Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration

29014 - Legal Framework for Public Employment

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
29014 - Legal Framework for Public Employment
Faculty / School:
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

1. Attended class expository-participatory about the content of the lessons of the program.

2. Presentation of case studies and personal work under the system of continuous assessment.

3. Tutorials.

4. Written and objective tests of knowledge.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...

1:Expository-participatory classes: where all the lessons of the theoretical program will be explained and in which the teacher will give an overview of the topic focusing on those key concepts for the understanding of it. the active participation of students, inviting them to give their opinion on the issues that arise in class, especially those that deal with cases that have occurred and are or have been in the news as well as to raise questions and doubts will seek to enrich the debate. In the Digital Ring Teachers will be indicated in detail and precision university reference manual for the study and preparation of Part I of the course and will be made available to students teaching materials prepared by the teacher of the subject itself, for the preparation and study of part II. This study material is itself sufficient to successfully meet the tests, without it being necessary complement to any other. However, for those who want to delve into those issues that are of greatest interest, supplementary and voluntary study of other works from the described in additional basic bibliography is included at the end of this guide, and, especially, will be recommended in the most complete specific to be added to the program of the subject and may be available to students in the aDD at the beginning of each course.

2:The practical activities consist of each student individually must solve in law, all legal instruments at its disposal, problems and issues in each case are asked. These exercises are based on actual or hypothetical cases directly related to one or more of the legal institutions that have been explained in class. Once completed each job and delivered for teacher qualification, cases will be discussed and resolved collectively in class.

3:Directed work will focus on a predetermined agenda item or a part thereof or, finally, on a matter directly related to the content of the subject. It will consist of the student, guided by the teacher and with the help of the literature on the subject, draw up a not very extensive personal study (about 20 pages), but without giving an innovative treatment (since it is not a job research), it is sufficient to demonstrate that knows how to handle different sources of information, through them, to be able to develop a discourse on the issue raised.

4:In the tutorials, the teacher will guide the student on all elements of the learning process, both as regards general and approaches to specific issues or difficulties of individual character.

5.3. Syllabus

A more detailed program will be the ADD available to all students at the beginning of the course.

Part I: The public employment and public service

Chapter One: General system of public employment.

Lesson 1: The civil service and its historical evolution.

Lesson 2: classes of public employees.

Lesson 3: personnel management techniques.

Lesson 4: Access to public employment.

Lesson 5: Duties and incompatibilities of public employees.

Chapter Two: Legal status of public servants.

Lesson 6: The administrative career.

Lesson 7: Administrative situations and termination of the service relationship.

Lesson 8: Individual Rights.

Lesson 9: Disciplinary measures and responsibility.

Part II: Trade union rights of public employees

Chapter One: Freedom of association.

Lesson 1: Subject, content and protection of freedom of association.

Lesson 2: The union representation. Public employee unions.

Chapter Two: The collective representation.

Lesson 3: The unitary representation of public employees (I): workforce.

Lesson 4: The unitary representation of public (and II) employees: civil servants and statutory.

Lesson 5: The union representing public employees.

Lesson 6: The right of assembly of public employees.

Chapter Three: Collective bargaining.

Lesson 7: Collective bargaining labor staff.

Lesson 8: Collective bargaining for civil servants and collective bargaining for all public employees.

Chapter Four: The institutional action of the unions.

Lesson 9: Social dialogue and institutional representation.

Chapter Five: Collective conflicts and strikes.

Lesson 10: Collective disputes and their resolution.

Lesson 11: The strike of public employees.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

-The Timetable for the presentation of case studies and staff directed work communicates through the ADD.

- He estimated that an average student should devote to this subject, 12 ECTS, about 300 hours, including both classroom and non classroom activities. The commitment must be shared by the student in a balanced way throughout the course, recommending once again not leave all the work to the end. With this provision, the burden of student hours proposed is as follows:

Attendance to theoretical classes: 75 hours

Attendance to practical classes: 50 hours

Tutoring assistance: 12

Autonomous student work (case preparation, study): 160

Exams: 8 hours

Total student work: 300 (12 ECTS)

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic bibliography / BC: Complementary bibliography]

BB Palomar Olmeda, Alberto : Derecho de la función pública : régimen jurídico de los funcionarios públicos / Alberto Palomar Olmeda. - 11ª ed. Madrid : Dykinson, 2016
BB Sánchez Morón, Miguel. Derecho de la función pública / Miguel Sánchez Morón . 9ª ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 2016
BC Alfonso Mellado, Carlos Luis. Los derechos colectivos de los empleados públicos en el estatuto básico . 1a. ed. Albacete : Bomarzo, 2008.
BC Comentarios a la Ley del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público / Miguel Sánchez Morón (director) . 2ª ed. Valladolid: Lex Nova, 2008
BC Manual de empleo público : (instituciones, relaciones sindicales y marco legal del personal de las administraciones públicas) / autores José Luis Monereo Pérez ... [et al.] . Granada : Comares, 2010
BC Manual de empleo público / Federico A. Castillo Blanco, director ; Javier E. Quesada Lumbreras, coordinador ; autores, Josefa Cantero Martínez ... [et al.] . 1ª ed. Madrid : Iustel, 2009