Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies

30718 - Workshop Integrated Projects 1

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
30718 - Workshop Integrated Projects 1
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject, is based on the following cases:


The course serves for providing the student with the necessary tools of analysis and critic of the architectural project, since a graphical point of view, and the correct architectural representation of their own work.
Therefore, it consists in four types of session:
- Theoretical sessions, given by teachers.
- Theoretico- practical sessions, or seminars, in which students put together their referents in public actions.
- Practical sessions, or workshops, in which, after assimilating the concepts, they are applied.
- Critical sessions, or public corrections of the performed work.

5.2. Learning tasks

The programme offered to the student to help him to reach the expected results includes the following activities...


Theoretical sessions

They will be developed in form of master class for all the students in one group. They will provide representation criteria and tools of architectural graphic expression. Their structure can be identified with the following headings:
1 _ Representation Project
2_ Layout
3 _ Maqueta and photography
4 _ Collage and photomontage
5 _ Render
6 _ digital postproduction


Theoretico- practical sessions

The seminars will be the result of the students research, analysis and assimilation of architectural graphic expression of current renowned architects. They will present their references in class, so they can share what they have learned, and learn from the comments made by their classmates, in a knowledge -sharing exercise.


Practical sessions

Students will develope part of their practical work, with the personal attention of teachers. Each student will have the opportunity of correcting at least once each work. 

Critical sessions

Public exhibitions of the students work, that leads them to a self-correcting exercise.

5.3. Syllabus

The development of each class is explained in detail during the first session of the subject. It is also placed in Moodle for later searchs.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Sessions calendar and presentation of works


It is provided and explained in detail during the first session. It is also placed in Moodle for later searchs


Equipment and Materials


Customary for project development. It is recommended the use of a personal computer.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Ching, Frank. Manual de dibujo arquitectónico / Francis D. K. Ching ; [versión castellana de jorge

Carbonell y Santiago Castán] . - 3ª ed. rev. y amp., 5ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2007

Delgado Yanes, Magali. Dibujo a mano alzada para arquitectos / [textos y realización de los dibujos

y ejercicios Magali Delgado Yanes, Ernest Redondo Domínguez] . - 3ª ed. Barcelona : Parramón,


Montes Serrano, Carlos. Representación y análisis formal : lecciones de análisis de formas / Carlos

Montes Serrano Valladolid : Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones, D.L. 1992

Ching, Frank. Arquitectura : forma, espacio y orden / Francis D. K. Ching ; [versión castellana de

Santiago Castán] . - 3ª ed. rev. y act. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, D.L. 2010

Knoll, Wolfgang. Maquetas de arquitectura : técnicas y construcción / Wolfgang Knoll, Martin

Hechinger ; fotografías de Hans- Joachim Heyer ; [traducción, Alejandro Pinós Simmel] . - Nueva

ed. rev. y amp. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, D. L. 2009

Baker, Geoffrey H.. Le Corbusier : análisis de la forma / Geoffrey H. Baker ; [versión castellana de

Santiago Castán] . - 7ª ed. amp. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2000

Gössel, Peter. Arquitectura del siglo XX / Peter Gössel, Gabriele Leuthäuser ; [traducción del

alemán, Carlos Carames]. Köln : Taschen, cop. 1991

Luis Moya Blanco : 1904-1990 / [editora, María Antonia Frías Sagardoy] . Pamplona : T6

ediciones, 2009