Academic Year:
435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
29924 - Manufacturing Technology
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
29924 - Manufacturing Technology
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:
3.2. Competences
Generic competences:
C02. Ability to plan, budget, organize, direct and control tasks, people and resources.
C03. Ability to combine the basic and specialized knowledge of Engineering to generate innovative and competitive proposals in the professional activity.
C04. Capacity to solve problems and making decisions with initiative, creativity and critical thinking.
C08. Ability to analyze and assess social and environmental impact of technical solutions, acting with ethics, professional responsibility and social commitment, always looking for quality and continuous improvement.
Specific competences
C26. Basic Knowledges of production and manufacturing systems.
5.1. Methodological overview
The in-person training process will be given in three main levels: theory classes, exercises classes and laboratory, with a growing level of participation by the student.
In the sessions with the complete group, It will be illustrated the theoretical concepts in a master class format. These concepts will be reinforced with exercise resolution and case studies. The practical sessions will be organized in smaller groups in order to work with dedicated software applications and equipment from the manufacturing laboratory.
This process shall be completed with the alumni’s personal work for preparation readings, theory study and exercises completion.
5.2. Learning tasks
The program presented to the alumni in order to help him to achieve the expected results, comprises the following activities:
Theory Classes (28h), including the content illustration with presentations and examples. This will facilitate the definitions, concepts and theoretical basis learning process regarding the different manufacturing process and any other content of the subject. The scheduled learning activities are grouped considering the topics indicated in the program.
Practical classes (14 h), performance problems and cases involving students, coordinated at all times with the theoretical contents.
Practical sessions (18 h), programmed with the topics listed in the program.
5.3. Syllabus
Agenda of theoretical-practical lectures
1) In-person class (T1) (28 horas).
Contents block 1. Introduction (Lesson 0) (1 h).
- Definitions
- Process classification (DIN 858)
Contents block 2. Process and manufact. technologies (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5) (14 h).
2.1. Primary shaping processes(4 h).
- Casting with non-permanent moulds, die casting, injection
- Powder metallurgy.
- Additive manufacturing
2.2. Material removal processes (4 h).
- Machining and cutting.
- Finishing machining processes
- Electrical discharge machining
2.3. Forming processes (3 h).
· Volumetric forming processes:
- Rolling
- Forging
- Extrusión
· Laminar forming processes:
- Cut
- Deep drawing
- Bending
2.4. Union process and assembly (3 h).
- Welding metallurgy
- Welding process
- Other union processes
Contents block 3. Manufacturing systems (Lesson 3) (3 h).
- Characterization and analysis.
- CNC programming.
- Tools.
Contents block 4. Metrology and Quality (Lessons 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10) (10 h).
4.1 Metrology (4 h).
- Inspection and industrial metrology.
- Measurement assessment.
- Systems and methods of measurement.
- Fits and tolerances
4.2 Quality (6 h).
- Basic concepts of quality.
- Quality planning.
- Quality in product design and process.
- Quality in manufacturing.
2) Problems and resolution practical cases (T2) (14 horas).
5.4. Course planning and calendar
In-person sessions and case studies calendar
The master classes, exercise resolution classes and the laboratory will be given according to the official schedule of the center (schedule available in the center’s website)
The rest of the activities will be scheduled considering the number of alumni and it will be informed with enough time to the interested
Every teacher will inform about his private tutoring available hours
The exams and official dates will be fixed by the Management Team of the center.
Apart from the bibliography, it is recommended the following material:
1- Subject notes and presentations
2- Exercises notes and Laboratory Guidelines.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
BB |
Ingeniería de la calidad / Raquel Acero ... [et al.] . - 2ª ed. Zaragoza : Centro Universitario de la Defensa, 2013 |
BB |
Kalpakjian, Serope. Manufactura, ingeniería y tecnología. Vol. 2, Procesos de manufactura / Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid ; traducción Javier Enríquez Brito ; revisión técnica Ulises Figueroa López, Francisco Sandoval Palafox, Jorge Eduardo Aguirre Aguilar . - 7ª ed. Naucalpan de Juárez (México) : Pearson Educación, 2014 |
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Valero Ruiz, Carlos. Introducción a los procesos de fabricación / autores Carlos Valero Ruiz, Juan Carlos De Francisco Moreno ; con la colaboración de Fernando Torres, Luis Berges, María José Oliveros . - 2ª ed. Zaragoza : Kronos, 2001 |
BC |
Boothroyd, Geoffrey. Fundamentos del corte de metales y de las máquinas- herramienta / Geoffrey Boothroyd Bogotá [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Latinoamericana, cop. 1978 |
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DeGarmo, E. Paul. Materiales y procesos de fabricación / E. Paul DeGarmo, J. Temple Black, Ronald A. Kohser ; [versión española por J. Vilardell] . - 2ª ed., reimp. Barcelona : Reverté, imp. 2002 |
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DIN 8580. Manufacturing processes - Terms and definitions, division. Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V. (German National Standard), 2003. |
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Groover, Mikell P.. Fundamentos de manufactura moderna : Materiales, procesos y sistemas / Mikell P. Groover . - 1a ed. México : Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, cop. 1997 |
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Hernández Riesco, Germán. Manual del soldador / Germán Hernádez Riesco ; Asociación Española de Soldadura y Tecnologías de Unión . - 18ª ed. Madrid : CESOL, D.L. 2007 |
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Kalpakjian, Serope. Manufactura, ingeniería y tecnología. Vol. 1, Tecnología de materiales / Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid ; traducción Jesús Elmer Murrieta Murrieta ; revisión técnica Ulises Figueroa López, Francisco Sandoval Palafo. 7ª ed. Naucalpan de Juárez (México) : Pearson Educación, 2014 |
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Pfeifer, Tilo. Manual de gestión e ingeniería de la calidad / Tilo Pfeifer, Fernando Torres . - 1ª. ed. española act. y amp., 1ª reimp. Zaragoza : Mira, 2002 |
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Planificación y gestión de la producción / Jesús A. Royo Sánchez, Alejandro Hernández Paricio, Luis Berges Muro, José Manuel Franco Gimeno . - 1ª ed. [Zaragoza : s. n.], 2002|f(Kronos) |
BC |
SCI, Guía para la expresión de la incertidumbre de medida de las calibraciones Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y turismo, Madrid, 1992. |