Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

30224 - Information Systems

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
30224 - Information Systems
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
326 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Teruel
439 - Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering
443 - Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process is based on:

  1. Lectures related to the topics included in the program of the course (30 hours)  and resolution of problems and tutorials in class (7.5 hours).
  2. Tasks in the laboratory to develop different systems (24 hours spread over 12 sessions of 2 hours).
  3. The creation of a paper about a topic related to the program of the course by the students. Moreover, students must also do a presentation of their paper in class.
  4. Self-study.
  5. Personal attention to the students along the course in office hours of the teachers in order to review and discuss materials and topics presented in both theoretical and practical sessions.
  6. Exams and reports that the students should do during the course.

Keep in mind that the subject has both theoretical and practical orientation. Therefore, the learning process requires developing tasks in the laboratory in a collaborative way and also self-studying in an individual way

5.2. Learning tasks

Along the course there are mainly four kinds of activities:
• Lecture sessions in the classroom: In these sessions different concepts, technologies, tools and methodologies related to the topics of the subjects are presented. Moreover, students and teachers will discuss technical, ethical, and moral aspects related to the different concepts.
• Problem sessions in the classroom: In these sessions tutorials about different technologies and examples of information systems in production are presented. Besides, during the last sessions of the course, students make presentations of their papers.
• Laboratory sessions: In these sessions students develop a total of 6 practical works in groups.

5.3. Syllabus

The program of the course is divided in the following blocks:

  • Introduction to Information Systems
    • Differences between data and information
    • Data types: structured, semi-structured and unstructured
    • Types of information systems
    • Information systems in organizations
    • Life cycle of information systems
  • Information systems and Internet:
    • The Web: evolution and related technologies
    • Information Search on the Web
    • E-commerce: Digital Marketing and Online Reputation
    • The Semantic Web
    • Ethical and social aspects
  • The organization of data and information or management systems and integration of information.
    • Distributed Databases
    • OLTP vs OLAP
    • Ethical and Social aspects
  • Knowledge Based Systems / Business Intelligence
    • Knowledge representation
    • Data Mining
  • Legacy information systems
    • Strategies to migrate legacy systems and their data
  • Introduction to Spanish legal issues related to Information Systems:
    • Standards to develop and manage Information Systems
    • Methodologies to manage risks
    • Introduction to LOPD, LSSI and LPI
    • Ethical and Social aspects

5.4. Course planning and calendar


The schedule of the sessions of this subject will be defined by the Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (EINA).


Student Work

The subject has 6 ECTS credits: 2.8 credits for activities in the classroom and the lab and 3.2 credits for work of students. Therefore, the estimated dedication of each student to achieve the goals of the learning is 150 hours (60 contact hours and 90 non-contact hours) distributed approximately as follows:

  • 65 hours for classroom activities (classroom sessions, laboratory sessions, presentation of papers, and evaluation).
  • 45 hours for the development of the exercises, problems and tasks presented in different sessions.
  • 40 hours for effective self-study.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]

  • Zaragoza:
  • [BB] Stair, Ralph. Principles of Information Systems / Ralph Stair and George Reynolds. Cengage Learning; 11 edition (January 1, 2013)

Listado de URL

  • Transparencias, bibliografía comentada, enunciados de problemas, casos de estudio y guiones de prácticas que el profesorado de la asignatura pondrá a disposición del alumnado mediante el Anillo Digital Docente []
  • Teruel:
  • [BB] Stair, Ralph M.. Principles of information systems / Ralph M. Stair, George W. Reynolds . 13th ed. Boston [etc.] : Cengage Learning : cop. 2016