Geología Ambiental. 9-15. ITGE. Madrid.

ANSON, R.W. y ORMELING, F.J. (1993): Basic cartography for students and technicians, International Cartographic Association, London, 344 pp.

BÉGUIN, M. y PUMAIN, D. (1994): La représentation des données géographiques: statistique et cartographie, Armand Colin, Paris, 192 pp.

BOSQUE SENDRA, J. (1992): Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Rialp, Madrid, 451 pp.

BOSQUE SENDRA, J., DÍAZ-MUÑO, A.,GÓMEZ DELGADO, M., RODRÍGUEZ DURÁN, A.E. y RODRÍGUEZ ESPINOSA, V.M. (1999): “Sistemas de información Geográfica y Cartografía de Riesgos tecnológicos. El caso de las instalaciones para la gestión de residuos de Madrid”. In: VII Jornadas de Geografía Industrial, Industria y Medio Ambiente. Madrid.

CARVER, S.J.(1991): Integrating multi-criteria evaluation with geographical information system, Journal of Geographic Information System, vol 5 (3), pp.321-339.

CHUVIECO, E. (2008): Teledetección ambiental. La observación de la Tierra desde el Espacio, Ariel Ciencia, Barcelona, 595 pp.

DENT, B.B. (1985): Cartography: thematic map design, WCB Publishers, Dubuque, 427 pp.

DOMÍNGUEZ, F. (1991): Topografía general y aplicada, Ed. Dossat, Madrid, 823 pp.

FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, F. (2000): Introducción a la fotointerpretación, Ariel Geografía, Barcelona, 253 pp.

GILPÉREZ, L. (1986): Lectura de planos, Penthalon Ediciones,Madrid, 188 pp.

GOODCHILD, M. (2010) Whose hand on the tiller? Revisiting "Spatial Statistical Analysis and GIS". In L. Anselin and S.J. Rey, editors, Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis, pp. 49–60. New York: Springer.

JIMÉNEZ, J. y MONTEAGUDO, E. (Eds.) (2001): La documentación cartográfica. Tratamiento, gestión y uso, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, Huelva.

JOLY, F. (1988): La cartografía, Oikos-Tau, Barcelona, 133 pp.

MANCEBO, S., ORTEGA, E., VALENTÍN, A.C., MARTÍN, B. y MARTÍN, L. (2008): Libro SIG: aprendiendo a manejar los SIG en la gestión ambiental, Madrid, 108 pp.

MANCEBO, S., ORTEGA, E., MARTÍN, L. y VALENTÍN, A.C. (2009): Libro SIG: aprendiendo a manejar los SIG en la gestión ambiental: ejercicios, Madrid, 149 pp.

MARTÍNEZ-ALEGRÍA, R. (2003): Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Aplicaciones prácticas con IDRISI32 al análisis de riesgos naturales y problemáticas medioambientales, Madrid, 248 pp.

ORDÓÑEZ, C. y MARTÍNEZ-ALEGRÍA, R. (2002): Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Madrid, 227 pp.