29601 - Physics I
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
430 - Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering
Basic Education
5.2. Learning tasks
The planned subject’s learning activities are listed as follows:
Masterclasses T1 (43 hours) (classroom activity)
This activity is intended to present the basics of the discipline illustrated with practical examples in order to facilitate the understanding and assimilation of the concepts. Problem solving tasks and illustrative examples will take place in the practical sessions with the cooperation of students. Students will be encouraged to solve prior to the masterclasses some problems proposed by the professor. This activity will take place on-site in the classical classroom.
Laboratory sessions T3 (10 hours) (classroom activity)
Laboratory sessions’ scripts will be available for the students in the ADD. Scripts consist of a theoretical introduction and the steps to perform during the lab activity. Reading the script prior to attend to the laboratory session is a must for the student. Writing a full report including the main result is recommended after completing the lab sessions.
Supervised projects T6 (8 hours) (non-classroom activity)
This task could be:
1) Writing of the lab sessions’ reports.
2) The professor will propose topics for individual or team works about different subject’s parts. Students will be tutored during these tasks.
Study T7 (84 hours) (non-classroom activity)
It is of importance for the student to devote constant efforts, during the semester, for personal study, problem-solving tasks and writing lab sessions’ reports.
Assesment T8 (5 hours) (classroom activity)
The overall assessment is planned at the end of the semester, but the continuous assessment will be a learning tool for formative and summative assessment during the semester.In this way, students can check their learning during the progress of the course.
The professor’s tutoring timetable will be available for the student to ask question about the subject.
5.3. Syllabus
The syllabus for proposed to achieve the learning results is listed as follows:
Principles of mechanics
1. Kinematics.
2. Dynamics.
3. Rigid body dynamics.
4. Statics.
Applied mechanics
5. Oscillatory movement.
6. Elasticity.
7. Fluid dynamics.
8. Heat and temperature. Heat transfer.
9. Thermodynamics processes. First principle.
10. Thermal machines. Second principle.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Schedule for on-site sessions and reports’ deadline.
Schedule for the masterclasses, problem-solving sessions and laboratory sessions will be planned by the university center and will be published in the Center’s website. The remainder activities will be planned depending on the amount of students and the schedule will be provided in advance.
The professor will inform about the tutoring timetable.