Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

328 - Master's in Land and Environmental Planning

66706 - Development and sustainability in a multipurpose rural zone

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
66706 - Development and sustainability in a multipurpose rural zone
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
328 - Master's in Land and Environmental Planning
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This course has a complementary theoretical and applied conceptual basis with other optional socioeconomic and environmental approaches that will apply to the fundamentals of the OT (Landscape Planning).

The practical and applied character of the course is specified in practical work, case presentations, and field work. These activities' workload equals a third of the total amount of hours. Practice sessions include methods commonly used in the strategic planning of rural development. Students will have to design, individually, a strategic development plan, where they demonstrate the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the course.

The presentation of specific cases by external specialists is intended to put in contact students with real-world problems and their political solutions. 

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Theory sessions
  • Practice sessions
  • Seminars
  • Field work: Visit a LEADER area (specify) / Visit to a Cultural Park
  • Guided work: Preparation and defense of a Rural Development Plan (territory to realize) Diagnostic and general proposals for action.
  • Autonomous work: Readings, book reviews, preparation of practical work, seminars and field work.
  • Tutorials: work planning, doubt-solving, guidelines for the development and final presentation of the assignment. 

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

Theory sessions

Topic 1. The multifunctional character of rural areas

1.1. Evolution of the concept of rurality.
1.2. The rural multifunctionality.
1.3. Concept and fundamentals of Rural Development.
1.4. Concepts and foundations of sustainable development.
1.5. Territorial competitiveness.
1.6. Rural areas in the Planning. The development plans.

Topic 2. Analysis and diagnosis of rural development

2.1. The regulatory framework of rural development in the European Union.
2.2. The territorial approach.
2.3. The ascending, integrated and multi-sectoral approaches.
2.4. Social participation.
2.5. The territorial innovation.
2.6. Cooperation at different levels.

Topic 3. Local development agents

3.1. The local development agent: Skills.
3.2. The agent of local development skills and abilities.
3.3. Local Action Groups and network integration.

Topic 4. Case Study programs and rural development initiatives

4.1. Experiences in the European Union.
4.2. The evaluation of programs.


1. Sources: search and critical appraisal.
2. Analysis and implementation of rural development programs.
3. Evaluation of a LEADER program.


1. The territorial approach in rural development and competitiveness.
2. Assessment of Rural Development policies.

5.4. Course planning and calendar









































































5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Alberdi, J. C., ?Colaboración interinstitucional en el desarrollo rural: Aciertos y fracasos de la ley de desarrollo rural del País Vasco?, Boletín de la A.G.E. , núm. 38, 2004, p. 131-151
  • Ambrosio, M. y Romero, J. J., ?Una aproximación al análisis del territorio desde un punto de vista teórico: Sistemas socioecológicos complejos?. En: Coloquio Ibérico de Estudios Rurales (6). El papel de las regiones en las economías rurales Huelva : CIER, 2006
  • Brunet, P., Almeida, F. y Coll, M., ?Agenda 21: Subsidiariedad y cooperación a favor del desarrollo territorial sostenible?, Boletín de la A.G.E., núm. 39, 2005, p. 423-446
  • Caravaca, I. y Méndez, R., ?Efectos territoriales de la reestructuración productiva en España?. En: Ciudad y territorio. Estudios territoriales, núm. 106, 1995, p. 715-744
  • Echebarría, M. C., Aguado, I., ?La Agenda Local 21 como instrumento de sostenibilidad: la experiencia española?, Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, núm. 199, 2003, p. 61-91
  • Izquierdo Vallina, Jaime. Manual para agentes de desarrollo rural : ideas y propuestas para moverse entre la conservación del patrimonio y el desarrollo local / Jaime Izquierdo Vallina . [Oviedo] : Instituto de Desarrollo Rural, Gobierno del Principado de Asturias ; Madrid : Mundi-Prensa, D.L. 2001
  • Pike, Andy. Desarrollo local y regional / Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez -Pose y John Tomaney ; traducción, Joan Noguera Tur . Valencia : Universitat de València, 2006
  • Aragón Leader : El desarrollo rural en Aragón . Zaragoza : Red Aragonesa de Desarrollo Rural, D.L. 2000
  • Manual de Desarrollo Local / Fermín Rodríguez Gutiérrez (editor) . 1a. ed., 1a. reimp. Gijón : TREA, 2001
  • Vachon, Bernard. El desarrollo local : Teoría y práctica : reintroducir lo humano en la lógica del desarrollo / Bernard Vachon, con la colaboración de Francine Coallier . Gijón (Asturias) : Trea, D.L. 2001
  • Esparica, J., ?Evolución reciente, situación actual y perspectivas futuras en el desarrollo rural en España y en la UE?, Revue Marocaine d?Administration Locale et de Développement, núm. 79, 2012, p. 53-84