Academic Year:
549 - Master's in Evaluation and Physical Training for Health
60858 - Basic Kinanthropometry
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
60858 - Basic Kinanthropometry
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
549 - Master's in Evaluation and Physical Training for Health
Second semester
Subject Type:
5.1. Methodological overview
The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as:
- Lectures. This methodology is appropriate to adapt the general cognitive level of the course to the students' level. During lectures, dialogue will be promoted by asking questions looking for an active methodology. They will be supported by diagrams and illustrations on PowerPoint presentations. This material will be available to students tvia the virtual platform Moodle. Revision of materials is recommended before attending lectures.
- Practice sessions. They contribute about 70% of this course contents. They will take place in the biomedical laboratory and all the necessary anthropometric materials will be provided (measuring rod, scales, pachymeter, tape measure, caliper). Students must also complete 17 anthropometric profiles.
- Tutorials. They aim to answer questions or provide specific bibliography of a specific topic in relation to lectures or practice sessions. In addition, monitoring of assignments will be done. Tutorials will take place both in classroom and non-classroom (via via email or Moodle).
5.2. Learning tasks
The course includes the following learning tasks:
- Lectures. This methodology is appropriate to adapt the general cognitive level of the course to the students' level. During lectures, dialogue will be promoted by asking questions looking for an active methodology. They will be supported by diagrams and illustrations on PowerPoint presentations. This material will be available to students tvia the virtual platform Moodle. Revision of materials is recommended before attending lectures.
- Practice sessions. They contribute about 70% of this course contents. They will take place in the biomedical laboratory and all the necessary anthropometric materials will be provided (measuring rod, scales, pachymeter, tape measure, caliper). Students must also complete 17 anthropometric profiles.
- Tutorials. They aim to answer questions or provide specific bibliography of a specific topic in relation to lectures or practice sessions. In addition, monitoring of assignments will be done. Tutorials will take place both in classroom and non-classroom (via via email or Moodle).
5.3. Syllabus
The course will address the following topics:
- ISAK. History and organizational structure.
- Anthropometric equipment and calibration: basics calibration, skinfold compass, pachymeter, tape measure, scales and height boards.
- Statistics: technical error of measurement (TEM), confidence intervals, actual interpretation of changes, Phantom z-scores, percentiles.
- Body composition: sum of skinfold regression equations, fat percentage, errors in calculation equations fat percentage.
- Somatotype: definition, basic calculations, somatocharts, relationship with athletic performance.
- Ethics: informed consent, measurement protocol, measurements in women and children, ethnic groups, cultures and sensibilities.
- Nutritional status assessment.
Practice sessions
- Anatomical reference marks necessary for the basic profile.
- Technical use of instruments (skinfold caliper, measuring tape and pachymeter).
- Monitored measurements of the basic protocol (17 measurements).
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, office hours, assessment dates and other details regarding this course, will be provided on the first day of class.