Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

536 - Master's in Mechanical Engineering

66420 - Numerical and experimental methods in thermal engineering

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
66420 - Numerical and experimental methods in thermal engineering
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
536 - Master's in Mechanical Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as:

1) Lectures, given to the whole group, where the teacher explains the basics of the course and solves some representative real problems useful for future professional practice. Student participation is encouraged. At the same time, autonomous work is necessary for a better use of the sessions.

2) Laboratory sessions and computer lab sessions, which are distributed throughout the semester and whose evaluation will be part of the final mark of the course. Groups of two students will be formed in order to encourage learning and teamwork. 

3) Guided assignment in small groups (ideally in pairs): with a computer tool, students analyze and solve a problem of the course. This enhances independent study and learning and its application to find the solutions of the proposed exercises.

4) Exercises, questions and additional problems to those solved during classes. With these tools the autonomous work is encouraged, studying the topics and applying them to find the solutions of the proposed exercises. Although this activity is supervised by the teacher, self-execution is fundamental for the student learning process and for evaluation purposes. 

5) In tutorials the teacher will provide student with certain procedures for the approach and problem-solving exercises. The use of these tutorials is highly recommended to ensure adequate progress in learning.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Lectures (theory and problems)
  • Laboratory sessions and Computer lab sessions (type 3)
  • Practice sessions (type 6)

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:


Topic 1. Uncertainty: generation and propagation

Measurement of basic thermal properties

Topic 2. Temperature

Measurement of basic thermophysical properties

Topic 3. Specific heat and enthalpy

Topic 4. Thermal conductivity

Topic 5. Rheological properties

Measurement of fuels and flue gases properties

Topic 6. Flue gases detection and measurement techniques

Topic 7. Measurement of basic fuel properties

Topic 8. Applications


Topic 1. Numerical methods in heat conduction

Topic 2. Numerical methods for rating/dimensioning thermal equipment

Topic 3. Numerical methods for rating/dimensioning thermal installations

Topic 4. Numerical methods in thermal radiation heat transfer


Laboratory sessions/Computer lab sessions

  1. Temperature measurement
  2. Specific heat and thermal conductivity of selected substances
  3. Experimental determination of solid fuel properties: heating value, proximate composition and particle size distribution
  4. CFD simulation of a diffusive-convective problem
  5. CFD simulation of a radiative heat problem

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, office hours, assessment dates and other details regarding this course, will be provided on the first day of class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • G. E. Myers, Analytical methods in conduction heat transfer / Glen E. Myers Schenectady, New York : Genium Publishing Corporation, cop. 1987
  • G. Nellis. Heat transfer / Gregory Nellis, Sanford Klein Cambirdge: Cambridge University Press, 2009
  • M. F. Modest,  Radiative heat transfer / Michael F. Modest . - 3rd ed. Oxford [etc.] : Academic Press, 2013
  • U. Grigull, H. Snadner, Heat Conduction  HPC, 1984
  • H.W. Coleman and W. G. Steele, Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers, 2nd Ed. Wiley, 1998

  • Lipták, B.G. (ed.) Process Measurement and Analysis, Vol I., Instrument Engineers' Handbook, 4th Edition CRC Press 2003.

  • J. G. Webster, Measurement, Instrumentation and sensors Handbook, CRC Press 1999