Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

29933 - Environmental engineering

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29933 - Environmental engineering
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This subject includes theory and practice and its learning process is based on 2.2 ECTS of work done in-person (55
hours) and 3.8 ECTS (95 hours) of self-guided study. The programmed activities are detailed below.

The class presentations and laboratory instructions are available for the students at the subject website (Moodle platform) that can be found at

5.2. Learning tasks

On-site activities: 2.4 ECTS, 60 hours

  1. Classroom based sessions (TP1): 30 hours, 2 per week. Sessions with theoretical and practical contents. The units are presented encouraging class participation, reflexive and proactive attitudes.
  2. Problem solving and case studies (TP2): 15 hours, 1 per week. A case study will be defined encompassing a global strategy for the pollution control in an industrial process. Additionally, exercises and case studies will be done in order to complement theoretical sessions. The student should work on the preparation of these case studies previously, and participate in class.
  3. Laboratory and simulation sessions (TP3): 10 hours divided in 5 sessions of 2 hours each. The student will develop practical skills related to pollution control processes, either based on simulation software or in laboratory work. The student should read the instructions for each sessions previously and be able to hand in the required report at the end of each session.
  4. Evaluation (TP8): 5 hours. Besides obtaining a mark, evaluation is one of steps of the learning process, where the students can check their degree of understanding of the presented concepts and their acquirement of the required competencies.
  5. If possible, some visits to environmental facilities will be planned during the semester. These visits are voluntary for the students. Attendance will account for approximately 5 hours of on-site activities.


Non on-site activities: 3.6 ECTS, 90 hours.

  1. Study (TP7): 90 hours. Includes study and problem solving. Continuous work by the student will be encouraged. Tutorials are also included in this section.

5.3. Syllabus

Module 1. Introduction. Environmental issues. Basics of prevention and control of pollution.

Module 2. Water pollution

Unit 1. Water cycle.

Unit 2. Types of water pollutants.

Unit 3. Physical processes/operations in water treatment.

Unit 4. Biological processes/operations in water treatment.

Unit 5. Chemical processes/operations in water treatment.

Unit 6. Water treatment facilities.

Module 3. Air pollution

Unit 1. The atmosphere and its pollution problems.

Unit 2. Types of air pollutants: Primary pollutants

Unit 3. Pollutant measurements

Unit 4. Types of air pollutants: Secondary pollutants

Unit 5. Particle collection systems.

Unit 6. Pollutant control systems.

Module 4. Residues

Unit 1. Introduction.

Unit 2. Residues management and control

Unit 3. Recycling.

Unit 4. Biological treatments for residues.

Unit 5. Thermal treatment for residues.

Unit 6. Landfills.

Module 5. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental management systems (EMS): basic aspects.


Laboratory sessions

Lab session 1: Industrial wastewater treatment by physical/chemical processes.

Lab session 2: Use of software tools for the simulation and design of wastewater treatment facilities.

Lab session 3: Use of software tools for the simulation and design of gas pollution control facilities.

Lab session 4: Stabilization of residues containing dangerous substances.

Lab session 5: Use of software tools for the management of residues containing dangerous substances.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Classroom based sessions (TP1). 30 hours total (2 per week)

Problem solving and case studies (TP2). 15 hours total (1 per week)

Laboratory and computer sessions (TP3). 10 hours total (5 sessions, 2 hours each)

Evaluation (TP8): 5 hours total.

Home study (TP7): 90 hours estimated.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB 1. Mihelcic, James R. Environmental engineering : fundamentals, sustainability, design / authors and editors, James R. Mihelcic, Julie Beth Zimmerman ; contributing authors, Martin T. Auer ... [et al.] Hoboken, NJ : Wiley ; Chichester : John Wiley [distributor], cop. 2010
BB 2. Ingeniería de aguas residuales : tratamiento, vertido y reutilización / Metcalf and Eddy ; revisado por George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton ; traducción y revisión técnica, Juan de Dios Trillo Montsoriu, Ian Trillo Fox ; prólogo de Angel Cajigas . - 3a. ed., [reimpr.] Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 2000
BB 3.1 Design of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Volume I, Planing and configuration of Wastewater treatment plants . - 4th ed. Alexandria, VA (U.S.A.) : Water environment federation ; Reston : American society of civil engineers, cop. 1998
BB 3.2 Design of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Volume II, Liquid treatment processes . - 4th ed. Alexandria, VA (U.S.A.) : Water environment federation ; Reston : American society of civil engineers, cop. 1998
BB 3.3 Design of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Volume III, Solids Processing and Disposal . - 4th ed. Alexandria, VA (U.S.A.) : Water environment federation ; Reston : American society of civil engineers, cop. 1998
BB 4. Wark, Kenneth. Contaminación del aire : origen y control / Kenneth Wark , Cecil F. Warner . - [Reimp.] México D. F. : Limusa, cop. 2006
BB 5. Nevers, Noel de. Ingeniería de control de la contaminación del aire / Noel de Nevers ; traducción, José Hernán Pérez Castellanos . - [1ª ed. en español] México [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1998
BB 6. Tchobanoglous, George. Gestión integral de residuos solidos / George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel Vigil ; traducción y revisión técnica Juan Ignacio Tejero Monzón, José Luis Gil Diaz, Marcel Szanto Narea . - [1a. ed. en español] Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, D.L.1994
BB 8. Gestión ambiental . 3ª ed. Madrid : AENOR, 2011
BB 9. LaGrega, Michael D.. Gestión de residuos tóxicos : Tratamiento, eliminación y recuperación de suelos / Michael D. LaGreca, Phillip L. Buckingham, Jeffrey C. Evans Madrid : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 1996
BB Evaluación de impacto ambiental / Alfonso Garmendia Salvador...[et al.] . Madrid [etc.] : Pearson/Prentice Hall, cop. 2005.
BC Borderías Uribeondo, Mª Pilar. Evaluación de impacto ambiental I / María Pilar Borderías Uribeondo, Carmen Muguruza Cañas . 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. Madrid : Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2009
BC Conesa Fernández-Vítora, Vicente. Guía metodológica para la evaluación del impacto ambiental / Vicente Conesa Fdez.-Vítora ; colaboradores, Vicente Conesa Ripoll, Luis A. Conesa Ripoll ; prólogos de María Teresa Estevan Bolea . - 4ª ed. Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 2010
BC Environmental engineering. Water, wastewater, soil, and groundwater treatment and remediation / edited by Nelson L. Nemerow ... [et al.]. - 6th ed. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2009
BC Handbook of solid waste management / [editors] George Tchobanoglous, Frank Kreith . - 2nd ed. New York [etc.] : McGraw Hill, cop. 2002
BC Kiely, Gerard. Ingeniería ambiental : Fundamentos, entornos, tecnologías y sistemas de gestión / Gerard Kiely ; coordinador de la traducción y revisión técnica, José Miguel Veza . 1a ed. en español Madrid : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 1999
BC Nevers, Noel de. Air pollution control engineering / Noel de Nevers . - 2nd ed., international ed Boston, [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2000
BC Tratamiento y valorización energética de residuos / Xavier Elias Castells, director [Madrid] : Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana : Díaz de Santos, D.L. 2005
BC Wastewater engineering : treatment and reuse / Metcalf and Eddy . New York : McGraw Hill, 2002