Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

432 - Joint Law - Business Administration and Management Programme

30512 - European Union Institutions

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
30512 - European Union Institutions
Faculty / School:
102 - Facultad de Derecho
432 - Joint Law - Business Administration and Management Programme
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:

Taking into account that the students should not only learn theoretical knowledge but also know how to apply it in the resolution of practical cases, the methodology to be used must have both dimensions. For this reason, the traditional method of the lecture will be combined with the resolution of practical cases in a large group or in smaller working groups, individual research work, oral expositions in class, reading and analysis of books, simulation of cases before European bodies, etc. Each professor will establish with his/her group the specific details of the method to be used. In any case, this method will respond to the need for the student to familiarize him or herself with the reality relevant European Union law, to learn the basic competences for solving European legal problems, to acquire some information search skills and manage basic research techniques, to develop legal argument abilities and to be able to hold collective discussions in the legal language typical of the European Union law field.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the students to help them achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...

1: Lectures: they are based on lectures by the professor who will present the main ideas of each block of contents. These presentations may be included in the University website before the lectures, so that the student has the slides before the class and during it can complete them with the explanations given therein.

2: Practical sessions: its structure will be determined by each professor with his/her group but generally the students would have the practical case to be treated in each class beforehand, so they can prepare it using international legal texts and other relevant documents. During the classes, students will follow the professor’s instructions, which may consist on meeting in small groups to contrast the answers given to each question and appoint a spokesperson to represent the group (although interventions can be performed with total freedom by all assistants), or to conduct a general discussion of the whole group, contrasting the answers and comments with the help of the professor. Another possibility is that the cases may be prepared by reduced voluntary groups that will make an oral presentation of the possible answers to the questions posed. The cases will usually correspond to real facts so that the students can contrast their theoretical knowledge with the reality of the European Union.

3: Paper on European legal topics: the students must present a paper focused on European issues with current relevance. The paper will consist of the analysis of a question of the reality of the European Union and will follow the criteria given by the professor in class. Its extension will be of a maximum of 5 pages.

5.3. Syllabus

1. The history of European Integration

2. Institutional Framework of the European Union. 2.1. European Council. 2.2. Council of European Union. 2.3. European Commission. 2.4. European Parliament. 2.5. Court of Justice of the European Union. 2.6. Courto of Auditors. 2.7. European Central Bank. 2.8. Advisory bodies. 2.9. Other bodies.

3. Sources of European Union Law. 3.1. Primary Law. 3.2. Secondary Law. 3.3. Supplementary Law.

4. Relationship between European Union Law and National Law. 4.1. Supremacy of European Union Law. 4.2. Direct effect of European Union Law. 4.3. Liability of Member States due to infringement of European Union Law.

5. Jusdicial control of the European Union Law. 5.1. Action against Member States by infringement. 5.2. Actions for annulment and for failure to act. 5.3. Preliminary ruling. 5.4. Other actions: action for damages in case of tort, right to appeal, pleas of illegality.

6.- Fundamental rights protection in the European Union. 6.1. Fundamental rights protection by the European Court. 6.2. The E.U. Fundamental rights charter and the Eu's access to the European Convention on Human Rights.  6.3. The protection of human rights in tne EU's external action. 6.4 The EU citizenship.

7. The intergovermental pillars of the EU. 7.1. The Area of Justice, Freedom and Security. 7.2. Common Foreign and Security Policies.