Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

522 - Master's in Legal Practice

60733 - Social Practice

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
60733 - Social Practice
Faculty / School:
102 - Facultad de Derecho
522 - Master's in Legal Practice
Subject Type:

5.3. Syllabus



Unit 1. The contract of employment


Unit 2.  Liability in contracts and subcontracts. Workers’ guarantees.


Unit 3. Transmission of company. Workers’ guarantees.


Unit 4. Part-time contract and permanent intermittent employment.


Unit 5. Temporary contracts of employment: cause and duration (temporary contract contingent upon production requirements, contract for a specific project service, substitute contract to temporarily replace an employee on leave).


Unit 6. Training contracts: cause, duration, wages and work day.


Unit 7. Workers’ rights and duties.


Unit 8. The dismissal and its consequences.


Unit 9. Enforcement of money judgments.


Unit 10. The Labour Inspectorate and social administrative infractions.


Unit 11. Collective Labour Law. Unions’ representation. Collective disputes. Right of strike.


Unit 12. Collective agreements.


Unit 13. Labour process: responsability of social jurisdiction


Unit 14.  Free legal assistance.


Unit 15. Parties in labour proceeding. Joinder of parties. Legal defense.


Unit 16. Avoidance of trial. Pre-action conciliation. Claim filed with the administrative authorities prior to bringing an action inthe labour courts. Counterclaim. Steps to prepare for trial and provisional remedies to ensure the outcome of the proceedings. Pretrial attachment of assets.


Unit 17. Ordinary labour proceedings. Complaint. Joinder of claims or cosnolidation of cases or appeals. Conciliation and trial. Examination of additional evidence.


Unit 18. Special rules on dismissal proceedings.


Unit 19. Special rules on proceedings to guarantee fundamental rights.


Unit 20. Social Security proceedings.


Unit 21. Proceedings concerning collective labour disputes and proceedings to contest collective bargaining agreements.


Unit 22. Appeal labour proceedings: second instance appeal, ordinary cassation appeal and cassation appeal to ensure uniform caselaw.


Unit 23. Benefits of the Wage Guarantee Fund.


Unit 24. Intervention of the Wage Guarantee Fund and the Public Prosecution.


Unit 25. Enforcement of final judgments in dismissal proceedings.


Unit 26. Provisional enforcement