Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

436 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Technology

30004 - Chemistry

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
30004 - Chemistry
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
436 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Technology
436-First semester o Second semester
107-First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

1.1. Introduction

Brief presentation of the subject


This subject belongs to the basic training module of the industrial branch of engineering degrees.

In the subject "Chemistry", the student's acquired knowledge during the secondary education is homogenized. Besides, new basic concepts which will serve as starting point for subsequent subjects are introduced. The key points of this subject consist of fundamentals of Chemistry applied to Engineering: composition and properties of matter, as well thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of chemical reactions.

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this subject is based on the following aspects:


The subject is designed to enhance the student's active learning. For each chapter, a general introduction will be made by means of theoretical classrooms, which will be complemented with the rest of proposed activities, including solution of questions and problems, attendance to tutorships and laboratory practices.

5.2. Learning tasks

The syllabus offered to help the students to achieve the expected results covers the following activities:


Theroretical sessions (35 hours) and solution of problems (15 hours): (5.0 ECTS)

Master classes will be used in most cases, and information will be transmitted orally with TIC support. During the classrooms of solution of problems, the participation of students will be promoted.


Laboratory practical sessions (1 session of 1 hour + 3 sessions of 3 hours): (1.0 ECTS)

Laboratory practical sessions are designed to help students to acquire skills in laboratory material handling and to develop their deductive, communication, team working and analytical capabilities.

The solution of preliminary questions has been designed to enhance the autonomy in learning and working.

Special efforts are devoted to the importance of security norms in laboratory as well as the correct handling of residues, key points in the engineering field.

5.3. Syllabus

Classrooms and solution of problems:


First control: (15 hours)

Chapter 1.- Periodic system of elements

Chapter 2.- Chemical bond and compounds

Chapter 3.- Fundamental laws of Chemistry

Chapter 4.- Properties of gases and liquids

Second Control: (20 hours)

Chapter 5.- Chemical thermodynamics

Chapter 6.- Chemical kinetics

Chapter 7.- Inorganic and organic compounds

Third control: (15 hours)

Chapter 8.- Introduction to electrochemistry

Chapter 9.- Chemical composition of aqueous solutions

Chapter 10.- Study of chemical equilibrium


Laboratory practices:


Session 0: Introduction to chemistry laboratory (1 hour)

Session 1: Gases and preparation of solutions (3 hours)

Session 2: Reaction kinetics. Redox reactions (3 hours)

Session 3: Chemical equilibrium. Standardization of hydrochloric acid (3 hours)

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of classroom sessions and presentation of works

Master classrooms: 50 hours

Practical sessions: 10 hours

Practical session's deliverable reports: 10 hours

Personal study and work : 74 hours

Realization of exams: 6 hours

The master classrooms, solution of problems and laboratory practical sessions are given according to the timetable established by EINA, wich is published before the beginning of the academic year.

The tutorship schedules are available in the web of EINA as well as in the offices of professors responsible for the subject. Out of hours, tutorships can be arranged with the teaching staff by electronic mail.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB          López Cancio, José Antonio. Problemas de química / José Antonio López Cancio, con la colaboración de Antonio Vera Castellano . - [1ª ed.], reimp. Madrid [etc.] : Prentice Hall, imp. 2001

BB          Peterson, W. R. : Nomenclatura de las sustancias químicas / W. R. Peterson . - 4ª ed. Barcelona [etc.] : Reverté, D.L. 2016

BB          Petrucci, Ralph H.. Química general / Ralph H. Petrucci, William S. Harwood, F. Geoffrey Herring ; con la colaboración de Scott S. Perry ; traducción, Concepción Pando Gª-Pumarino, Nerea Iza Cabo ; revisión técnica, Juan A. Rodríguez Renuncio . - 8ª ed., reimp. Madrid : Prentice Hall, cop. 2010

BC          Chang, Raymond. Fundamentos de química / Raymond Chang ; adaptación Pedro Ibarra Escutia ; revisión técnica Isaías de la Rosa Gómez . México D. F. : McGraw-Hill/Interamericana, cop. 2011

BC          Whitten, Kenneth W.. Química general / Kenneth W. Whitten, Raymond E. Davis, M. Larry Peck ; con la colaboración con ensayos de Ronald A. DeLorenzo, Middle Georgia College ; traducción, Eduardo Gayoso Andrade, José Manuel Vila Abad . - 5ª ed., (3ª ed. en español) Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 1998

BB: basic, BC: complementary

The bibliography of the subject can be accessed via this link