Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

522 - Master's in Legal Practice

60739 - Court Representation

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
60739 - Court Representation
Faculty / School:
102 - Facultad de Derecho
522 - Master's in Legal Practice
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

5.1.General methodological presentation
The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:

Starting from the premise that the students of the master's degree are graduates in law, it is presumed that they have the theoretical knowledge of the subjects of their degree, reason why the work of the course will not stop in the explanation of theoretical questions on those matters Which have already been subject to the curriculum. However, it is a matter on which transverse knowledge will be possessed and has not been the object of express dedication.

That is why, necessarily, the learning process will start from the lecture that the teacher will make in class of the contents of the program that will be directed to the systematization of the knowledge and to approach the organization and operation of the services.

The concepts thus outlined will be outlined and completed through the work done around the case study in which the student can exercise. Once the mechanism has been identified, it will be asked to provide a precise and adequate response in accordance with the legal norms, the principles that structure the services, the criteria offered by jurisprudence, etc. The student should develop arguments, both oral and written, through which they reach adequate solutions to the problems raised.

The case system is set up as a main teaching methodology for the development of the competences that the
Student must acquire through this subject. Occasionally, the case will pick up a practical case that will be tied together with questions and questions that will help the student to reflect and to which he / she should give a response. On other occasions, the assumption will have a general formulation and it should be the student himself who identifies the problems that beat in his statement and to which he must respond.

Along with this one can use another technique that is that of dramatization. This technique refers to the "theatrical" interpretation or a situation in the field of intervention in legal aid. It is a method that by itself creates informality, is flexible, permissive and facilitates experimentation, establishing a "common experience" that can be used as a basis for discussion and analysis.

Finally, we can not forget the student's necessary dedication to personal study. Thus appears in the Master's Report and is an essential and irreplaceable activity that will allow the student to internalize concepts, regulations, etc. Which are necessary to achieve the required competencies.

5.2. Learning tasks

The subject is structured through the attached program along with the planning for its execution in the accompanying calendar. Students will receive concrete instructions on the dates of presentation of practices and group work, through the IT platform of the subject MOODLE.

5.3. Syllabus



Item 1. - Legal aid, public defenders and legal system counsel.

1. - Regulatory legal framework.

2. - Legal aid model. 

3. -The  legal aid lawyer figure.

4. -Legal Advice Services of the Bar Associations.


Item 2. - Legal Aid Law.

1. - Requirements for the recognition of the right to counsel.

2. - Legal aid subject matter.

3. - Jurisdiction and procedure for recognition of Legal aid. Legal aid agencies.

4. - Legal advice services organization, provision of legal aid and legal assistance. Legal operations management.

5. - Counsel appointment.

6. - Legal aid services supervision and grants.

7. - Legal aid in cross-border disputes.


Item 3. - Guidance and legal assistance.

1. - Detainee´s  legal assistance. On call services.

2. - Legal assistance abroad.

3. - Domestic violence victim´s legal assistance.

4. - Assistance in procedures.

4.1. - Criminal law.

4.2. - Speedy trials.

4.3. - Minors.

4.4. - General Civil issues.

4.5. - Family disputes specialties.

4.6. - Administrative litigation.

4.7. - Labour issues.

4.8. - Second instance. Appeals.

4.9.- Constitutional Resources.

5.4. Course planning and calendar


The subject is taught during the first semester of the first year, in the period established in the academic calendar that publishes each year Rector.

Schedules can be found at the address

At the beginning of the course, the calendar of evaluable activities that are part of the continuous evaluation will be communicated


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Spain. Free legal aid: Law and Regulation Madrid: Tecnos, D. L. 2015.
BB Free Justice: IX Report of the Observatory of Free Justice: complete statistics, 2010-2014 [online]. Spanish Law-The Law. 2015 [consult: June 17, 2016]. Available in:
BB Autonomy shift / [... collective work carried out on the initiative and under the coordination of Francis Lefebvre; Coordinator, María Sol Cuevas Gama]. Madrid: Francis Lefebvre, 2016.
BC Altarriba, Monica. Free legal assistance and office shift. In: María Pérez Pereira, coord. Legal Framework Collegial [Electronic book]. Madrid: Dykinson, 2013, p. 67-91. Available at:
BC Merelles Pérez, Manuel. The assignment to the office shift: voluntary and quality guarantee of service to the citizen. Diario La Ley [online], n. 8470 (Jan. 30, 2015). ISSN 1138-9907. Available at:*spi.