Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

545 - Master's in Auditing

61454 - Advanced Accountig

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
61454 - Advanced Accountig
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
545 - Master's in Auditing
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

The teaching-learning process that is designed for the course "Advanced Accounting " (6 ECTS) is based on the distribution of 150 hours of student work in 60 hours classroom work (theoretical and practical), and 90 non-contact hours.

Specifically, 60 hours of theoretical and practical sessions are distributed in participatory lectures and resolution of practical cases. The teaching methodology to be followed is structured around the following activities:

Participatory Lectures: in these classes the necessary theoretical knowledge will be provided, accompanied by practical examples to facilitate the understanding and application of the concepts studied. In these sessions the content detailed in the program will be addressed which can be summarized in the following paragraphs:

- Cost accounting systems from the perspective of the audit

- Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements

- Company Valuation

- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

- Environmental and sustainability Information

Resolution and discussion of problems and case studies: practical activities will be raised by the teacher, some of them in advance and others in class, to be prepared by the students and the solution will be presented and discussed during the corresponding session.

These activities consist, on the one hand,  of problems developed by teachers with the aim of settling knowledge and, secondly, in real cases necessary to implement the contents of the subject from the professional point of view.

Also, the discussion of current issues, commentary readings and other interactive activities will arise.

These activities may be conducted both inside and outside the classroom, as well as individual and / or group.

Mentoring activities: students can ask questions about the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.

Independent work of the student: it includes activities of study of theoretical and practical content, resolution of practical activities, conducting individual and / or group projects, seeking and analyzing information, among others.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the student to help him/her to achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...

PART I: The cost accounting systems from the perspective of the audit

Through this thematic block, it is intended that the students know the importance of Management Accounting in the company to evaluate, in his/her audit work, the correct application in the valuation of inventories of the company

PART II: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements

The objective of this thematic block is that students learn to prepare financial reporting under both Spanish accounting standards and IFRS and to perform financial analysis to determine the economic and financial situation of companies and to evaluate risks and uncertainties in audit.

 PART III: Company Valuation

This part of the program pretends that students know the different companies valuation methods and be able to apply and interpret the results of their application, from the view of the audit.

 PART IV: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

 Since in Spain, not only the accounting criteria set out in the General Accounting Plan are being applied, but listed groups apply International Standards (IFRS) for consolidated accounts, the topics covered in this block pursue the students to understand and know how to apply these international standards.

 PART V: Accounting and Environmental and sustainability Information

This part addresses the environmental problems in accounting from the approach to regulation (General Accounting Plan 2007, Resolution by ICAC 2013). A reference to extra-financial information on sustainability is also incorporated, which will have a significant impact on the corporate information due to the obligations introduced by European Directives (Directive on non financial reporting 2014)

5.3. Syllabus

PART I: The cost accounting systems from the perspective of the audit
Item 1. Cost accounting and its need for financial accounting
Item 2. Determination of the cost of production
Item 3. Cost accounting systems depending on the type of production
Item 4. Absortion costing system and unit cost adjustments
PART II: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements: an audit approach
Item 5: Objectives and techniques for financial analysis
Item 6: Analysis of the Balance Sheet
Item 7: Analysis of the Income Statement
Item 8: Statement of Cash Flow and  the Statement of Changes in Equity
Item 9: The Notes to financial statements, the Audit Report and Management Report
Item 10: Analysis of the financial situation of the company in the short and long term
Item 11: The different sources of financing in a company
Item 12: Analysis of the company from the economic point of view
Item 13: The importance of the environment in the analysis
PART III: Company Valuation
Item 14: Conceptual aspects of business valuation
Item 15: Static models based on accounting aggregates (equity)
Item 16: Models based on discounted cash flow
Item 17: Models based on real options
Item 18: Relative valuation models or models of multiples
PART IV: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Item 19: The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
Item 20: Adoption of IFRS in the European Union
Item 21: The role of IFRS in the Spanish regulatory framework
Item 22: Main differences between IFRS and the General Accounting Plan
PART V: Accounting and Environmental and sustainability Information
Item 23: Environmental Accounting Regulation
Item 24: Accounting regulation on emission allowances of greenhouse gases
Item 25: Sustainability Reports

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of case studies

The schedule of sessions will be made public on the website of the Faculty and / or digital platform ( The programming of the different activities will be communicated by teachers in the classroom and, where appropriate, through moodle2.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Amat, Oriol. Análisis de balances : claves para elaborar un análisis de las cuentas anuales : con casos prácticos resueltos / Oriol Amat Barcelona : Profit, D.L. 2008
  • Broto Rubio, Jesús. Contabilidad directiva : apuntes de la asignatura : curso 2014-15 / apuntes preparados por, Jesús J. Broto Rubio (autor) ; Llena Macarulla, Fernando (colaborador), Gasca Galán, Mª del Mar (colaborador), Acerete Gil, Basilio (colaborador) . Zaragoza : Copy Center Digital, D.L. 2015
  • Damodaran, Aswath. The Little book of valuation : how to value a company, pick a stock, and profit / Aswath Damodaran. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, cop.2011
  • Fernández, Pablo. Valoración de empresas : cómo medir y gestionar la creación de valor / Pablo Fernández . - 3a ed rev. y ampliada Barcelona : Gestión 2000, cop. 2005
  • Gil, A.M. (2009). Marco conceptual de la valoración de empresas. En ?El arte de valorar empresas?. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas-Thomson Reuters
  • Horngren, Charles T. Contabilidad de costos : un enfoque gerencial / Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan ; traducción, Jaime Gómez Mont Araiza . - 14ª ed. México : Pearson Education, 2012
  • Regulación contable de la información medioambiental: normativa española e internacional/ Carlos Larrinaga González ... [et al.] Madrid: AECA, D.L. 2002
  • Llorente Olier, José Ignacio. Análisis de estados económico-financieros / José Ignacio Llorente Olier ; prólogo, Sotero Amador Fernández Madrid : Centro de Estudios Financieros, D.L. 2010
  • Palepu, Krishna G. Business analysis and valuation : using financial statements / Krishna G. Palepu , Paul M. Healy Australia [etc.] : Cengage Learning, 2012
  • Penman, Stephen H.. Financial statement analysis and security valuation / Stephen H. Penman. 5th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013
  • Rojo Ramírez, Alfonso. Valoración de empresas y gestión basada en valor / Alfonso A. Rojo Ramírez . - 1.ª reimpresión Madrid : Paraninfo, 2008