Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies

30710 - Projects 1

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
30710 - Projects 1
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodological system of Architectural Design announces to the students that the knowledge they are going to acquire on this subject is, in general terms, a result of the personal experience and the critical reflection that can be accumulated on the issues raised in the studio. The course is structured on practical exercises —proyectos— accompanied by lectures following a progressive and logical sequence. The program includes only two projects. Generally speaking, the following methodological procedure shall be followed:

First, the teacher presents the exercise describing the limits of the intervention, the program, and the basic objectives of the project. Drawings, photographs, texts and other references necessary for the performance of the project will be given to the students.

Secondly, and whenever possible, students will travel to the site of intervention and continue the previous analysis of conditions, pre-existing conditions and requirements will move.

Corrections of the project will be performed individually on the studio’s desk or openly as pin up. Every project will have intermediate submissions or supervisions.

5.2. Learning tasks

he studio will consist on:

1. The design of two projects with their corresponding individual and public reviews and pin ups

2. Lectures to introduce the theory of methodology of architectural design.

5.3. Syllabus

As discussed in the previous point, the studio course program consists on two design projects developed along the Fall term, approximately in seven weeks each. Every week, classes are divided into a theory session and the corresponding reviews and corrections of the projects, in groups, in the workshop.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The course corresponds to 12 ECTS credits, about 120 hours. Each of the two projects will have about 14 sessions. Each block of 14 sessions starts with a lecture framing the objectives that the project aims to accomplish. Although the character of this course is eminently practical, the student must regularly work outside the studio-scheduled hours, to review and analyze both theoretical sessions and the weekly reviews. Students are strongly encouraged to work extensively in the classroom taking advantage as well of the comments and suggestions given to his/her peers.