Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

29814 - Signals and systems

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29814 - Signals and systems
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
326 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Teruel
440 - Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering
444 - Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview



The course will be based on combining theoretical explanations with practical exercises, written assignments and laboratory work.

  1. Lectures will provide theoretical background on Signal and Systems fundamentals
  2. Case studies and problem solving will be worked out at the classroom
  3. The students will do laboratory work in small groups
  4. Written assignments will be proposed

Student participation is considered very important in order to acquire the learning outcomes and skills needed.




The learning process is based on:

  1. Theoretical lectures given to the whole group of students enrolled in the course. Lectures will explain the basic principles of the subject. A selection of problems will be solved at the end of each chapter.
  2. Laboratory sessions every 2 weeks.
  3. Supervised assignments (approximately every 2 weeks).
  4. Individual study.

5.2. Learning tasks

The guidelines designed in order to help students to reach the expected learning results include the following activities …



 Classroom activities 6 ECTS (60 hours)

1) Lectures (T1)  (30 hours):  Fundamentals of systems modelling and analysis, mixing theoretical concepts and practical applications.

2) Case studies (T2) (15 hours):  Examples and practical case studies with active participation of students.

3) Lab sessions (T3) (15 hours):  Five laboratory sessions related to system identification and simulation and signal analysis. Students have to prepare sessions in advance. This previous work will be evaluated in the laboratory.


Personal work: 3.6 ECTS (90 hours)


4) Assignments (T6) (10 hours):  Assignments for groups of two students related to modelling and simulation of a continuous system will be proposed

5) Personal study (T7) (76 hours):  Continuous study will be promoted among students. They can also attend tutorials to solve the specific problems they can face in the course

6) Evaluation activities (T8) (4 hours):  Assessment will be based on coursework (laboratory work and assignments) and final examination




1.     Theoretical lectures (30 hours, in classroom)

2.     Solving selected exercises and problems (15 hours, in classroom)

3.     Lab sessions (14 hours, in laboratory)

4.     Individual work, study (58 non-presential hours)

5.     Lecturer-student sessions (in lecturer’s office)

6.     Evaluation / assessment (5 hours, in classroom)

7.     Supervised assignments (28 hours; 14 in classroom + 14 non-presential)

5.3. Syllabus

1. Continuous-time systems modeling. 

  1.1 Representation of continuous-time signals.

  1.2 Modeling tools.

  1.3 Physical systems modeling.


2. Time-domain analysis of continuous-time systems. 

  2.1. Time-domain response of linear systems.

  2.2. Stability

  2.3. Transient response analysis.


3. Frequency-domain analysis of continuous-time signals and systems. 

  3.1. Fourier Transform.

  3.2. Frequency-domain transfer function.

  3.3. Bode and polar plots.


4. Discrete-event systems modeling and simulation.

  4.1. Discrete-event systems. State diagrams.

  4.2. Petri networks.

  4.3. Qualitative and quantitative properties. Analysis based on examples.

  4.4. Discrete-event and hybrid systems simulation.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Classroom and laboratory sessions take place according to the general schedule set by faculty board. Timetables will be published prior to the beginning of the course at the web of the EINA and EUPT

Each teacher will publish his tutoring hours. All the other activities will be planned and announced well in advance. It will be available at

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources



1. Slides, proposed exercices and lab sessions documentation, available at

2. Basic references:

  • P. H. Lewis, C. Yang: Sistemas de control en ingeniería (Prentice-Hall)
  • C. G. Cassandras, S. Lafortune: Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, (Springer)

3. Other references:

  • B. Kuo: Sistemas de control automático (Prentice-Hall). 1996.
  • Alan V. Oppenheim / Alan S. Willsky / S. Hamid Nawab: Señales y Sistemas (Prentice-Hall)
  • Silva, M.. Las Redes de Petri en la Automatica y la Informatica. AC, Madrid, 1985



Basic references:

  • Bolton, W., Ir ngeniería de control 2ª Edición, Ed. Alfaomega.
  • Lewis, P. H., Yang C., Sistemas de Control en Ingeniería, Ed. Prentice-Hall.
  • Kuo, B.C., Sistemas de Control Automático, Ed. Prentice-Hall.
  • Ogata, K., Ingeniería de Control Moderna, Ed. Prentice-Hall.
  • Ogata, K., Discrete-time control system, Ed. Prentice-Hall.
  • Oppenheim, A.V., Willsky, A.S., Nawab, S.H., Señales y Sistemas, Ed.Prentice-Hall.

Other references:

  • Ogata, K., Problemas de Ingeniería de Control utilizando MATLAB,  Ed. Prentice Hall.