Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

522 - Master's in Legal Practice

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
60743 - Advocacy in National Environment
Faculty / School:
102 - Facultad de Derecho
522 - Master's in Legal Practice
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following: Since the student is able to demonstrate that he / she has the theoretical and practical knowledge of the subject matter of the degree, the work during the semester will preferably focus on the resolution of practical cases referred to bounded subjects for whose resolution is unequivocally A better option to defend the interests of clients with respect to the deontology and lex artis of the profession and the legal adjective and substantive rules applicable according to the system of sources in force in the national environment of the professional practice of law.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the student to help achieve the expected results includes the following activities:

- Practical teaching based on the realization of activities in the classroom concerning different subjects: procedural, civil, commercial, labor, contentious-administrative, financial, criminal in the national environment.
- Dynamic activity of teacher and students through the preparation and resolution of practical cases proposed in class, orally arguing the proposed solution written in public.
- Personal study of the student and team work in the classroom through feedback with the rest of colleagues and the teacher to support and argue with solvency the most correct solution between different alternatives.

5.3. Syllabus

I. Civil law:


1. Condominium. Community property. Process protection of property and possession.

2. Contract property transfer. Commercial leases. Contractual obligations.

3. Family business. Matrimonial property agreements. Regulating the rights of cohabiting couples.

4. Proceding relating to annulment, divorce and legal separation.

5. Family heritage. Wills, legitimate, successions agreements, trusts.



II. Commercial and business law:


1. Company law.

2. Commercial and business contracts.

3. Intellectual and industrial property protection.

4. Insolvency law.


III. Tax system: 


1. The lawyer and the Spanish tax system.

2. The Claims and remedies procedures tax system.



IV. Labor law.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The subject is taught during the first semester of the second academic year (or third semester of the Master), in the period established in the academic calendar published every year by the Rector.   The schedules can be consulted at the following address:   At the beginning of the course, the order of intervention of the teachers of the subject and the subjects to be taught will be communicated, as well as the calendar of evaluable activities that are part of the continuous evaluation.