Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

549 - Master's in Evaluation and Physical Training for Health

60852 - Psychological variables in evaluation and prescription of physical exercise

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
60852 - Psychological variables in evaluation and prescription of physical exercise
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
549 - Master's in Evaluation and Physical Training for Health
Second semester
Subject Type:

2.1. Learning goals

At the end of this course, students will be able to

  • to identify the different periods that make up a research about promoting physical activity and to link with theories, models and variables of influence.
  • identify different factors that influence the practice of physical activity and sedentary behaviors in adolescents.
  • to critically evaluate different intervention possibilities for improving levels of physical activity in adolescents within school and extracurricular intervention contexts.

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as

  • MD1 Lectures. Teacher's presentation of the course contents, illustrated with examples. 
  • MD2 Lectures or conferences by experts.  Presentation of contents by an external expert to the University.
  • MD5 Problem-based learning. Method of promoting learning with selected real-life problems. Each student identifies and analyzes the problem, formulates questions to turn them into learning objectives, looks for information to answer and interact, thus socializing this knowledge. This type of methodology allows to acquire conceptual knowledge and develop skills and attitudes in a way that becomes an especially interesting strategy to achieve competences.
  • MD6 Case study. Method used to study an individual, an institution, a problem, etc. in a contextual and detailed way (analysis processes must be developed). It is also a simulation technique in which a decision has to be made regarding a problem (a case is presented with a conflict that must be solved: strategies to solve conflicts must be developed).
  • MD10 Assignments. Preparation of seminars, readings, research, works, memories, etc. to present or submit in class.
  • MD12 Autonomous work and study. The study of lectures' contents, which includes any study activity that has not been mentioned in the previous section (studying exams, work in the library, complementary readings, doing problems and exercises, etc.)
  • MD15 Tutorials. Teacher's office hours for students to review and discuss the materials and topics presented in the classes.
  • MD16 Complementary activities. Voluntary training activities related to the course, but not to the preparation of exams or to the assessment: readings, seminars, attendance to lectures, conferences, videos, etc.
  • MD17 Assessment. A set of written, oral, practical tasks, projects, etc. used in the evaluation of student progress.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks:

  • Lectures (15 hours). Attendance is compulsory.
  • Practice sessions (15 hours). Attendance is compulsory. Problem-solving tasks and case studies.
  • Autonomous work and study (38 hours).
  • Tutorials (5 hours). Attendance is compulsory.
  • Assessment tests (2 hours). Attendance is compulsory.

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

Topic I. Social cognitive theories used to explain PA practice in adolescents.

  • 1.1. Eccles model (model expectation / value)
  • 1.2. Theory of planned behavior
  • 1.3. Transtheoretical model
  • 1.4. Social cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory
  • 1.5. Self-determination theory (TAD)

Topic II: TAD: Motivational elements in PA practice. Conceptual and practical insights into the theory of self-determination.

  • 2.1 Conceptual Approach:
    • - Continuum of motivation regarding PA
    • - Basic psychological needs
    • - Social factors (teacher, parents, friends) that influence the practice of PA
    • - Hierarchical Model of Vallerand
  • 2.2. Practical approach:
    • - Intercultural analysis of SDT
      • * Methodological problems in the measurement of psychological variables: intercultural perspective
      • * Example of an intercultural project: EPAPA project
    • - Motivational interviewing: advice and guidance

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Further information concerning the timetable, classroom, office hours, assessment dates and other details regarding this course, will be provided on the first day of class.