Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration

29013 - Labour Relations and Social Protection

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29013 - Labour Relations and Social Protection
Faculty / School:
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this discipline is based on the following. The professor will use different methodologies depending on the characteristics of every didactic unit.

1.Theoretical classes. Individual study and work. The professor will explain the basic notions of the program. Students will supplement this with readings that will be recommended in the bibliograghy.

2. Resolution of practical cases. Individual study and work. Students must solve proposed problems with help of 29013 - Labour Relations and Social Protection legislation, jurisprudence and social doctrine.

3.Elaboration and presentation of directed essay. Individual study and work. Students will prepare these works after attending tutorship meetings.

5.2. Learning tasks

The student will be helped to achieve these aims by the following activities...

1.Theoretical classes. The theoretical classes will consist of magisterial lessons. Besides transmiting the main notions of the discipline in a clear, systematic, synthetic and pleasant form, professor will try to encourage the students participation in the classes and individual study.

2.Practical cases. The professor will provide practical exercises to the students who will solve them following the instructions published in this guide and in the terms of reference of each exercise. Most of the time, students will have to work individually and write and essay that will be delivered to the professor in time. Exercises can also be solved in the classes.

3. Elaboration and presentation of directed essay. Professor will propose several topics related to the discipline and student will write an essay and make an oral  presentation of it, after following the instructions published in this guide and the professor´s  recommendations and directions. 

5.3. Syllabus


ISSUE ONE: INTRODUCTION: Labour Law: concept and functions. Labour contract.

ISSUE TWO: EMPLOYMENT AT THE PUBLIC SERVICE. CONTRACT BASIS: Introductory remarks about the Public employees. Contract basis at Spanish public sector.

ISSUE THREE: Employment contract in the Public Service (I): Contractual staff in the Public Service. Public Administration as a labour employer. Legal regime of labour contract in the Public Service. Access to public employment.

ISSUE FOUR: Employment contract in the Public Service (II): Determination of contractual conditions and job

classification system. Rights and duties of contractual staff: peculiarities. Career development. Working time. Employee benefits.

ISSUE FIVE: Employment contract in the Public Service (III): Contractual arrangements. Temporary contract.

ISSUE SIX: Employment contract in the Public Service (IV): Amendmends and vicissitudes of labour contracts. Disciplinary regime: peculiarities

ISSUE SEVEN: Employment contract in the Public Service (V): Labour contracts termination regime

ISSUE EIGHT: Employment contract in the Public Service (VI): Special rules for some employees.


ISSUE NINE: Social Protection of public employees (I). Social Security General Regime and public employees: Subjects included. Social Security status. Funding resources. Protective action.

ISSUE TEN: Social Protection of public employees (II). Social Security General Regime and public employees: protective action and benefits.

ISSUE ELEVEN: Social Protection of public employees (III). Social Security special regimes: State civil servants. Armed Forces. Administration of Justice.

ISSUE TWELVE: Social Protection of public employees (IV). State pensioners legal regime.Complementary social protection.


ISSUE THIRTEEN: Public employees occupational risk prevention (I): Health and work. Occupational risk and prevention.  Public Service risk prevention legal obligations.

ISSUE FOURTEEN: Public employees occupational risk prevention (II): Organizational systems of preventive activities. Public employees participation and representation in occupational risk prevention. Responsabilities

ISSUE FIFTEEN: Public employees occupational risk prevention (III):  Public employees legal  obligations and responsibilities.Occupational risk prevention particularities

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of meetings attend them and presentation of works

During the first fourth-month period will be studied the first part of the program (Public Service formal labour relationship) and will fit to the second fourth-month to approach the second and third part of it (Public employees social protection and Occupational risk prevention in the Public Service). Along the year  the professor will establish the deadline of students works.


Formative and evaluation activities



Activities at the classroom

120 hours


Theoretical classes

2 hours a week


Practical classes

2 hours a week


actividades no presenciales

180 hours


Individual work (exam preparation, practical cases and essay preparation)

174 hours



6 hours


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic blibliography / BC: Complementary bibliography]

BB Desdentado Daroca, Elena. Las relaciones laborales en las Administraciones públicas / Elena Desdentado Daroca Albacete : Bomarzo, 2016
BB Igartua Miró, M.T. Sistema de prevención de riesgos laborales / M.T. Igartua Miró . Madrid : Tecnos [Comentario del profesor: Última edición publicada]
BB Lecciones de Seguridad Social / Juan Gorelli Hernández ... [et al.] . 6ª ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 2016
BB López Gómez, José Manuel. La relación laboral especial de empleo público : estudio de su régimen jurídico tras el Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público / José Manuel López Gómez ; prólogo de Jesús Cruz Villalón . Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas, 2009
BB Merino Segovia, Amparo. Las condiciones de trabajo de los empleados públicos / Amparo Merino Segovia . Albacete : Bomarzo, 2014
BB Ramos Moragues, Francisco. El personal laboral de las administraciones públicas / Francisco Ramos Moragues . 1a. ed. Las Rozas (Madrid) : La Ley, 2011
BB Vallejo Dacosta, Ruth. Marco jurídico de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo / Ruth Vallejo Dacosta y Vicente Lafuente Pastor . 3ª ed. Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2016
BC Comentarios a la Ley 7/2007, de 12 de abril, del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público / Alberto Palomar Olmeda, Antonio V. Sempere Navarro (directores) ; R. Yolanda Quintanilla Navarro (coordinadora) ; autores, Ana María Alvarez Moreno ... [et al.] . 2ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Aranzadi, 2009
BC Derecho del empleo público / directoras María Antonia Pérez Alonso, Beatriz Belando Garín, Gemma Fabregat Monfort ; autores Carlos L. Alfonso Mellado ... [et al.] Valencia : Tirant Lo Blanch, 2013
BC Manual de empleo público / Federico A. Castillo Blanco, director ; Javier E. Quesada Lumbreras, coordinador ; autores, Josefa Cantero Martínez ... [et al.] . 1ª ed. Madrid : Iustel, 2009
BC Parada Vázquez, José Ramón. Derecho del empleo público / Ramón Parada . Madrid [etc.] : Marcial Pons, 2007
BC Rodríguez Escanciano, Susana. Despidos y otras medidas de (re)estructuración de plantillas laborales en el sector público / Susana Rodríguez Escanciano / Susana Rodríguez Escanciano Madrid : Fundación Democracia y Gobierno Local : Iustel, 2013
BC Roqueta Buj, Remedios. La reestructuración de las plantillas laborales en las administraciones públicas : el Real Decreto-Ley 3-2012 / Remedios Roqueta Buj Valencia : Tirant lo blanch, 2012