Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

445 - Degree in Tourism

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29116 - IT for Tourism
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview


Theoretical classes

Lectures by the teacher (theoretical support of the subject) and participatory by students.
Practical classes

Professor solves problems or case studies for illustrative purposes.
Individual activities and / or group.

Practicals and projects, either individually or in groups.

Visits to sites which are related to tourism and new technologies interest.
Expert talks

Exhibits on a particular topic related to the course. Given either by the teacher or invited professional sector.
Individual work


Written test and presentation of projects and practices.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...


Face generic activities

Theoretical classes

The theoretical concepts of the subject will be explained and illustrative practical examples will be developed to support the theory when it seems necessary.
Practical classes

Problems and case studies to complement the theoretical concepts studied will be made.
Expert talks

Focused on the introduction and / or deepening of certain items included in the planning of the course.

Not face generic activities

Study and assimilation of the theory presented in the theoretical and master classes.
Understanding and assimilation of problems and solved in practical classes practical cases.
Preparation of problems, solving proposed problems, etc.
Preparation of group practices, development of scripts and reports.
Preparation of the written tests of continuous assessment and final examinations.

Tutored autonomous activities

Seminars and tutorials
Reinforcement activities

5.3. Syllabus

Part I. Tools online

Free Software and Open Source
Introduction to intellectual property and data privacy
Google. Tools and searches
Management tools and presentations

Part II. web technology

Concepts and terminology web
Introduction to Web servers
Content Management Systems: the CMS WordPress
File and directory structure
Plugins and widgets
Introduction to SEO and search engine optimization
Online marketing tools: Google Analytics and Google Adwords
Social networks applied to the tourism sector:
Professional profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
LinkedIn personal profile as professional

Part III. Relational Databases

Introduction to databases
The relational model

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The calendar is set by the teacher who shall inform students in good time both in classes and in the moodle platform.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]


BC Chardonneau, Ronan. Posicionamiento y análisis del tráfico de su sitio web con Google Analytics. 2a. Barcelona: ENI, 2014
BC Krug, Steve. No me hagas pensar: una aproximación a la usabilidad de la web. - 2a. Madrid: Pearson, 2006
BC Mejia Llano, Juan Carlos. La guía avanzada del Community Manager: conviértete en un auténtico profesional, Madrid: Anaya, 2015
  Ayuda de Analytics (by Google) - []
  Ayuda de Search Console (by Google) - []
  (by Google) - Búsqueda en la Web - Analytics - Google Drive - Search Console, herramienta para webmasters - Gmail - Google Chrome - []
  Guía de licencias Open Source - []
  Guía para principiantes sobre optimización para motores de búsqueda (by Google) - []
  Guía para principiantes sobre optimización para motores de búsqueda (en pdf, by Google) - []
  Guía SEO para iniciados (by Moz) - []
  La Guía definitiva de SEO para WordPress (by Yoast) - []
  Manual online para WordPress (by WordPress) - []
  Manual online para WordPress (by WordPress) - []
  Principios sobre Bases de Datos Relacionales (en pdf, autor: Jorge Sánchez) - []