Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

29927 - Thermal Technics

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29927 - Thermal Technics
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process for this subject is based on the following:
1.Clases master, taught the whole group, in which the teacher will explain the basic principles of the subject and resolve some representative problems of the application of realistic cases to future professional practice. The participation of students in this activity will be sought. In parallel, the student must perform work study for better utilization of classes.
2.Trabajos tutored in small groups (couples ideally): students analyze and solve an issue of the subject. Independent learning and group work is enhanced.

3.Tutorials: the teacher will provide the student certain procedures for approach and resolving doubts. The use of these tutorials is highly recommended to ensure adequate progress in learning.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program to help achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...

The detailed program of the subject will be presented at the beginning of the course by the teacher. This program will cover both theoretical and practical aspects, on the following contents:
• Heat production. Basic chemistry. Combustion technology: boilers, furnaces. Combined heat and mass transfer: cooling towers, drying, etc. Heat transfer phase change: evaporators and condensers. Heat exchangers.
• Production work. Internal combustion reciprocating engines. Steam and gas turbines. Fuel cells. Compressors: reciprocating and rotary.
• Cold production. Vapour compression systems and vapour absorption cycles. Cryogenic cycles. Liquefaction of gases.

5.3. Syllabus

Grado (EQF/MECU 6)

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works
Determined at the beginning of the academic year.


To facilitate and enhance communication between the student and the teacher, you can make available to students if the teacher deems it appropriate, Digital Teaching Platform Ring (ADD) of the University of Zaragoza. Here the teacher can distribute course materials (notes, questions, problems, exam type, tables, etc.), make announcements and notifications to students, send and receive e-mails and make available to students the tools for sending reports of learning activities.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Çengel, Yunus A.. Termodinámica / Yunus A. Çengel, Michael A. Boles ; revisión técnica, Abraham Laurencio Martínez Bautista ... [et al.] . 8ª ed. Mexico [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, D.L. 2015
BB Çengel, Yunus A.. Transferencia de calor y masa : fundamentos y aplicaciones / Yunus A. à‡engel, Afshin J. Ghajar ; revisión técnica Rosario Dávalos Gutiérrez, Juan José Coble Castro, Sofía Faddeeva Sknarina, Álvaro Ochoa López . - 4ª ed. México D.F. : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, cop. 2011
BB Moran, Michael J.. Fundamentos de termodinámica técnica / Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro . - 2ª ed. en español, reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Reverté, D. L. 2011
BB Winterbone, Desmond E.. Advanced thermodynamics for engineers / Desmond E. Winterbone . - [1st. publ.] London [etc.] : Arnold, cop. 1997
BC Giacosa, Dante. Motores endotérmicos : motores de encendido por chispa, de carburación y de inyección, motores de encendido por compresión Diesel, lentos y veloces, motores rotativos, turbinas de gas, teoría, construcción, pruebas / Dante Giacosa Barcelona : Omega, D.L.1988
BC Golden, Frederick M.. Termofluidos, turbomáquinas y máquinas térmicas / Frederick M. Golden, Luis Batres de la Vega, Guillermo Terrones . - 1a ed. Mexico : Compañía Editorial Continental, 1989
BC Muñoz Rodríguez, Mariano. Motores alternativos de combustión interna / Mariano Muñoz Rodríguez, Francisco Moreno Gómez, Jesús F. Morea Roy Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 1999
BC Turbomáquinas térmicas / Mariano Muñoz Rodriguez, Francisco J. Collado Giménez, Francisco Moreno Gómez, Jesús F. Morea Roy . - 1a ed. Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias, 1999