Academic Year:
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
30723 - Projects 4
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
30723 - Projects 4
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
Second semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Introduction
The changing reality in which our contemporaneity develops, demands a continuous and distinct formulation that is capable of announcing this restless reality. Facing the stability of a provided system, ours operates in a dynamic medium of different flows. It seems that our medium is, just like Bauman qualifies it, a liquid place where everything flows and is diluted. In this new medium we exchange perception for dialogue, permanent present for permanent future, history for memory, axiom for creative reason. And everything, like the polish philosopher says, to make of this life “a work of art”. The life of an artist that is capable of achieving a state of permanent transformation: to become someone different, until one is able to stop being who one has been.
1.2. Recommendations to take this course
To take this course, it is recommended to have passed the previous subjects in the area: Architectural Project 2 and 3.
1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree
Projects class, climbed on the shoulders of the other subjects, constitutes then the complete experience that coagulates the technical and constructive knowledge of a history turned memory. The exercise has, from this point of view, the ambition of achieving a global understanding of the project fact. Its development intends to be progressive, incorporating to the complexity of those other subjects the attention to different issues that we raise in the theory of the project -the form of the function, the space of a place, the time of a memory- like the structure and construction of an order and composition.
1.4. Activities and key dates
1. Theoretical classes
2. Activity Workshop
3. Critical Review
4. Seminar Program
Inhabiting Exercise 1: Vertical
Inhabiting Exercise 2: Horizontal
Inhabiting Exercise 3: Occupy
2.1. Learning goals
Student must demonstrate the necessary knowledge and professional ability in order to:
To undertake a previous analysis that needs an architectural project
To manage its graphic expression
To organize fuctional programs
To known different design strategies
To engage with the architectural history
To handle the different known models
In order to achieve:
To tackle the project from the idea
The capacity to dialogue with our own reality
Link creative reason and idea built
3.1. Aims of the course
C.E.33.OB To eliminatearchitectural barriers
C.E.36.OB Design and execution of development projects
C.E. 39.OB Draw up functional programs
C.E. 50.OB Study method of social needs and quality of life
C.E. 51.OB Proper knowledge of sustainability by preserving the environment and ecology
C.E. 52.OB Well knowledge of the architectural, urban and landscape traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundations, aesthetics and theory and history of fine arts and applied arts
C.E. 57.OB Proper knowledge of civil, administrative and planning regulations
C.E. 58.OB Feasibility analysis capacity and coordination of integrated projects
3.2. Competences
C.E.33.OB To remove architectural barriers
C.E.36.OB To develop, execution and management of different levels of architectural project
C.E.39.OB Capacity to develop functional programs
C.E.50.OB Method of study on quality of life and social groups
C.E.52.OB Well knowledge of Western Architectural and urban planning traditions
C.E.57.OB Well knowledge of Civil Regulation, Administrative Regulation and Technical Regulation in the Building Sector
C.E.58.OB Feasibility analysis and Project Coordination
4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student must demonstrate that it has achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities
Evaluation systems
- Attendance Written/ Graphic test
- Non-attendance education, directed, with oral presentation
- Non-attendance education, directed, without presentation
- Attendance education
- Oral presentations and discussions.
Evaluation as ongoing process that test:
- Use of concepts
- Clarity in designing
- Idea development process
Evaluation criteria
- Project presentation 50%
- Personal contribution 50%
5.1. Methodological overview
The system of teaching and learning is based on the practiced exercise of concepts and ideas. Thus, teaching is proposed in mirror halves.
The first teaching method is one of discovery. The teacher explores a new geography of concepts with the student, making the classroom the room for new ideas. The new lecture is now a tactic in the field. The teacher marks with those ideas, conceptual places where students lock their future operations of design. It identifies strategically a new map, a new place. This conceptual space, once those workshops, is now inhabited by students in a new positive attitude.
A second teaching consists of the creation and management of concepts. In this new room students manipulate and relate those concepts to explore the possibility of generating their own, under the premise of always being credible and scientifically demonstrable. In this active process of constructing knowledge, concepts take on a multiplicity of meanings: the multiple definitions of the same concept / idea in a given context. Students inhabit with their ideas that conceptual place drawn by the teacher, where students and teacher engaged in the work of discovery.
5.2. Learning tasks
The workshop offers an insight into the work of contemporary living space. The result of this search and research process is to propose their reality as construction of a new place that links the domestic and the urban
It is intended to return to mean the word room, a place that occupies an edge, a remote location. It is proposed a new typology of the house, of the small town, from the construction of a new urban relationship from which emerge a new public space and a new way to inhabit.
Intensification work is used as a tool able to track all the capabilities and potentials of certain parameters of the architectural work to discover them as necessary architectural strands. From its review should arise the value and recognition of the emerging concepts of contemporary architecture and its necessary integration as core values in the architectural fact.
5.3. Syllabus
The three views
The journey through this new subject, passes vertically into three stages. Three stages assigned to three different ways of looking. First, look in the eyes of others: know what the others saw. This is followed by the construction of its own view, learning to look the same. And finally look what is not looked: light the unseen. Its goal will be scanning new realities. The look is investigating, making the architectural design the best act of creative reason.
As way to "understand and see” these three perspectives, it is intersected the methodological argument with a teaching action workshop that unfolds Integration under these looks. This is a workshop that is developed with the ambition to integrate the space -as an architectural project-, structure -as a technique- and location -as city.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Every project has seven consecutive sessions:
Session 1: Presentation of the project and itinerary
Session 2-5: Research Literature/ Research Work/ Research Workshop
Session 6: Final Presentation
Session 7: Final Review
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
- [El laboratorio doméstico] - Ábalos, Iñaki. La buena vida : visita guiada a las casas de la modernidad / Iñaki Ábalos . 1ª ed., 7ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2008
- [El laboratorio doméstico] - Las casas del alma : maquetas arquitectónicas de la Antigüedad (5500 a.C.-300 d.C.) : [exposición] / comisario, Pedro Azara. Barcelona : Diputació de Barcelona : Centre de Cultura Contemporà nia de Barcelona, D.L. 1997
- [El laboratorio doméstico] - RYKWERT, J. La casa. Historia de una idea / RYKWERT, J Editorial Nerea, Madrid, 1986.
- [El laboratorio doméstico] - Riley, Terence. The Un?Private House / Riley, Terence The Museum on Modern Art. New York, 1999.
- [El laboratorio doméstico] - Smithson, Alison. Cambiando el arte de habitar / Smithson, Alison & Peter G. Gili, Barcelona 2001.
- [Espacio y lugar] - Ábalos, Iñaki. Atlas pintoresco. Vol. 1, El observatorio / Iñaki Ábalos. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, D.L. 2005
- [Espacio y lugar] - Argan, Giulio Carlo. El concepto del espacio arquitectónico desde el barroco a nuestros días : curso dictado en el Instituto Universitario de Historia de la Arquitectura, Tucuman, 1961 / Giulio Carlo Argan ; traducción, introducción y notas de Liliana Rainis . Buenos Aires : Nueva Visión, cop. 1966
- [Espacio y lugar] - PARDO, J. L. . La intimidad / PARDO, J. L. Ediciones Pre-Textos, Valencia 1996
- [Razón creativa] - Campo Baeza, Alberto. La idea construida : la arquitectura a la luz de las palabras / Alberto Campo Baeza . [1ª ed. reimp.] [Buenos Aires] : Nobuko, 2009
- [Razón creativa] - Deaño, Alfredo. Introducción a la lógica formal / Alfredo Deaño . 1a. ed. en Manuales, 4a. reimp. Madrid : Alianza, 2004
- [Razón creativa] - Perec, Georges. Espèces d'espaces.|lEspañol : Especies de espacios / Georges Perec ; traducción de Jesús Camarero . 5ª ed. Barcelona : Montesinos, 2007
- [Razón creativa] - Trías, Eugenio. Lógica del límite / Eugenio Trias . 1a. ed Barcelona : Destino, 1991
- [Arquitectura de la literatura] - Bauman, Zygmunt. El arte de la vida : de la vida como obra de arte / Zygmunt Bauman ; [traducción de Dolors Udina] . Barcelona [etc.] : Paidós, [2009]
- [Arquitectura de la literatura] - Carroll, Lewis. Alice's adventures in wonderland.|lEspañol : Alicia en el país de las maravillas / Lewis Carroll . Zaragoza : Aneto, D.L.2007
- [Arquitectura de la literatura] - Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de. Petit prince.|lEspañol : El principito / Antoine Saint-Exupéry . 1a. ed. en el Libro de Bolsillo, 1a. reimpr. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1998
- [Arquitectura de la literatura] - Zambrano, María. Algunos lugares de la pintura / María Zambrano ; recopilación, Amalia Iglesias . 1a. ed. Madrid : Eutelequia, 2012
- [Los maestros] - Storrer, William Allin. The architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright : a complete catalog / William Allin Storrer . Cambridge, Mass. ; London : M.I.T. Press, 1974
- [Los maestros] - Asplud . Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcelona, 1997
- [Los maestros] - Mertins, Detlef. The Presence of Mies / Mertins, Detlef. Princeton Architectural Press. New York, 1994.
- [Los maestros] - Le Corbusier / Willy Boesiger . 5a. ed. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 1982
- [Los maestros] - NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian. Louis Kahn, idea e imagen / NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian. Ediciones Xarait. Madrid, 1981.
- [Los maestros] - Weston, Richard. Utzon : inspiration, vision, architecture / Richard Weston . 2nd ed. Hellerup : Blondal, 2008