Academic Year:
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
29215 - Diet Therapy
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
29215 - Diet Therapy
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Subject Type:
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process is based on the following:
1. Model of progressive teaching and learning.
2. Learning based on problems and clinical cases.
3. Outsourced self-learning: The student will have enough material to be autonomous.
5.2. Learning tasks
The program includes the following activities in order to help students to achieve their expected results:
1. Regarding the theoretical content of the course. Total duration: 45 hours. Sessions dedicated to expose and explain the basic and necessary content in order to make them easy to undertand:
FIRST SEMESTER: September-January
a) Dietary Guideline. Progressive transition diets and diets changed in texture. Approximately 7 hours. Hospital diets design and planning is the base of this section, making specially incidence on the code and manual hospital diets, and developing standards based on the patients’ needs and hospital characteristics.
b) Therapeutic diets modified in energy and nutrients. Approximately duration 15 hours. These diets are characterized by a modification or control in energy or any macro or micro-nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals) either qualitative or quantitative mode.
c) Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in several diseases. Approximately 23 hours. Nutritional treatments are classified by organ and systems. The treatment take into account the most important aspects of hospital discharge dietary recommendations and nutritional guidelines for control and prevention of prevalent and / or specific chronic diseases. Some of these topics will be discussed in depth with practical contents of the subject to be developed throughout the academic year.
2. Regarding to the contents of practical development of the subject (45 total hours).
FIRST SEMESTER: September-January
a) Resolution of cases studies and problems (15 hours).
b) Laboratory Practices (30 hours).
3. Regardind the self-employment and personal study (135 hours). Some content may be related to the practical content of the subject and content of theoretical development. Also some of the content can serve for papers and exams’ preparation, obtaining and analyzing data, and it is useful to search information and complementary reading.
4. Regarding to the assessment tests (5 hours attendance). Different tests will be developed to verify and check the acquisition of both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquisition.
5.3. Syllabus
1. Regarding the theoretical content of the course (45 hours).
FIRST SEMESTER: September-January
a) Dietary Guideline. Progressive transition diets and diets changed in texture (7 hours).
- General Introduction to diet therapy: Study of the relationship between health and disease with food consumption. Bases of dietary prescription: Design and planning diets.
- Hospital dietary planning. Manual and hospital diets code. Methodology to develop a manual of hospital diets.
- Diets modifying the texture and consistency. Progressive diets or diets hospital transition: Water Diet or complete and incomplete liquid diet, semi-solid or semi-liquid diet, soft diet easily digestible and bland diet easy to chew, general characteristics and implementation stages of progressive diets, basal diet or standard diet hospital.
- Special diets and exploratory. Dietary modifications "pretest diagnosis."
b) Therapeutic diets modified in energy and nutrients (15 hours).
- Energy intake diets’ controlled: Low calorie diets, including their characteristics and types. Moderately low calorie diets, very low calorie diets (VLCD), and high-calorie diets.
- Diets controlled nutrient supply: Diets controlled in carbohydrate, lipid, protein and / or amino acids, fiber or waste, or mineral.
c) Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in several diseases (23 hours).
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in cardiovascular disease.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in the gastroesophageal pathology.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in the intestinal pathology.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in renal disease.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines on endocrine-metabolic disease (I): Obesity. Thinness and weight loss.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines on endocrine-metabolic pathology (II): Diabetes mellitus.
- Dietary management and nutritional guidelines in other diseases and special circumstances.
2. Regarding to the contents of practical development of the subject (45 total hours).
FIRST SEMESTER: September-January
a) Resolution of cases studies and problems (15 hours). Students must solve several exposure cases and problems with the help of the teacher, encouraging classroom work in groups. Some of these activities may be complemented by the autonomous student work and promoting personal study.
b) Laboratory Practices (30 hours). Practical sessions with personalized support in small groups of students, aimed at planning and developing therapeutic diets using computer software and appropriate documentary material support. Some of these activities can complement or be related to student self-employment and promoting personal study.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
The planning of the academic activities, the place of accomplishment and the distribution of the established groups will be displayed in a visible way (Moodle:
The report of the practical sessions can be delivered until the end of the course, on the date indicated by the teacher.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
1. Tratado de nutrición. Tomo IV, Nutrición clínica / Director Ángel Gil Hernández; coordinadores Mercè Planas Vilà ... [et al.] . 2ª ed. Madrid [etc.]: Editorial Médica Panamericna, 2010.
2. Manual de recomendaciones nutricionales al alta hospitalaria / Editores: M. Léon Sanz, S. Celaya Pérez, Álvarez J. 2ª Edición. Editorial Glosa, 2010.
3. Krause dietoterapia / [editado por] L. Kathleen Mahan, Janice L. Raymond. 14a. ed. Amsterdam, Barcelona, etc. : Elsevier, cop. 2017.
4. Alimentación hospitalaria. Vol. 1, Fundamentos / J. Alfredo Martínez Hernández ... [et al.] (editores) . Madrid : Díaz de Santos, D.L. 2013.
5. Alimentación hospitalaria. Vol. 2, Dietas hospitalarias / Marta Cuervo Zapatel, Aránzazu Ruiz de las Heras de la Hera (editores). Madrid : Díaz de Santos, D.L. 2013.
6. Mataix Verdú, Francisco José. Nutrición y alimentación humana. I, Nutrientes y alimentos / José Mataix Verdú. 2ª ed. Majadahonda : Ergón, cop. 2009.
7. Mataix Verdú, Francisco José. Nutrición y alimentación humana. II, Situaciones fisiológicas y patológicas / José Mataix Verdú. Nueva ed. ampliada Majadahonda : Ergón, cop. 2009.
8. Nutrición y dietética clínica / [editores] Jordi Salas- Salvadó ... [et al.] . 2a. ed., reimp. Barcelona [etc.]: Masson, 2009.
9. Manual de nutrición clínica y dietética / Gabriel Olveira Fuster (editor) . 2a. ed., reimp. Madrid: Díaz de Santos, 2008.
10. Shils ME, Shike M, Ross AC.. Modern Nutrition in Health and disease. Tenth edition; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Baltimore 2006.
11. Rodota L, Castro ME. Nutrición Clínica y Dietoterapia. Editorial Médica Panamericana; 1ª Edición 2012.