Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration

29010 - Social Research:Techniques and Methods

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
29010 - Social Research:Techniques and Methods
Faculty / School:
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

Learning process:

  1. Lectures. Student autonomous work. During sessions main theoretical concepts will be explain by the teacher. Students will add concepts reading recommended references.
  2. Practicum. Public presentations and an individual design of a research project will be done by each student, showing all the methods phases and basic research structure.
  3. Presentations: at least three different practices will be done as individual and group work. Class Presentations.


Learning Activities


Learning-Teaching Methods

Lectures and teacher systemic conceptualization.

Lectures. Debates and discussions. Individual Student work.


Research Project Design following the basic methodology steps.

Students will present it both oral and written.

Students Reports


Autonomous work student oriented in tutorials.

The Research Project will include the field work based on different research techniques, all:

-Interviews application




5.2. Learning tasks

  1. Lectures. Student autonomous work. During sessions main theoretical concepts will be explain by the teacher. Students will add concepts reading recommended references.
  2. Practicum. Public presentations and an individual design of a research project will be done by each student, showing all the methods phases and basic research structure.
  3. Individual work and class presentation. Students will do the third part of the research design such as fieldwork research: deep interviews, surveys and transcriptions, analysis and final report.

5.3. Syllabus

Thematic Block I: Foundations of Social Research

Topic 1: Social Research Methodology

Scientific Knowledge

Scientific method and social sciences methods

Prospects approach to social reality

Methodological Pluralism

Thematic Block II: Research Design

Topic 2: Research Organization

Research Project

Research Problem Formulation

Operationalization of the Research Problem

Research Design

Topic 3: Methodological Triangulation

Why Triangulation

Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Techniques

Triangulation Design

Thematic Block III: Quantitative Research Techniques

Topic 4: Secondary Sources

Secondary Analysis and Secondary Sources

Secondary Sources Typology

Topic 5: The Surveys

Concepts and activities in a research based on survey including main steps and all characteristics

Thematic Block IV: Qualitative Research Techniques

Topic 6: The interview


Interviews types

Informants Selection

Interview delopment

Data transcription

Data Analysis

Topic 7: Content Analysis

Content Analysis Applications

Text and context

Content Analysis Steps

Topic 8: Life Stories

What is a Life Story

Life Story Research Steps

Topic 9: Group Interviews and Disccussion Groups        

Group Dynamics

Group Utilities

Research Design based on Group Techniques

Bloque Temático V: Research Results and Discussion

Topic 10: Final Report


Practicum Programme

Practices 1 and 2: Readings and Case Studies: researchs using different methods.

Practice 3. Secondary Sources with Official Databases

Practice 4. Research Project Design I: Problem Statement

Practice 5. Research Project Design II: Problem Operazionalization.

Practices 6, 7 & 8: Research Project Design III: Research Objectives, Hypothesis, Method Selection.


Individual Work Programme

During Academic Year Students will do a fieldwork based on interviews, surveys, transcription, data analysis and final report.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Face sessions and oral presentations

150 hours is the subject student involvement, it means 6 ECTS. On this time, work will include presencial activities and home work ones. 

Working time (in hours):
Attendance to theoretical classes: 40
Attendance to practical classes: 20
Tutoring assistance: 10
Preparation of lectures: 10
Preparation for practical classes: 15
Preparation of practical works: 35
Exam Preparation: 15
Testing: 5

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic bibliography / BC: Complementary bibliography]

  • [BB] Ander-Egg, Ezequiel. Técnicas de investigación social / Ezequiel Ander-Egg . 21a. ed., 8a. reimp. México : El Ateneo, 1997
  • [BB] Cea D'Ancona, María Angeles. Metodología cuantitativa : Estrategias y técnicas de investigación social / Mª Angeles Cea D'Ancona . 3ª reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, 2001
  • [BB] Corbetta, Piergiorgio. Metodología y técnicas de investigación social / Piergiorgio Corbetta . Ed. rev. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, 2010
  • [BB] El análisis de la realidad social : métodos y técnicas de investigación / compilación de Manuel García Ferrando ... [et al.] . 4ª ed., 1ª reimpr. Madrid : Alianza, 2016
  • [BB] Ispizua, M. y Lavia, C. (2016). La investigación como proceso : Planificación y desarrollo. Madrid : Dextra Editorial
  • [BB] Ruiz Olabuénaga, José Ignacio. Teoría y práctica de la investigación cualitativa / José Ignacio Ruiz Olabuénaga . Bilbao : Universidad de Deusto, 2012
  • [BB] Valles Martínez, Miguel S. : Entrevistas cualitativas / Miguel S. Valles . - 2ª ed. rev. y ampl. Madrid : Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2014
  • [BB] Valles Martínez, Miguel S.. Técnicas cualitativas de investigación social : reflexión metodológica y práctica profesional / Miguel S. Valles . 4a. reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, 2007
  • [BC] Alvira Martín, Francisco. La encuesta : una perspectiva general metodológica / Francisco Alvira Martín . Madrid : Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, D.L. 2004 [Cuadernos Metodológicos 35]
  • [BC] Azofra, María José. Cuestionarios / María José Azofra . 1a. ed., 1a. reimp. Madrid : Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2000 [Cuadernos Metodológicos 26]
  • [BC] Callejo Gallego, Javier. Proyectos y estrategias de investigación social : la perspectiva de la intervención / autores, Javier Callejo Gallego, Antonio Viedma Rojas . Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 2010
  • [BC] Los dos métodos de las Ciencias Sociales / Francisco Alvira...[et al.] . 2ª ed. Madrid : Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 1980 [Colección Monografías 18]
  • [BC] Ruiz Olabuenaga, José Ignacio. Metodología de la investigación cualitativa / José Ignacio Ruiz Olabuenaga . 3a. ed. Bilbao : Universidad de Deusto, 2003
  • [BC] Trucos del oficio de investigador : casos prácticos de investigación social / Daniel Guinea-Martín (coord.) Barcelona : Gedisa, 2012

Listado de URL

  • Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas [http://www.cis.es/cis/opencms/ES/index.html]
  • Conde, F. (1990) Un ensayo de articulación de las perspectivas cuantitativa y cualitativa en la investigación social REIS, 51/90 [http://www.reis.cis.es/REIS/PDF/REIS_051_07.pdf]
  • European Social Survey [http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/]
  • Fernández, L. ¿Cómo se elabora un cuestionario? Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona [http://www.ub.edu/ice/recerca/pdf/ficha8-cast.pdf]
  • Instituto Nacional de Estadística [http://www.ine.es/]