Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29346 - Odontology: Nutrition and Diet

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29346 - Odontology: Nutrition and Diet
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
Second semester
Subject Type:

2.1. Learning goals

The student knows how to …

1. Describe the nutrient utilization (digestion, absorption and metabolism) of the most important nutrients in oral health and identify their relationship with it.

2. Classify foods according to their most important nutritional characteristics and recognize the current recommendations for a healthy diet.

3. Elaborate, justify, based on the most solid scientific evidence, and transmit clear recommendations on dietary measures for the maintenance and promotion of oral health and in those situations that require specific measures.

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology of this subject is oriented to the acquisition of the previously described learning goals. The planned activities include, on the one hand, theory sessions and, on the other hand, practical seminars aimed at the development of an essay.

It is highly recommended to participate actively in these activities throughout the semester

Classroom materials (theory and practical sessions notes) and information regarding the course (course syllabus, course planning, tutorial hours information, etc.) will be available via Moodle.

5.2. Learning tasks

As indicated in section 5.1., the course includes theory sessions and practical seminars aimed at the development of an essay.

In the theory sessions, conducted for the whole group, an overview of the scheduled topic for this session will be offered with special attention to those key concepts to understanding the topic. Furthermore, resources (books, web references, most relevant scientific articles, etc.) that will allow further preparation of the subject in greater depth will be recommended.

The seminar sessions will take place in two different ways. Those dedicated to solving problems begin with the problem statement to the whole group subsequently will be resolved in pairs and finally, the results will be shared. Those dedicated to reading and evaluation of scientific papers or analysis of clinical cases will be made by distributing students into groups of 4 that will work on the theme proposed according to the guidelines set by the teacher which will resolve questions that may arise throughout the process. The conclusions of the different seminars will be used for the elaboration of an assay.

The distribution of the 3 ECTS of the course is: 2 ECTS dedicated to theory sessions and 1 ECTS dedicated to the seminars.

The contents of these activities are included in section 5.3. Syllabus.



5.3. Syllabus

Lesson 1. Introduction to nutrition and dietetics.

Module 1.- Nutrients and other dietary components.

Lesson 2. Overview of nutrients and other dietary components.

Lesson 3. Carbohydrates and oral health.

Lesson 4. Vitamins and minerals involved in oral health.

Module 2.- Healthy eating.

Lesson 5. Overview of food sources of nutrients & the food groups.

Seminar session 1. Food labelling interpretation.

Lesson 6. Healthy eating: Food guides.

Lesson 7. Dietary habits assessment in the dental setting.

Module 3.- Dietary and nutritional factors in the prevention of oral diseases.

Seminar session 2. Analysis of clinical cases candidates to receive dietary advice by dental practitioners.

Seminar session 3. Scientific evidence on food and its relationship to tooth decay and erosion.

Seminar session 4. Scientific evidence about the influence of dietary and nutritional factors in the prevention of oral diseases.

Seminar session 5. Design of dietary advice for the maintenance and promotion of oral health and in those situations that require specific measures.

Seminar session 6. Presentation and discussion of recommendations on dietary measures prepared for each of the proposed cases.

5.4. Course planning and calendar


The schedule of the different sessions will be published in the corresponding course of ADDUnizar (Via Moodle) at the beginning of the second semester of the academic year.


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

(BB) Mataix Verdú, Francisco José. Nutrición para educadores / José Mataix Verdú (editor y autor general), Emilia Carazo Marín (coautora) . 2ª ed. Madrid : Diaz de Santos, D.L. 2005

(BB) Mataix Verdú, Francisco José.. Nutrición y alimentación humana. Vol. 1, Nutrientes y alimentos / José Mataix Verdú. Madrid : Oceano/Ergón, cop, 2006.

(BB) Nutrición en salud y enfermedad / editores Maurice E. Shils ... [et al.] . 9a. ed. México D.F., etc. : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2002.

(BB) Tablas de composición de alimentos : guía de prácticas / Olga Moreiras, Angeles Carbajal, Luisa Cabrera, Carmen Cuadrado. . 16a. ed. Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 2013.

(BB) Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria. Guía de la alimentación saludable. Disponible en:

(BC) Tratado de nutrición. Tomo IV, Nutrición clínica / Director Ángel Gil Hernández ; coordinadores Mercè Planas Vilà  ... [et al.] . 2ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Editorial Médica Panamericna, 2010.

(BC) Cuenca Sala, Emilio. Odontología preventiva y comunitaria : principios, métodos y aplicaciones / Emili Cuenca Sala, Pilar Baca García . 3ª ed., reimp. Barcelona : Masson, 2005

(BC) Krause dietoterapia / [editado por] L. Kathleen Mahan, Sylvia Escott-Stump, Janice J. Raymond.. 13a. ed. Amsterdam, Barcelona, etc. : Elsevier, cop. 2013.

(BC) Nutrición y dietética clínica / [editores] Jordi Salas- Salvadó ... [et al.] . 2a. ed., reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, 2009.